Wetiko Freaks
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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.

Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
"Our modern age, undergirded by the idea of linear time and linear progress, has an obvious bias toward doing; that is, toward resolving problems through purposeful, forward-looking actions.
This can obscure the fact that many improvements to our vital circumstance can also be achieved, not by doing more, but by simply ceasing to do many of the counterproductive things we have, out of laziness or unconsciousness, turned into key elements of our daily life. ...
As Covid showed us, an unusually high number of those trotted out to us by our “noble” class as possessing inordinate wisdom are little more than self-interested charlatans.
But they retain much of their prominence because many people, having been told again and again that their own observational and reasoning skills are terminally inadequate, hand over those tasks to those presented to them as inordinately wise.
How about if we stop doing that?"
Astute observations here:
To Starve our Feudal Overlords of Attention ⋆ Brownstone Institute
As Covid showed us, an unusually high number of those trotted out to us by our “noble” class as possessing inordinate wisdom are little more than self-interested charlatans.
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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
"This Is Off The Charts": Economist Claims 2024 Will Bring 'Biggest Crash Of Our Lifetime' In US https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/charts-economist-claims-2024-will-bring-biggest-crash-our-lifetime-us

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Working feverishly to stir the pot among government and woke corporations.
WEF Likens “Misinformation” To A Cybersecurity Issue In Calls For More Action https://reclaimthenet.org/wef-likens-misinformation-to-a-cybersecurity-issue-in-calls-for-more-action https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Cybersecurity_Futures_2030_New_Foundations_2023.pdf
WEF Likens "Misinformation" To A Cybersecurity Issue In Calls For More Action
Join Reclaim The Net.
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Fighting the Wetiko Psyop
You Know Wetiko By Its "Fruit"
Fighting the Wetiko Psyop - by Silver Warrior
You Know Wetiko By Its "Fruit"
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War Fever Rages
The Beasts of Wetiko Speak
War Fever Rages - by Silver Warrior - Wetiko Freaks
The Beasts of Wetiko Speak
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Wetiko Blindness
Either You See It or You Don't
Wetiko Blindness - by Silver Warrior - Wetiko Freaks
Either You See It or You Don't
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Gates-Funded Organization Partners With BioTech Firm to Create Thin Film Needle-Free mRNA Vaccines | The Epoch Times
CEPI is partnering with Jurata to develop a 3D thermostable mRNA vaccine film that’s delivered under the tongue instead of into the arm.
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Gates-Funded Organization Partners With BioTech Firm to Create Thin Film Needle-Free mRNA Vaccines (the Eucharist symbolic abomination) https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/gates-funded-organization-partners-with-biotech-firm-to-create-thin-film-needle-free-mrna-vaccines-5545760

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It's seems that Trump is the stooge for the grand military psyop where space is glamorized, and a fascist collusion of government is evident, with a dual level of satellite communications and solar power generation. Giant microwave beams will carry energy to an energy-starved planet. Does this fit with the climate narrative being pushed, yet this appears to be what the globalists and their bankers want. https://rumble.com/v3nh3ad-dig-it-202-space-the-new-frontier-for-the-control-grid-special-report.html

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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
I had a friend send me this quote. It’s a screamer.
“Society says, ‘We know what is best for you.’ That is a monstrous lie. You will get nothing from society. And yet we abandon our integrity and swallow it whole. No one know what is best for you except the real you.”

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CRISPR gala apples among numerous gene-edited crops that could be greenlighted without regulatory approval in new USDA proposal
As usual the purposes are always painted as constructive and even noble. In this case, the profit motive is what is driving the move it would appear.

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"My 87 year old friend just emailed me his Deathbed Disclosure regarding the incredible 2 Billion deaths coming in the next 4 years. If you know anyone who has died in the last 4 years then their families may find this information helpful. Email wontbark@yahoo.com with subject line Deathbed Disclosure to receive 2 short word docs and 2 PDFs. This is the most important information that my dying friend has to pass on to humanity."
I am posting this to all my contact websites. It’s important information for you to know, and then to take appropriate action…

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Physicians refer to a long list of 25 reasons why the autonomic nervous system is not functioning properly in cases of COVID-19. The lack of thiamine, vitamin B1, is one of them. Intravenous thiamine/B1 therapy increases oxygen consumption. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4298978/ But entire explanations of how to treat long-term autonomic dysfunction in COVID-19 cases, including shortness of breath, don’t even mention vitamin B1, https://www.rcpjournals.org/content/clinmedicine/21/1/e63 which is not used till the patient is in the intensive care unit. Modern medicine casts a blind eye towards vitamin therapy. It is not mentioned in report after report. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneur.2021.624968/full https://respiratory-research.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12931-020-01462-5 https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/08/no_author/fixing-air-hunger-in-america/

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The Australian government claims they will drop most restrictions once 80% of adults are vaccinated, which they say could happen by the end of the year [sound familiar?] https://www.economist.com/asia/2021/08/28/australia-is-ending-its-zero-covid-strategy
Australia is ending its zero-covid strategy | The Economist
The Delta variant has made it untenable | Asia
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This is what government is all about - controlling you and insuring the profits of their buddies and themselves forever - Israel Warns COVID “Green Pass” Will Expire If Residents Don’t Get Third Jab https://www.activistpost.com/2021/08/israel-warns-covid-green-pass-will-expire-if-residents-dont-get-third-jab.html

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The Restaurant Spy: Restaurant Reservation App OpenTable To Integrate Vaccination Status Into Service https://www.activistpost.com/2021/08/restaurant-reservation-app-opentable-to-integrate-vaccination-status-into-service.html

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'Pray for Us': Hurricane Ida Leaves Entire City of New Orleans without Electricity - I'll pray for you to get the sense and resources and move from that place... https://www.christianheadlines.com/contributors/michael-foust/pray-for-us-hurricane-ida-leaves-the-entire-city-of-new-orleans-without-electricity.html

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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
Remember what#Solzhenitsyn said:
"I understand, I sense that you're tired. But you have not yet really suffered the terrible trials of the 20th century which have rained down on the old continent.... You're tired, but the Communists who want to destroy your system are not; they're not tired at all."

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Midazolam was used to prematurely end the lives of thousands who you were told had died of Covid-19 and we can prove it; here’s the evidence… https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/08/29/midazolam-was-used-to-prematurely-end-the-lives-of-thousands-who-you-were-told-had-died-of-covid-19/

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COVID-19 vaccines and blood clots- flawed logic and premature smugness https://unitynewsnetwork.co.uk/covid-19-vaccines-and-

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Find out about the mind virus that you are fighting... or simply going along with.
Dr. Anthony Fauci: Fully Vaccinated Carry Same Viral Load As Unvaccinated With Delta Variant
"When you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of a vaccinated person who gets a breakthrough infection with delta it is EXACTLY the same as the level of virus in an unvaccinated person who is infected. That's the problem. So those data are very compelling."

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Mainstream Media Forced to Start Asking Serious Questions About COVID Vaccines https://thefreethoughtproject.com/msm-forced-to-ask-serious-questions-vaccine/

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There Are Better Ways to Fight COVID-19 Than Mask Mandates https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/08/29/there-are-better-ways-to-fight-covid-19-than-mask-mandates/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=there-are-better-ways-to-fight-covid-19-than-mask-mandates

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Is graphene oxide what caused Japanese authorities to suspend Moderna's "contaminated" covid vaccines? https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-29-graphene-oxide-japanese-suspend-moderna-covid-vaccines.html

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Head of Tokyo Medical Association says "now is the time" for all covid patients to get ivermectin, not vaccines https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-29-tokyo-medical-association-covid-patients-ivermectin.html