Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
People will find out the royal bloodline has been illegitmate for quite some time.
I’m sure this has happened time and time again over the past centuries.
But the only legitimate bloodline I know of related to the crown currently resides in the United States.
All truth will be revealed.

Jesus was born a man, but Divine Jehovah fathered Jesus. From the moment od birth Jesus began a process of becoming Divine by allowing the hells to attack Him and overcoming every evil spirit. He overcame the world, He defeated evil once and for all. It took every moment of His 33 years on Earth and the temptation on the cross to become fully Divine. He united His human essence to His Divine essence and His Divine essence to His human essence. He is the Divine Human. He removed the natural human from Mary, there is nothing left of her in Him. That is the meaning of His words to her at the end, Woman what have thou to do with Me? To think of Jesus in natural terms, like bloodlines, denies His Divinity. He is the one true God of Heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and unseen. There is no natural man or family that shares these qualities. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords to eternity. He has foreseen and taken care of all possibilities and consequences. Nothing can stop His Word.

This is what I wrote after one day In 1987, when I was desperate and hopeless:
[ I prayed,
“Please God, I don’t believe you are there,
But if you are, I need help.”
Later, I said another prayer:
“Please, God,
Let me fall asleep
And never wake up.”
Somehow, with absolutely no belief or faith.
Somehow, although I was the least deserving,
God heard me. On August 22,
I saw Jesus in a dream. His simple message to me,
“It’s okay.
It’s okay.
It’s okay,”
Until I finally heard.
Then I looked up into light
Bouncing from Jesus, to me, to my soul.
I saw with the eyes of both my body and my soul.
A few seconds of His abounding love, enough for eternity.
I awoke the next morning,
And thought, “Everything will be okay. It’s okay.”
And, somehow, it was.]
But I make no claims to know very much about God or Jesus, except that my spirit was healed and I am forever grateful.

Thanks be to Jesus! He is our eternal God and King. Without Him we can do nothing. He loves the whole human race though we fall short. I saw Him once in my mind during a nightmare as the man who gave me a hand up in the dark out of the muck onto the road who told me to hold on to his belt so I wouldn’t fall back in. Everything is truly going to be okay. God bless you Every Time.

Yes, remembering these personal miracles makes us know that everything is going to be okay. After I wrote to you, I as overwhelmed with emotion. And I knew there is no worry, even if we may never know the whole truth, everything is truly going to be okay. God bless you, Anuenue Patriot. God bless us all.
A sweet and encouraging message...