Wetiko Freaks
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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
curious criminals aren't they?

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
Gavin Newsom Blames ‘White Supremacists’ as Recall Effort Roars Toward a Statewide Ballot - doesn't blame himself, his politics, or approach. [Few are happy except for the Guv, and he's pointing the finger, he has no blame]
Gavin Newsom Is Blaming 'White Supremacists' as Recall Effort Roars Toward a Statewide Ballot
'For him to continue to label the people’s campaign as extremist is sad, pathetic and just goes to show how out of touch he really is.'
Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
If it is the video is mismarked.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
yes, similar attitude, and no less racist.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
I would say this. Venezuela – when a formerly prosperous nation is mismanaged, things like this happen – shortage and more mismanagement. https://www.explica.co/venezuela-rations-diesel-supply-to-carriers-fuel-shortage-worsens/
Venezuela rations diesel supply to carriers, fuel shortage worsens – Latest News, Breaking News, Top News Headlines
By Tibisay Romero and Mircely GuanipaVALENCIA, Venezuela Mar 7 (.) - The state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela began to ration the supply of diesel to carriers in the South American country, according to four sources in the sector, as fuel imports fall due to the United States sanctions and the crisis ..
Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
Hey wake up! Being coerced into taking a jab for the job? VERY IMPORTANT! ARTICLE: Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a#covid-19#vaccine distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization.
Employers can't require Covid-19 vaccination under an EUA - STAT
Organizations are free to encourage Covid-19 vaccination by employees and others, but federal law prohibits them from requiring it.
Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
Hey, it's a start.... going to court might have an effect.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
note that he didn't apologize to the families of the dead, but to a bunch of politicians...

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
so stylish until you realize it's permanent, like forever.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
In the past, I would agree with you, but since we adopted legal precedence as law so long ago, it's come down to this... a socialist tyranny.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
Gaps in fencing, going around fencing, sneaking through ports of entry, crossing the river where there is no fencing...

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
Reports are that largely empty hospitals are all the rage in the USA. What is your report?

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
What has always been "policy" that affects only government now is seen as "law" that affects real people, without being codified.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
New York Admits Knowingly Undercounting Nursing Home Deaths After Quietly Changing Reporting Rules [lies and murderous policies held up as great choices] https://dailycaller.com/2020/05/15/new-york-coronavirus-reporting-nursing-home-deaths-undercounting/

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
They are naughty and get a slap on the wrist, but no, not even that by anything legal in this nation. But Antifa has news for them. Free pestering and vandalism to start.