The Lone Warrior
7 months ago

The Lone Warrior

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It feels like we have finally crossed the starting line.

There is nothing more beautiful than the way the oceane refuses to stop kissing the shoreline no matter how many times it's sent away πŸŒŒπŸ’œβ™ΎοΈ

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

Archi says she's feelin' your 17 vibe Joey!

Gonna be GLORIOUS❀️ Co-Chair @

In response Johnny Q -Z to his Publication

More β€˜boring’ comms

Regarding vaccines: hang in there everybody. defend your individual rights

On the flipside, this is the part where corporate America destroys itself. Corporations are gonna feel the heat like never before when they gets their employees and customer base angry



Anybody hating on Trump for conducting Operation Warpspeed and getting an EMERGENCY, EXPERIMENTAL vaccine, you better thank him now. He gave you a choice and prevented the corrupt government from locking you down for 5 years and then coming for you and force vaccinating you with their legal, FDA approved death vaccine.

If it can be proven that Covid was a bioweapon attack on the United States and the 2020 Election was stolen with the help of foreign governments, then this is an ACT OF WAR against the United States of America, and anyone involved in any way with advancing the agenda behind Covid and involved in the 2020 Election theft can and will be charged with Treason, Sedition, and Crimes Against Humanity.

So think to yourself: Who all was involved in these two acts of war?


If most people arent at least QUESTIONING wtf is going on in the world, then they can fuck off with the jabs and die off in a couple years. There will be no place for them in the new world created after all the traitors and corruption is dealt with. These submissive tards are part of the reason evil was able to dominate this earth for so long.

Ffs, normie.

Hopefully this starts a nationwide trend

When Q+ says we will love how this movie ends, I hope it ends with We the People tearing these people limb from limb in the streets or theyre all brought before firing squads

People are getting angry now. The anger only intensifies from here. What happens when the People find out their election voice was stolen from them for decades? What happens when the People find out treason was committed OVER and OVER and OVER again, against us? What happens when families figure out [THEY] have been getting their beloved family members hurt and killed for decades now with their utter disregard for the People in their words and actions? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE PEOPLE FIND OUT ABOUT THE CHILDREN????

It better end in one of those two ways listed above because I cant take these parasites anymore.

Millions are waking up across the globe thanks to this Covid bullshit. We’re not even at the best part yetβ€”


TRUTH . πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦…

If thats Jeff Bezos then I am Batman

Words tell me a story and actions tell me reality

Are these fucking clowns really trying to escape their fate here on Earth by retreating into space?

I hate these clowns.

Just a thought.

Q mentions β€œSuicide Weekend” in 5 or so posts. Suicide Weekend sounds really cult-ish and ritualistic.

I can see the top NWO puppet masters all killing themselves one weekend when they finally get exposed to the world for their crimes and the Patriots come for them.

Donald Rumsfeld DIED today. Fucking traitor. Did he get the No Name treatment for his crimes against humanity on 9/11/2001?

Alison Mack 3 years in prison. That other NXIUM demon got around 150 years in prison just to put things into context. That means the info little Alison gave to the investigators saved her from 147 years in prison or worse.

Next up: Rachel Chandler....Alison Mack x100

John McAfee didn’t kill himself...

Sun Tzu taught me that when nothing seems to be happening, BIG things are happening

So John McAfee...

β€œDies by suicide” in Spain after Spain approved extradition to the US

Has claimed many a time on Twitter he would never kill himself

Has a dead mans switch on the elites if anything ever happens...

Im sensing a big drop coming on these scumbags. Crimes against humanity and children making an appearance?

go to πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

Former Twitter Namaste Howard Marks Rule your Mind or it will Rule you