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julie miller
julie miller
just now

julie miller

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In response Kris Williams to her Publication


In response mark kub to his Publication

coolest beans so far 😍

In response Victoria ~ Z Skywalker to her Publication


In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication


In response Victoria ~ Z Skywalker to her Publication


In response TheBest isYet2Come to her Publication

yep got this from couple people yesterday but couldn't find any proof

Elon Musk: "I Just Officially Bought Fox News!" - YouTube

You're scrolling through your feed when suddenly, the unthinkable happens. Elon Musk, the man behind electric cars and Mars missions, has just bought Fox New...

In response Phantom Virus2020 to her Publication

💖 Love Mama Bears💖

In response Phantom Virus2020 to her Publication

it's true they will unless someone strong stands up to them 🙏glad you were there 💪

In response Phantom Virus2020 to her Publication

the things they have done here are possibly in the top 3 worst of states for kids in system a bitch from cps is now our illegitimate gov and her husband is a freak tranny assistance dr who caused us to lose insurance coverage at our childrens hospital for months the things she did while in cps haven't even begun to be revealed yet

In response Phantom Virus2020 to her Publication

az does this too maricopa county is awful with cps and any assistance from school

In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication

so glad you are home and healing Amen for every one of these blessings🙏

In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication

goooood morning😍

In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication


In response Hope Always888 to her Publication GiveWell, aka The Clear Fund (a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity), was founded in 2007. We serve donors across the globe; GiveWell's donors are based primarily in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Canada. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share alike 3.0 United States License

In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

the silent commercials are BOMB there are a few so far i love the one with border patrol driving along with nothing to do cause border is calmed down under control

In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication


In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

understand ya completely i am in phx and yea i only kill single stuff weeds n stickers that grows in my yard it's all dirt otherwise not sure what will not hurt the perennials growin near💖

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

vinegar will kill em pour straight onto bases on each plant put trash bags upside down over em till they are dried off dead easier to keep all pollens contained n knock em flat when dead then pour lil vinegar around where the patch was to kill new growths from restartin usually big gal jugs of vinegar at grocery like 3-4 bux don't buy that expensive stuff from home depots

In response Every Time to her Publication


In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

🙏 Let that be so. Amen

In response Glenn Huggins to his Publication

Convention of States Action
is responsible for this Page





Rating · 4.5 (879 Reviews)

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

prayers for strength Hope, Love You

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Congrats Deb!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication


In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication


In response Trump Girl to her Publication

they will not be able to go anywhere w/o feeling this

In response Trump Girl to her Publication

but i am lost from that point

In response Trump Girl to her Publication
In response Trump Girl to her Publication › extension › key
KEY File - What is a .key file and how do I open it? -
Apr 18, 2022The .key file extension is a generic file extension for software license keys used by various programs to register legal copies of the software. More Information. Typically, the software developer distributes a KEY file to a user after they purchase the software to register an application

In response DorQus Patriot to her Publication

prayers up for you and your Mom hugs dear