Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
People will find out the royal bloodline has been illegitmate for quite some time.
I’m sure this has happened time and time again over the past centuries.
But the only legitimate bloodline I know of related to the crown currently resides in the United States.
All truth will be revealed.

"Seek wisdom, not knowledge, knowledge is of the past, wisdom is of the future." - Proud California Trump supporter ... 🔥
All I know is that Patton looks like Donald Trump .. there is no escaping this fact ..... I believe this chart .. My gut instinct says it is accurate .... and my gut instinct is usually right .... like 90% of the time. This is not the first time I heard this story about Abe Lincoln being related to the people in the chart ... Really makes you think .

As I wrote with this post:
"Someone posted this a while back. So I don't know how accurate it is, however, with enough information, at least some of it can be verified. (or more or most of it)"
Were they brothers? Good question. I don't know how accurate this chart is. But some of it seems to be pointing in the right direction.