Ranger Phan
2 years ago

Ranger Phan

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The past is all gone. Closed book. If you are fighting for a righteous cause today, it is irrelevant that you may have had (or still have) a struggle with alcoholism, got divorced three times, dropped out of college when you should have stayed, hurt that business partner with a breach of trust, or self-harmed your way through your teenage years. Those traumas and trials can all be processed to turn the sh*t into manure and roses. Just keep fighting today for what is righteous, because you know it is right. The clue is in the name!

Remove the mask when you approach me//Truth will prevail//Community Standard repeat offender

Human Trafficking is a major problem not only in America but all throughout the world. President Trump has had more Human Traffikers / Child Sex Traffickers locked up than any other President! The war on Human Trafficking continues and to see the latest arrests, please see this link - https://www.justice.gov/humantrafficking/press-room #SaveTheChildren #trump2021

I don't care what anyone says...this is friggin hysterical.