whiterabbit Bo7
3 years ago

whiterabbit Bo7

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“Basically, if the auditors from Maricopa prove that the county was won by fraud, Trump should technically be allowed to file a lawsuit with the intent to annul the election results in Maricopa County. If he succeeds in annulling the results of Maricopa County, then technically he will win all (!) Of the electoral votes from Arizona. If that happens in a couple more states, then it is entirely possible that he will officially gain enough electoral votes to become the winner of the presidency. Since Congress has already constitutionally approved Biden, there is the possibility of entering a constitutional crisis in which the Supreme Court will have to examine the evidence and preside. What the Supreme Court will ultimately decide to do in this scenario is anyone's guess. ”
Don't forget how corrupt the US Supreme Court is. We are already convinced of everything. Remember what Q said: "The only way is military."

"A ton of red tablets have been unloaded on Turkish TV.

The first map of the globalists was a technological weapon called the Covid-19 coronavirus (...) There, in Suez, the nationalist forces are conducting an operation involving Turkey, Israel, Egypt and Qatar. Evergreen is an operation. This container ship was transporting very important contents. These containers contained the products of a 30 year plan, a 30 year investment (...)

We are nearing the end of this whole crown game. "

CNN Director ADMITS Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump from Presidency … ‘Our Focus Was to Get Trump Out of Office’ … ‘I Came to CNN Because I Wanted to Be a Part of That’


"Forbes magazine has published the current list of the richest people in the world and President Trump is on it again. However, during his presidency, Trump's net worth has decreased by $ 1 billion.
No person in the history of the world could have given up a greater fortune to serve their country."

Medical Doctors Worldwide Warn For Covid Vaccines


About the subtle and invisible side of what is happening.

About vaccination.
“As for the injected vaccinations. They really cut off a person from his energetic connection with the soul. It is about lowering your energy level so that ascension, again, becomes impossible, and taking this vaccine will mean that you will be a victim of their system for the rest of your life. And this will mean that outside interference will be required, and we have permission to intervene on your behalf, only because your free will has been taken away from you.
This vaccination is, so to speak, the last straw. If you survive this last withdrawal of your free will, you will be in safe hands for salvation.
Many die from this vaccination, and there is of course a reason for this, and it is because they have been denied their life energy. In such cases, the soul sometimes leaves the body as it releases itself back into the ether instead of being captured by negative entities. So death is the liberation o

From a patriot:

"Why now they want to keep us from Trump's old tweets too? This is unprecedented, so why now? Is it because everything he warned about is coming true? Every prediction was accurate. They don't want the sheep that once mocked him to see that he was right from the start? You cannot stop the light. DeepState. PANIC!"


Top Scientists Join DeSantis to Slam Masks, Mandates, and Tyranny


EXCLUSIVE - Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

From subscriber:

I was stuck on your phrase "at what stage will the world rise and say NO?"
For the last month I have been asking myself this question a lot. It's hard to believe in what is happening and everything really resembles a film.

Here is a photo from the beaches of France. I don't even know if this is true or a performance for sleeping ...
One in a million examples that every day a lot of events happen (we are made clear what is REALLY happening), but sleepers always have a "reasonable" explanation for any situation.

Just a guy trying to connect the dots.

Starting to look like COVID-19 vaccines = high risk, low reward.

“Scientists have found that the vaccines can provide immunity for at least seven to nine months.”


"You are dangerous when fully awake. They are afraid of this and want you to fall asleep again. Don't let anyone offend you by making fun of critical thinking. This is a real enemy, as bad as the media. The only crazy idea remains unexplored. Conspiracy theory is a term coined by the CIA to encourage you to continue to blindly accept the narrative of mainstream media. Too late, the genie can't be put back in the bottle. The army is waking up and rising. From here onward and upward is the only way further."

"Putin explained why he did not take the vaccine in front of the cameras. According to him, he did not want to act like "monkey".

“Do we really have to play monkey with you, or what, do we have to do as someone else does somewhere?” He asked a journalist on one of the Russian TV channels.
“Well, probably not, because if at such a level someone wants to falsify something there, to cheat someone, it's not difficult to do it. You can show this injection, but in fact, inject saline, anything you like, kefir, some kind of orange juice. Just kidding, of course, just vitamins. Well, this is not serious, in my opinion, ”Putin added."

Facebook has partially blocked the account of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.
The reason was Maduro's January publication, in which he called the carvativir a way to cure COVID-19. The president's page will be read-only for a month.
A spokesperson for the platform explained that "Facebook is following the guidance of the World Health Organization, which claims that there is currently no cure for this disease."

Stand for the 🇺🇸 | Kneel at the ✝️ | Trust the plan 🐸

Open the containers!

Just a guy trying to connect the dots.

Graham gets it.

Think NASA, CIA, and DISNEY. All connected.

"Remember, when everything seems crazy, it only means that we are nearing the end of the largest operation known to mankind involving the white hats.
A terrible event is to scare you and awaken the masses.
Those who are awake will love the ride.
The good news is, the sheep will wake up one way or another. Either the easy way or the shock. I advise you to listen to other people who are aware of what is happening. Don't laugh, whine, or complain. They are ready to help you if you need it.
Buckle up.
If you think that Joe Biden is the president, you are sleeping like a dead dream. Litmus test?
Ask if this is really Joe Biden? This speaks for itself. All those who claim that "Trump is sold to the deep state," I group in the category of paid trolls. It is impossible to talk to them."

Qack Dorsey: "We made a total mistake."
Twitter CEO admitted blocking stories about the president's son Hunner Bidan ahead of last year's US elections was a "total mistake." Dorsey made the announcement during a hearing at the Energy and Commerce Committee, which was also attended by the CEOs of Facebook and Alphabet.
“We made a total mistake with the New York Post, we fixed it within 24 hours,” Dorsey said. “It was not related to content, but to the policy of hacking materials. We had a wrong interpretation. We do not write politics in accordance with any particular political views. "
When Dorsey was asked if anyone in the "censorship department" was responsible for the mistake, he declined to answer. “We don't have a censorship department,” Dorsey said.
We are talking about the events of last year, when it became known about Hunter Biden's laptop, which contained a lot of compromising information. The New York Post was one of the first to write about this, but Twitter immediately