Val Belaire
@ValBelaireNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
I forgave my husband for what he did so he could go to heaven as a forgiven person. and for myself to move on.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
You don’t yet know who Ballard is then.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Let’s go!

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
That will be amazing. We have been waiting a long time. Send all the demons back to hell and slam the portal shut. The world has gone crazy, we need to fix it now!

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Do you know why people pray over their food before they eat it? To remove any spells cast on it.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Yep. Light Em up!

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Well said.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
God sent me, he saved me i will stand strong.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Good catch there.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
All planned. Hit us with an atrocity everyday so we can’t rise up against them.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Dogs of the sea. I used to body surf with them.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Let’s hear it for the humans, the real original ones.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Yes me too!

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Done. Consider yourself covered.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Bless you. Praying for your daughter!

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
What happens if he says he doesn’t want their business? That really puts him in a tight place. Sounds like you are worried. They likely know you posted this, let’s hope everything goes well and it’s just more business for you guys.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
I absolutely hate this kind of thing. Just say it. Yeah we are waiting everyday now for something big. Been waiting for years now.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
I have known this was the case since forever ago.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
I’ve read that this exercise ends the last week of March. They have another planned however.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
I have heard ivermectin helps with skin cancer?

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
As it will BE!

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Bless you mommy.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Mine keeps skipping to a different post while I’m trying to read one thing it flips to something else. Sometimes the whole page doesn’t show up but maybe 3/4 of it does. Very frustrating.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
They know who they are. Sleep well while you can because an eternity in Hell is too good for you who were involved.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
I believe in grieving your pet. Then live without one for a bit to really appreciate what you were given and what you will do for the next one. I also believe that the one you are supposed to have will call to you. I would not be in a rush.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Awww, tears here. So hard to do. A promise made a promise kept. We love our babies so much.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Me too please.@valdesignasid ValBelaire. I miss my friends there.

Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
The sea.