Rose Parke
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Have not been on in ages. Trying to keep head above water, practicing gratitude everyday, trying to understand how there is so much evil in the world and trying to find moments of happiness. How is everyone doing? Drop a line

any updates on the cyclone image over pacific ocean related to the california rains?

covid files dropped on twitter this morning

everything is out mental frame of mind. if we have the absence of extreme torture, kidnapping, sexual assault and we are over the age of 18 then i think it is very possible to mentally change our POV and change our lives. If you are a child you depend on your family for comfort and necessities but as adults we can take our destiny in our hands. candidly if someone is in poor health the road is much tougher but even then in the absence of a life threatening illness we really are capable of anything. look at trump, look at his team, look at anons, look at countless people performing great acts everyday- everyone is capable of greatness, kindness, changing the world, changing their own lives! i wish everyone the best of health. peace, love, laughter, safety, hope and anything their heart desires as we forge into 2023. here is to all of us- never ever ever lose the fire inside of you for believing in yourself, loving your family and knowing God really does have a plan for the world to heal

Elon Musk
Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene
11:56 AM · Dec 10, 2022

i always wondered why certain well known celebrities never brought defamation lawsuits against those who accused them of crimes against humanity? the celebrities have money ( at least we are made to believe they have money) and the everyday people making accusations generally do not have the same wealth. i have never heard of any defamation lawsuits…. same with certain websites that publish claims of arrests, executions—- those websites are still up. why?

the twitter postings about the laptop are wild

as much as thanksgiving is a holiday to express thanks i think everyone should think about how much everyday of life is a gift not to be taken for granted. every moment allows us opportunites to love each other, help each other, learn from each other, change the world in positive ways and also have happy moments. i am exceedingly grateful the people who are in my life are in good health, i am grateful my mind is wide awake, i am grateful for AU and other forms of social media that have opened my eyes, i am grateful for my animals, i am grateful to God who created the universe and i remain hopeful we are entering a golden age of love ans peace. i hope everyone enjoys tomorrow whatever the day might bring and we all continue to support each other on this journey called life.

where exactly do political donation dollars go? audit the politicians and political candidates who take donors money

is anyone reading that Rs look like they will be the majority in the House? just read that seems like a possibility

everything is one’s mindset. after a certain age we do have the mental power to change our mindset even in the face of unspeakable tragedy, anger, hopelessness. fear is not an option. we should harness our mental power to choose love, God, peace and optimism over despair. i say this for myself because many days it is hard, not impossible, to keep going whatever the task. we should manifest what we want, acknowledge all our blessings, and dream of a better future. whatever gives us the most joy we should be exceedingly thankful for that joy as many humans aare suffering in unspeakable ways.

update on my fasting- went 50 hours and woke up at midnight and felt like i needed to eat something. going to try this again soon and go for 72 hours. not medical advice at all. found it very cleansing more in a mental way than actually my physical body. going through a lot like everyone else. trying to stay positive, trying to make sense of the world and trying to figure out what my actual destiny is- all of this seems like a daunting challenge. biggest part cor me is protecting my heart- i easily do my best to take care of others and love them- rarely do i get love in return. my walls are so up now i feel like a deserted castle in a remote forest surrounded by a moat with alligators swimming in the water. it is a vivid picture and illustrates how i feel, but i keep going. we should all keep going. totally possible our happiness is right around the corner.

42 hours into a fast. drinking water and hot green tea ( no sugar). feel really clear. do not feel hungry at all. able to exercise too. will attempt to do this into tomorrow. keeping vibes super high.

thank you to everyone who read my last post. it truly meant so much to know others could feel the same. i am trying very hard to keep the vibes up, to pray daily, and to believe we are all meant for a life of peace, joy and good health. i am trying to listen to my voice and feel deserving of what i want out of life which really is a small farm somewhere in the middle of nowhere surrounded by animals. on more global note i am relishing watching elon take twitter private and allowing truth to be spoken on that platform again. let truth reign free. let it all come out. let’s talk about the evil that has permeated the world and hurt the children. that should be the top trending topic forever. once that is exposed to the masses everything else follows. wishing all of AU much love and eternal hope for a better future for all.

this is a love letter to everyone out in the universe that has feelings of wonder, confusion, hope, sadness, anger, disbelief and the million other feelings running through your soul. i have all those feelings too. i become overwhelmed with worry all the time and find myself wondering how all the good people in the world became overrun by the evil people. then i tell myself i do not know how or why all this happened and i want it all to stop from the moment it started. i do not know what is going to happen tomorrow or the next day. my hope is all evil is vanquished. I do not have anyone in my day to day life i can talk to about my thougts which on the one hand is lonely and on the other hand is very grounding because it allows me to really trust my inner voice. my sincere wish is for the universe to shift into a honest timeline and have all the truth come out. i have theories on what may happen but i know this is in God’s hands. to everyone who posts on AU- thank you for sharing:)

white house website dated 9/7/22 says EO 13848 extended for one more year. thoughts?

does anyone have any information on treatnents for MS? both in us and oveeseas?

i am curious on what everyone thinks is going to happen next. i do think more people world wide have a greater awareness of the interworkings of the world. my main concern is so much evil has been running so much for so long how does this evil be bannished? i think about it all the time. i think about the innocent children, i think about these cv19 shots, i think about the physical crime, the corruption, the repetition of lies by the media, the politicians, - I get overwhelmed. i think about the various theories people put out. i wonder what happens next. i wonder why so many people have not had justice. i wonder why 2020 happened the way it did. i wonder who is really fighting against evil. i wonder about white hats and black hats and grey hats and some people think everything is good in the world. i think there are so many things happening all at once. i wonder if one day i am going to hear a sound go off and the world is going to stop and be still for awhile.

did i see a photo of jfk jf and alex berenson at george ofdices many years ago or maybe i am mistaken?

does anyone know how to locate the approved annual budget for gitmo, and q list of how mqny people are detained at girmo?

does anyone know how to locate the approved annual budget for gitmo, and q list of how mqny people are detained at girmo?