Daily Eagle
7 months ago

Daily Eagle

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Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Bay 17d to his Publication

Best to consult the deltas on such matters.

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Daily Eagle to his Publication

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Daily Eagle to his Publication

“I Would Drop Him Like a Bag of Dirt” – Rep. Mike Rogers Accused of Drinking After He Lunged at Matt Gaetz After 14th Failed Vote for Speaker - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/drop-like-bag-dirt-rep-mike-rogers-accused-drinking-lunged-matt-gaetz-14th-

But young Matt Gaetz t’was fit to fight,
Refusing to bend ‘fore Roger’s sleight.
He kept his wits and stood his ground,
While Chairman Rogers did rant around.

Mike Rogers hurled accusations wild,
T’was acting badly, like a child.
For he’d been drinking, it was clear.
Hard politics, too much to bear.

Matt Gaetz declared he had the balls
‘Against this madman clearly sore.
His words echoed loud throughout the halls
"I would drop him like dirt on the floor"

Though Rogers' fate remains unknown
Gaetz won this battle on his own.
His courage and strength, hard to ignore
Chairman Rogers reaped what he had sown!

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Dwight Knapp to his Publication

It's a TOTALLY GAY Christmas! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jgIWVrDxuQ

Pee-Wee's Playhouse Christmas Special (Opening Montage) - YouTube

One of the most underrated Christmas songs of the 20th century.

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response April Evans to her Publication

We've always felt the predictive programming that civilization would collapse one day during our lifetime. And somehow, the hot chick in the neighborhood would wind up with me, not because she likes me, but only for having a lifetime supply of beef jerky stashed away in my closet. Alas it was all a pipe dream; I stockpiled two tons of weed but forgot to hoard any Bic lighters.

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

Neck like a pencil; head like a watermelon; brain like a watermelon pit.

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Raland J Brunson Federal Lawsuit - Digital Download - https://7discoveries.com

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response ~sky~ kat to her Publication

...and share a nice cup of covfefe!

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Thungawd ... to his Publication

June 16, 2021 - Biden takes questions before leaving Geneva - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLh_5ZmQwH0

Biden takes questions before leaving Geneva - YouTube

"The country has put a different face on where we've been and where we're going," the president said before departing.

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response AQ. PATRON to his Publication

Pooping his pants in front of the Pope, and long-farting burrito juice right next to the future Queen - that's some EXTREME role playing!...

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Wish I wore them today!

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Marijke Kamsma AU to her Publication

The US Postal Service has two-letter abbreviations for each state. Sometimes it's the first two letters; or the first & last letter; other times different, depending on what makes the most sense. Also used in identifying Congressional Districts. Examples: Minnesota (MN); Mississippi (MS); Missouri (MO); Montana (MT) Michigan (MI)... https://about.usps.com/who/profile/history/state-abbreviations.htm

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Chris David Bell to his Publication


Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response SomethingAboutJohn to her Publication

You can see the wristwatch on Leno. Rubber marine wristband with quick release.

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Daily Eagle to his Publication

Washed Up Rocker & The Federal Gov't Demand Joe Rogan Be Silenced - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrhehBi5f40

Washed Up Rocker & The Federal Gov't Demand Joe Rogan Be Silenced - YouTube

Website: https://saltmustflow.comarticle - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/limit-spread-covid-misinformation-joe-bidens-surgeon-general-calls-joe-ro...

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Daily Eagle to his Publication

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response April Evans to her Publication

LOL Real dowsers don't use Wikipedia.

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Daily Eagle to his Publication

Article features DCCC chairman Sean Patrick Maloney of Dutchess County in New York's Hudson Valley. He got his start as a young gay staffer in Bill Clinton's West Wing, working under John Podesta. Later he was instrumental in making a "gay marriage" martyr out of Matthew Shepard, all the while knowing full well that the victim was NOT a "hate crime" (Sheppard was selling meth & having sex with his attackers before being killed). Today Rep. Maloney is a key player in the phony impeachments of Trump, serving on Shifty Adam Schiff's House Intelligence Committee, where he represents a threat to national security.

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response April Evans to her Publication

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response April Evans to her Publication

A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRot4ihq1JU

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response April Evans to her Publication

He's right you know. I voted for Biden over a dozen times in 2020, and never got any of the Trunalimunumaprzure I was promised.

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Daily Eagle to his Publication

Connecticut Man Indicted for Attempting to Induce Minors to Engage in Unlawful Sexual Activity at Ludlow Residence - https://www.justice.gov/usao-vt/pr/connecticut-man-indicted-attempting-induce-minors-engage-unlawful-sexual-activity-ludlow

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Daily Eagle to his Publication

Benny the Bouncer (2014 - Remaster) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4Mwe2CIMGQ

Benny the Bouncer (2014 - Remaster) - YouTube

Provided to YouTube by BMG Rights Management (UK) LimitedBenny the Bouncer (2014 - Remaster) · Emerson, Lake & PalmerBrain Salad Surgery℗ 2014 Leadclass Limi...

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Patriot Sam to her Publication

Not just the "Insurrection," but the entire Presidency! It was all a trap, everything was one giant troll.

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Ana McMurry to her Publication

First, I never bashed Melania. I merely noted that the plants she tore up in the Rose garden were part of an ancient witchy potion., called the Nine-Herb Charm. We don't know much about Melania, do we? As for the Scherffs, I followed that story since it first came out, which was about 25 years ago. Only recently did I start double-checking, having read two biographies of Tesla, plus other sources, enough to know that Tesla stayed in NYC, so his "accountant" would already have been inside the States, no need to smuggle a son under an assumed identity. The story simply doesn't add up, completely distracts from the Crowley connection with Barbara Bush. As for suspecting me as a Satanist, it's the same today as it was in Salem, whether using a phony PCR test, or drowning the accused. If my research isn't your cup of tea, doesn't necessarily make me an evil. Clearly a Rod and a Staff are two separate Things.

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Anthony Michau18 to his Publication

Hollywood already revealed how these guru mofos are really just a bunch of creepy pervs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYPUzX8KTXw

The Love Guru (1/9) Movie CLIP - When Love Goes Wrong, Nothing Goes Right (2008) HD - YouTube

The Love Guru movie clips: http://j.mp/1L6S0VzBUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/MtRBNqDon't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6prCLIP DESCRIPTION:The...

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Daily Eagle to his Publication


Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Ana McMurry to her Publication

I suspect ALL the First Ladies were really running the show, the entire time. Which explains why they were so upset over Melania. For example Melania tore up the Rose Garden crabapples, many plants there comprise the ancient "Nine herb Charm" recipe. Regarding the Tesla / Scherff allegation, keep in mind there isn't any evidence Tesla left NYC after the 1920s, he was quite destitute. Tesla did however pal around with American Nazi Sylvester Viereck. https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-Curious-George-was-based-on-George-HW-Bush?share=1

Screaming, squealing talons of truth!

In response Jan Jackson * * * to her Publication

Perhaps 'counter' mean recount.