Janisha B..
6 months ago

Janisha B..

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Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Walk After Midnite to his Publication

And what should prove this according to your opinion? In fact, this shows the cavity resonator of the ionosphere, which is distorted by cosmic rays, the solar wind and therefore the earth magnetic field. Since the end of the 60's basically an indicator of the pole migration. I think the Russians observe this gloomy development particularly attentively. A crucial turning point is expected here for the turn of the year, and/or the spring of next year. Then the dipole should collapse. I'm very curious what will happen next. Frighteningly large changes in air and ground can be observed already for 20 years.

However, I have also been told that a few mentally confused ones let themselves be persuaded that this would have to do in some way with humans. So similarly as God believers think there sits an old goatee in the clouds, which listens to them and directs their life. I hope you do not belong to these morons.

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

Could be the WEF's intention. To create the impression that they are weak. But in reality they need this to establish their new fascist system. I may be wrong, but X22 seems like a brainwashing sect to me.

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication

I especially like to hear this nonsense. It sounds something like, "A fart only smells really good at the loo! - Q"

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication

The same is true for Trump. His primary tenor: "Count the ballots, I won!"

Who thinks that the fight against bad guys (Mafia) has the reason to eradicate all evil on earth, is mistaken. The point is to have no rivals who could disturb the beautiful totalitarianism. Joe Biden is only a hand puppet of him, so that you do not notice that.

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Stevie King to her Publication

It's always easy to see who didn't go to a higher educational institution. Only in such schools, which had due to restrictions of the pupils, no scientific subjects. This, mixed with indoctrinated faith as a basis of their existence, drags these people today in a vortex of the most evil nonsense.

The only technique of special airplanes, is to act on the droplet formation in the water. In this way, condensation carpets are formed over a wide area in order to attenuate the solar radiation. Due to the steadily weakening earth magnetic field since the end of the 60's, the sun, e.g., no longer appears yellow, but bright white.

The pole migration was hidden since then behind the climate change. Towards the end of this year or beginning of the next one, the earthly dipole will collapse. I can well imagine that the simple-minded will claim that this is solely due to dubious chemtrails or even the nasty H.A.A.R.P. network. Their mind will have gone completely bye-bye.

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response JoAnn Esq to her Publication

I think this is an important drop. How many families do you think have fallen ill or died from the injections since the COVID narrative?! This understands 'Q' under promised security. The excuse of 'Q+': "If we had helped everyone, there would have been many more deaths". Or something like that.

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response AQ. PATRON to his Publication

Or not, if it turns out in the end that Elon Musk is a Trojan horse. Keep it objective. The Deep State has perfected itself in 200 years and is therefore not as stupid as everyone makes it out to be. Your "Q" said, "Follow the money!" and Musk has the most of it.

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

An essential truth is, the planet is not named "Earth" (german: "Erde", from đёotış "Ǽrdā", "weathered rock"). This place here is "Hēl", its use (as a habitat) makes it to "Hēl'lía" and from it derives "Hell". But what is not so tragic, because in the principle of balance of all being, this place offers something that the smartest minds cannot imagine. Look closely, it's everywhere!!

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

Well, then publish exactly what is clear! COVID-19, the name of the disease that would result from SARS-CoV-2, had already been patented by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2015. This was not really about the disease, but a narrative that was to be used for the mRNA bioweapon. The problem: Here, the morons from the Deep State had not reckoned with so much hidden intelligence among the good guys. That's why the narrative is collapsing right now, taking all the bad guys with it.

I'm the last one who wants to attack other people. But then please don't be so trivial as to lump everything together. If you had presented the aforementioned facts unequivocally, my reaction would have been simply a Like. 👈

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

Another narrative of the Dunning-Kruger community. Endless measurements have been made around the world, and nowhere has a chemical release been detected. In Brazil, hundreds of measuring balloons were even launched simultaneously: Nothing!

You only need an excuse for your shortcomings. There are 1.3 billion cars on earth. In addition, there are trucks, buses, trains, industry. With so much dirt, which all blow out together, chemtrails - would they exist - only a mouse fart.

In the fictitious religions one had invented devils, demons and other crap to compensate his incompetence and bad intentions. On the basis of this brainwashing you invented the chemtrails. According to the motto: "Don't take responsibility, it was always the others".

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Irene Nefelli to her Publication

Something always triggers change. Currently a panic mode, because the fascists from Twitter are currently feverishly deleting all bots. These goofs don't seem to know or understand that such data is still stored in secure, redundant backups.

A meltdown it is indeed. Then, when the propaganda center of deranged despots becomes a censorship-free opinion platform without agitation, sedition and splitting. Let's wait and see.

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Trump Girl to her Publication

What I find particularly entertaining about the drops is that there is a different interpretation every 5 minutes. X22 in particular is very flexible. Today the same drop means this and tomorrow that. With 50-year-delta, that will certainly not be different. And since faith is an invention of the Vatican (Deep State), it is easy to imagine where the journey will lead. 🔥

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

And what is that supposed to prove? All diseases are patented after they are diagnosed. This protects the intellectual property of the researcher. There may be many evil intentions in the world, but this is pure paranoia. 🤯

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Serah Oceane ♡ to her Publication

Causes us all pain! 😣

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

It may well take several seconds until the next keyframe. You have certainly noticed this with movies when you paused them because you had to go out and then started them again. The digital encoder/decoder creates such effects. They can also be caused by external disturbances (electromagnetic fields). Smartphones have so many functions in the background that the CPU performance can quickly go down, no matter how many processors it has.

It's quite clear to me that people look for such things for their personal narratives. Nothing would be more reassuring than having all the answers you want so badly. But always remember Occam's razor: The obvious answer is usually the right one.


Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

This has to do with digital data compression. Keyframes are formed and only the changes are stored. With bad Cams or too high compression such distortions occur especially with fast movements. They freeze until the next keyframe. A number of effects are created, which some people in their simplicity of thinking quickly redefine to demonic features. 🙃

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response BumbleBeeZ Patriot to her Publication

Do you actually know why the Bible is only called "book"? As part of my acquired background, which includes studies in religious studies and German philology, I was allowed to take a look at the Ṿāl'ğatЋą. The one which was in the possession of Emperor Constantine I until his death. That precisely by order of the Vatican was only allowed to be called "The Book". After the death of the emperor, the Vatican had of course tried to understand it, but could not make use of anything except the glossary. It was also relatively quickly brought to safety by the Templars and lies safely in Switzerland to this day.

Of course, you did not know that in your complacency. Surely you also know why in German philology one goes back only a little more 1,000 years. Honestly, your Dunning-Kruger-Victims exhilarates already enormously the days. When the Vatican collapses soon and thousands of truths are revealed, there will be a wave of suicide among the faithful.


Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Longer footage and better resolution! It's Kevin's Video with raw audio (includes swearing).

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication

Above all, give thanks for your captivity. Consider the legend: A megalomaniac extreme-gomaniac had fashioned slaves out of mortal biomass, which he endowed with little brains and imprisoned in the maximum-security prison "Paradise". Where they had to worship him. Only a courageous fighter of the same people had equipped the humans (Míðr) with consciousness (metaphor: fruit from the tree of knowledge), had taken them from their prison and had brought freedom. For it they were thrown all from the 'heaven'. Of course you are allowed back again. However only if you come crawling submissively on a slime track and remain for ever voluntarily slaves.

I can amuse myself again and again deliciously when I look at how all the religiously intocrinated worship the wrong superbeing. Read your funny Bible, your believed God is a slaughterer par excellence. Mıća'ёl, on the other hand, has never had any negative, that is, destructive influence. Nevertheless, you impute the worst evils to him.

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Daily Eagle to his Publication

Polmigration. The swirling magnetic fields have a negative effect on the sensitivity of the birds, which then crash. We have already observed with us, how birds flew with full force against walls. The Pole Shift, which is concealed with the 'climate change', will take place still this year.

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Wrath_ Eyez to his Publication

... who follow the beast!

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response TheBest isYet2Come to her Publication

Totally logical! The best evidence of a flat earth are the soles of shoes. You will not find any curvature in any of them. To prove it definitively, I went to any flight tracker site and chose any aircraft. This completely straight route leaves absolutely no doubts. The "Flat Head's" were right. 🤡

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response LIBERTY JUSTICE4ALL to her Publication

Your dreams don't have expiration dates, take a deep breath and try again.

In response Lydia Fahsholtz to her Publication

Corona exosomes have been known for 60+ years. 36 kinds, but only 7 of them could infect us. Chance of survival if infected: 99.97%. Corona' are regulators of nature that exist for thousands of years. You can't eradicate them. Nobody has died from Corona to date, it is only supposed to stress the immune system in sick life forms so that it collapses so that only the strongest survive.

It's a PCR test plandemic. The only way to know what you are infected with is through genetic sequencing analysis. Nobody does that, because it is very expensive and it only results in known simple flu's. SARS-CoV-2 has never been found anywhere in the world, i.e. outside of Wuhan. That is why there can be no disease COVID-19. This is deliberately false data to enforce the mRNA bioweapon. No SARS-CoV-2 could be obtained for the PCR, so a simple influenza was intentionally used. The test reacts so to 50+ different types of viruses in order to enforce the lethal injection as a 'vaccination'.
