Wetiko Freaks
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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
It's seems that Trump is the stooge for the grand military psyop where space is glamorized, and a fascist collusion of government is evident, with a dual level of satellite communications and solar power generation. Giant microwave beams will carry energy to an energy-starved planet. Does this fit with the climate narrative being pushed, yet this appears to be what the globalists and their bankers want. https://rumble.com/v3nh3ad-dig-it-202-space-the-new-frontier-for-the-control-grid-special-report.html

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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
Fauci’s latest folly proves he’s incompetent as a trustworthy communicator https://nypost.com/2021/08/28/faucis-latest-folly-proves-hes-incompetent-as-a-trustworthy-communicator/

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Fauci says mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for students a ‘good idea’ - requiring students to receive COVID-19 vaccinations is a “good idea,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said as the nation heads into back-to-school season. https://nypost.com/2021/08/29/fauci-says-mandatory-covid-vaccines-for-students-good-idea/

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New Orleans mayor calls for residents outside of levee system to evacuate ahead of Hurricane Ida landfall https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hurricane-ida-new-orleans-mayor-evacuation-levee-system-landfall/
New Orleans is a government of pathetic excuses and rationale. Lots of residents looking for excuses to stay and battle the storm in their homes while expecting authorities to save and feed them

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Lies spring from their lips with hardly a thought to prop up their cherished narrative. “The Taliban and Haqqani Network are separate entities,”
(see video)
The AQ-allied Haqqani Network is an integral part of the Taliban. Sirajuddin Haqqani has been deputy emir of the Taliban since 2015. The Haqqanis’ special forces are some of the Taliban’s most effective fighters. This is not disputable.
And this is who provides the security at the airport and in Kabul. https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2017/06/taliban-again-affirms-haqqani-network-is-an-integral-part-of-group.php

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The Supremes: Scores of evictions coming for rent deadbeats https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/supreme-court-blocks-biden-eviction-moratorium https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-blocks-biden-administration-s-eviction-moratorium-n1277765

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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
The Many Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm Your Health https://niapurenaturecom.wordpress.com/2021/05/31/the-many-ways-in-which-covid-vaccines-may-harm-your-health/

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Dr. Sean Brooks to SW Ohio School Board: “THE VAX WILL CAUSE YOUR DEATH” He told them what the jabs were going to do to them. It was if he had said nothing. Masks were reinstituted for all people inside all buildings on this night as well. Tyrants. Mass non-participation, permanently, is the only way.

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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
A Bill Has Been Introduced In Congress That Would Ban Tens Of Millions Of Americans From Flying - Before this pandemic, it would have been unimaginable... [we know who the enemy is -anyone supporting it- so pay attention!] https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bill-has-been-introduced-congress-would-ban-tens-millions-americans-flying

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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
New record for illegal immigrant kids at border https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/aug/5/new-record-illegal-immigrant-kids-border/

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Huzzah! Huzzah! to the old stone hed.
Scoffs at the law, so de-mented,
The liar-in-chief turns blue to blood red,
Laughs at the Court and makes more ded.
What do you do to a cat like that?
Impeach him now 'fore he kills your rug rats.
Aren't you talking about it yet? No. I'm 'fraid.
But the fear won't stop 'til you get stayed...
And dirt sprays your plastic casket.
Wake up and talk about impeaching old stone hed.
He's in violation of federal law and refuses to acknowledge this.

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This is rather upsetting.., shocking..
This is how graphene reacts when exposed to electromagnetic discharges
Graphene tends to organize itself, creating a grid when exposed to EMF. Let's remember that La Quinta Columna has already warned us about the toxicity of this nanomaterial that had been silently introduced into the population through physiological saline, vaccines (Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Vaxigrip Tetra), masks, PCR tests, and other administration routes under investigation.
The following video serves as an example, so you can speculate what it does once into the body.

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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
The FDA announced today that the CDC PCR test for COVID-19 has failed its full review.
Its Emergency Use Authorization has been REVOKED.
It is a Class I recall. The most serious type of recall.
Too many false POSITIVES!
This is the test that started the pandemic.
The test used in all the nursing homes in Washington and New York.
This was the ONLY test in use until May of 2020.

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Anyone want to guess why “99% of all hospitalized patients with#COVID19 are unvaccinated!”? Because it’s policy NOT to test vaccinated people when they come in.

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"For those who may have some difficulty in understanding how mass vaccination in the heat of a pandemic drives viral immune escape, it will suffice to watch infectivity and morbidity rates in those countries who have now succeeded in vaccinating millions of people in just a few weeks (e.g., UK, Israel, USA)."
— Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

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OK look at how they’re doing this, lying.
CDC says that 85% of new cases are Delta variant, sounds scary right?
85% sound scary until you realize that it’s 26 people in New York State, a population of 20 million,
They probably had 30 “new cases” so the 26 comprised 85%!!!
This my friends, is how you gin up sufficient fear, to foment a Civil War between the vaccinated in the unvaccinated

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So the government is finally sending a "criminal referral" on Fauci the fraud - to what end we can only guess.
Fauci Blows Up When Rand Paul Accuses Him of Lying to Congress About Wuhan Research https://www.westernjournal.com/fauci-blows-rand-paul-accuses-lying-congress-wuhan-research/

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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
The original#covid#vaccine "disinformation" of Biden and Harris -#PSYOP#Propaganda

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Post-Vaccine Vascular Syndrome
Dr. Charles Hoffe's preliminary research with vaccinated patients shows despite the morphology of macro-scale blood clots being absent from scans, recently vaccinated patients were testing positive for elevated levels of D-dimer (a protein fragment produced in recently dissolved blood clots). Biodistribution studies (https://t.me/LeakyVax/203) have revealed the lipid nanoparticle enters circulation, and post-mortem histopathology has demonstrated the spike protein itself induces cellular pathology (https://t.me/LeakyVax/95).
Dr. Hoffe proposes a mechanism of pathology outlined in this figure in which the mRNA payload is taken up by endothelial cells in capillaries, and the resulting surface presenting spike proteins disrupt laminar flow, triggering a clotting cascade and forming microclots, straining the heart due to changes in flow and pressure, and creating shortness of breath due to damaged lung vasculature.