Charlie Lawver
1 year ago

Charlie Lawver

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Washington DC is already a Bird Sanctuary......Looking back at the history of DC we see an array of "bird brains" who roosted and perched and did all they could to avoid the Constitution. Constantly telling us what we could and could not do. They flew into Washington with modest means and then left for home with more than ample bird seed. Don't tell me you can't get rich and influential by being a "bird brain". Not going to miss that flock of crows when they are gone!

Patriot, Digital soldier, Anon, Memer, Empath, WWG1WGA, MAGA,, NRA, SAVETHECHILDREN, God Wins, Trump is my President-NO DMS-

If the current Deep State Congress and Senate were sent home because they were not legal rep's in the New Republic why are we paying any attention to them and their rhetoric! They have no money in their coffers and no authority to pass bills with financial assistance. Biden, Pelosi, and any other person in the illegal Congress need to go home and stay there. Lets here from the new rep's that are taking their place. President Trump, lets see the new recruits!

Premier Putin is a CEO genius! Anyone who can organize a web of so-called agents to be the butt of all of the United States problems has great organizational skills. No wonder he smiles so much, he is the nemesis of the American Democratic Party. They use him as their scape goat when their plans go off the road into the ditch. He makes a very good partner for Trump. Donald is always way ahead of their schemes and Vlad takes the action at the fall out. How many agents do the Russians have out there doing this. Anybody left in Moscow? How can anybody stand up straight and say the Russians are responsible for Hunter's laptop. Only the Deep State and MSM as they are throwing everything they have in their bullpen at Trump and the Alliance. The off world Alliance has to be sitting in their ships laughing themselves silly at this parade of "losers" still out there in the Democratic Party and MSM.

The Russians are coming? The Russians are coming.

Everything that happens here in America we accuse and blame the Russians. How many "agents" do they have out here causing all this craziness! We do have a character flaw blaming someone for our problems. GET A GRIP! We are responsible for this mess! Wake up AMERICA, the election was an outright theft led by our own "Deep State" citizens. We let in the Cabal, and let them enslave us in their mess. Stand up with the Russian citizens who are with us in this take down. Ignore Sleepy Joe, he wouldn't know a Russian even if they told him who they were. IF they come, hope for great VODKA,, Fiddlers on your roof, and I hope they bring me a sable hat!.

Ukraine is Falling, Ukraine is Falling and so are my Financial Resources! Chicken Little (Better known as Joey Biden, Sleepy and Illegitimate Prez) has everyone believing Russia is going to invade Ukraine, and steal all of Joey's toys! We know Russia has upgraded their military and weapons, but it can only go so far. Mr. Putin is not about to take on USA, EU, NATO. Nobody wants a war with these alphabetical groups. China has their financial woes with defaulting real estate behemoths that are draining the GPN, and slowing monies to Joey's out stretched bribery hand. Let's step back and see this as Joey's attempt to keep us away from the Durham report. The biggest scandal in American political history which also asserts Joey hands are in this . Let the sky fall on Joey and his cronies......Can't wait to see President Trump fixing this mess!!!!!

The Russians are coming? The Russians are coming.

Everything that happens here in America we accuse and blame the Russians. How many "agents" do they have out here causing all this craziness! We do have a character flaw blaming someone for our problems. GET A GRIP! We are responsible for this mess! Wake up AMERICA, the election was an outright theft led by our own "Deep State" citizens. We let in the Cabal, and let them enslave us in their mess. Stand up with the Russian citizens who are with us in this take down. Ignore Sleepy Joe, he wouldn't know a Russian even if they told him who they were. IF they come, hope for great VODKA,, Fiddlers on your roof, and I hope they bring me a sable hat!.

While President Trump is in Texas forming a posse and maybe a few Texas Rangers Canada and American Truckers are showing the world who the newest "Sex Symbol of North America" is out there leading the pack of Patriots. You just can't say no to someone in a new chrome encrusted Peterbilt or Kenworth. These are the guys who will stop and help you on the road, keep you informed of road conditions and they are a symbol of what is right with our society. I will have groceries in my kitchen because they are not taking the manifest from the oppressive government officials we haven't taken out yet! GO Truckers, Farmers and don't forget the AMISH!

The TRUMP rally this weekend is not just a good old fashioned rally. Trump is coming to Texas for one really big thing you can get in Texas.....A POSSE! Where else are you going to find the cowboy spirit, well armed people who are die hard Patriots, and have had enough of Joe! There are many people who understand Don't Mess With Texas! What a posse he will assemble, make them all deputies of the cause of freedom with the flag of freedom/NESARA! The military will be our leadership and with the Texas posse American Patriots will help round up the last of the deep state, and make American Great again. Think $1.50 gas, A President who is respected World Wide. Safe borders, shelves full of product we need and Medical personnel who will not lie to us. It is to good to be true.....GO GET UM. President Trump!

Good Bye to all my faithful minions. I have a pit waiting for me and 1,000 years of captivity. Good bye to the Bush Family, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Federal Reserve Bank, Obamas, Bidens, Clintons (especially my favorite Hillary, what a gal!) You who are still on the loose and waiting, you have no idea what is going to happen to you for all the trouble you caused - I warned you to keep your soul clean!!! To all the CEO's and your robbery of the world's population. Can't take the riches where you are going(ha,ha,ha!) I never told you outright that Hillary would win, you all took that upon yourself to believe my rhetoric.... I can't forget my disciple Dr. Fauci, what a guy, never strayed from what I told him to do, that guy really believes what he is doing. See you down there for our first firey weiner roast). Again, the earth will be in such great hands as GOD always wins, you guys just wouldn't believe that!!! I leave you with God and my arch enemy his beloved son JESUS!

Good Bye to all my faithful minions. I have a pit waiting for me and 1,000 years of captivity. Good bye to the Bush Family, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Federal Reserve Bank, Obamas, Bidens, Clintons (especially my favorite Hillary, what a gal!) You who are still on the loose and waiting, you have no idea what is going to happen to you for all the trouble you caused - I warned you to keep your soul clean!!! To all the CEO's and your robbery of the world's population. Can't take the riches where you are going(ha,ha,ha!) I never told you outright that Hillary would win, you all took that upon yourself to believe my rhetoric.... I can't forget my disciple Dr. Fauci, what a guy, never strayed from what I told him to do, that guy really believes what he is doing. See you down there for our first firey weiner roast). Again, the earth will be in such great hands as GOD always wins, you guys just wouldn't believe that!!! I leave you with God and my arch enemy his beloved son JESUS!

All of us Patriots want to know who is paying the illegal Biden Administration. The United States Corporation is bankrupt (no money) and he is not the President and his cabinet is in there under false pretense WHO IS PAYING ALL THESE PEOPLE TO CONTINUALLY DRIVE US CRAZY WITH THIS CHARADE!!!!

Just as he made history in riding a golden escalator to become President, he is now riding the over whelming support of the American and World Population to our "manifest destiny". The days we have anticipated are here, the Cabal or the "Beast" has been defeated, the light is everywhere and GOD is on his throne smiling as he has got the world where he wants us to live. He has received those who lost their lives in this battle, and he is awarding us with NESARA/GESARA for our deeds on the battlefield. We have many Generals, to numerous to mention, who have guided our plan and encouraged us when we were weary. All of us stand tall as President Trump comes out of the shadows, and takes his rightful position as President and leader of the World. The last of the Cabal minions are being rounded up and dealt with, and we can hear the wailing of those all who have been captured, and the mournful sighs of Satan now in the pit. Thank God and his mighty son Jesus for their hand in our victory. Le

Madame DeFarge from a Tales of Two Cities is currently knitting the name of Macron in her style. Just shortly she will be knitting Mr. Biden's name. Along with our current American Revolution the French are having another French Revolution. It is a "Far Better Place" we are all making for mankind. I am sure Madame DeFarge has just about run out of yarn. Gives a new meaning to "Tend to your own knitting"

Madame DeFarge from a Tales of Two Cities is currently knitting the name of Macron in her style. Just shortly she will be knitting Mr. Biden's name. Along with our current American Revolution the French are having another French Revolution. It is a "Far Better Place" we are all making for mankind. I am sure Madame DeFarge has just about run out of yarn. Gives a new meaning to "Tend to your own knitting"

TO ALL MY PATRIOT AMERICANS......We live in exciting times. Every morning I cannot wait to see what my President is doing and going to be doing. Love watching the Cabal falling like dominos. Justice, truth, and the Constitution spreading all over our great country, and to our Patriots all over the world we are the shining example of what is to come. Living in peace and harmony with each other and those "off worlders" who are here to assist us with "The Plan". Light is everywhere, and very few places of darkness are left. To all of you each morning wake up, give Gratitude, Send Ravens to everyone, and watch this eventful happening. God Bless all of us in this world!

Former Twitter Namaste Howard Marks Rule your Mind or it will Rule you

Facebook disabled the account of Shana Chappell, mother of slain Marine Kareem Nikoui who was killed in Kabul

This was what she had to say to Biden earlier today:

The final stanza of the movie theme song is now playing, "How Long Has This Been Going On. Mr. T, our hero is riding in with the mighty US Military to show his power and right Afghanistan. The evil king, Mr. B, will be taken away to Camp Gitmo along with his Minions. The movie ends when we see a panorama of the White House Oval Office and there is Mr. T and his VP, JFK,JR. The world is at peace, GESARA and NESARA are in place. GOD sits back on his throne and says, "finally the whole world is at peace, and my men will keep it that way. The final shot is President John F Kennedy giving us a thumbs up from his heavenly home, and saying "Go Get them Son!"

All of our crazy quilt families in the world. Smile and take off your masks and hug each other. We love each other, care for each other, and bless all you in all your religions. Thank the White Hats who are bringing us together against the Deep State. Remember Babylon has fallen. Love from the United States of America Republic...........

The Biden and Harris Administration has announced a new website for all their Administration Activities. This will include Covid recommendations, foreign relations with China and Iran, domestic agendas including Executive Orders. They just want the truth out there to the American people. They also are going to post 2020 Election Results(Mr. Biden believes he was the most popular candidate in history!!!!). Who ever Biden and Harris really are they cannot keep this parody up much longer nobody is that talented.

That constant noise and the water in the streets of Washington is the last of the deep state going down the drain. It is our fortune that we have not had any clogged pipes for this continual draining. It is a pleasure we are not hearing their voices nagging at us about President Trump, they never thought she would loose! The streets of Washington will be free of debris, and we will smell the aroma of freedom. Now, lets see our President, Donald Trump coming back to a freshly cleaned and redecorated White House. Lets hear the call of NESARA, and peace on earth with all of our families in nations being freed from oppression.

Nancy Pelosi has gone off the road and into the ditch. She has left herself wide open for comments saying the Congress without masks will become a petri dish! I couldn't leave that comment unchallenged. Nancy, Congress is already a petri dish and you are the lead microbe! The Congress is full of nauseating microbes who have no idea what is going on and could care less about the people who supposedly voted for them. I don't think Nancy you will have to wait long when you will be escorted out of there. Who ever is playing Nancy get the hair right one day at her shoulders the next day the hair is at her ears.

Lets Not Disappoint Them.....We have come this far in the war. We have Arizona in our sites, Military Tribunals are in session, Criminals are being arrested. We have taken down the Illuminati, and the gold is in our vaults. Get excited as the White Hats have everything in control. Children and adults being held in captivity are freed with our soldiers. When you see them thank them for their bravery and dedication to this new Republic. We are freeing ourselves from the Bank of England, Federal Reserve and our court system will be ours not the Crown Temple.....We are in a new dawn of freedom and sovereignty. Joe and Kamala will meet their Yorktown soon. Praise our Leader Donald Trump who has stayed the course and defeated the MSM....Look forward to celebrating with all of you soon!

It was very unfortunate at this year's Oscars that the Best Actor Award did not go to the actor or actors who are portraying Joe Biden. I can't believe that anyone with normal intelligence can be portraying a man who is so stupid. Who ever the writers are for this movie they also will need an Oscar for Best Screenplay. Also in some instances we need to award the stunt man who keeps falling down airplane stairs. Because this movie is still going on, we can't award for best picture. Best song should be "How Long Has This Been Going On". To all of us who have now had our fill of popcorn, twizzlers, and Coca Cola, it is time we switch to a healthy diet of Trump Government as soon as possible. Lets unleash the military Top Guns to bring a conclusion of this movie.

Their are rain showers, bridal showers, meteor showers and now we have Satellite showers. White Hats taken out the Black Hats communication. The cabal has messed with the wrong people!

Good Morning to all: It is time for President Trump to send our inviction notices to those here in the US that are causing problems all over the world. Send that 1st inviction notice to the United Nations Headquarters, a den of thieves. Let New York City collect all the parking fines. Since President Trump in in real estate, sell the building or tear down and build a great condo project with that wonderful location. Revoke the passports of the so called reps and staff, send them packing on the next container ship leaving New York City. With GESARA/NESARA we won't need their services anymore. When this project gets underway look to Harlem and the Clinton Foundation!

There are a few strange relatives that have left this plain, arrested or being arrested. They have stolen our family legacy, killed members of our family, lied to us and scared us with unessary wars and conflicts(especially 9/11). They are delt with and Uncle Donald will be sure they won't be back in the family. One of their wives was a villian from the word go and took lives, and sold our secrets. We were asleep and didn't see this happening and we won't ever allow them back into the family. I do need to praise our father, GOD he is leading Uncle Donald and taking care. Wash your face and turn your face to the light and let Father shine his light on all of us. Thank you Uncle Donald and Aunt Melania for keeping us safe through family trouble times.

Our family continues....We have seen Uncle Joe and Aunt Kamala and now our cousins Bernie and Nancy. Counsin Bernie gives you money without you asking. No questions, just slips you the money. We are not sure where he gets his money, only everything is free with Counsin Bernie. Counsin Nancy we think she has a drinking problem, but we don't say anything. She will also give you free money with no questions. She is very protective of her laptop at the family gatherings, and she can spew the same hatred that Aunt Kamala spreads. Nancy and Kamala are cut from the same cloth. The only thing that stands between us being captured by their hatred and lunacy is Uncle Donald and Aunt Melania. We are told that Uncle Donald will be taking care of our relatives who are destroying our family, and we won't be seeing them at family gatherings soon. I will sit back with my popcorn and watch Uncle Donald do his magic. I can hardle wait.

In the immortal words of Dolly Parton:
" You who say it can't happen, please get out of the way so we can make it happen".
Patriots we are making it happen....Loose no faith, keep eyes on the target!

I have figured out why there are so many buses at the DC Capital. The Congress is running around panicking and trying to make deals and will rat on anyone that will listen to them. Time is short, and no one is sacred to them. They are fearing their endless supply of pay to play funds, their platinum expense program, and prestige of being in Congress. Now they are appearing as "common folk", and Hillary would add them to her Deplorable Basket if she could. Just stand back and watch them throw each other under those buses sitting at the entrance. This movie gets better each day, so many plots, so many actors and who knows how many plots. I have got to get a program to see who is left in this blockbuster! No wonder Trump was such a hit on television!!!!!