Beth Anon
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God is in control. His plan. Trump is a modern day David. Powell is the modern day Esther. Lin is the modern day Gideon.

“NEWS unlocks MAP.
MAP provides KEY.
KEY spreads TRUTH.
- Q

I wonder if John Robert's will be in attendance at the Scotus hearing this week.

A reminder to all the digital red pilled soldiers. Our goal is to encourage one another AND to wake up the masses. Don't forget the 2nd goal. We have a lot of red pillers here. That's awesome. Go out there into the world and wake some blue pilled sheep. There's tons on Gab and telegram. Get out of your comfort zone.Then come back to regroup. God woke you up for a reason today. Don't forget it.

Freedom isn't free. Potus signed up for 2 impeachments. He took slings and arrows for 4 years. A good reminder when we get weary and feel like complaining. This isn't an ordinary 4 year election. This is about the good vs evil and freedom vs tyranny. Trump is working hard right now behind the scenes. He hasn't forgotten you.

Shaddow Presidency.

How do you know someone is a true patriot?
Twitter has deleted or suspended thier Twitter account.