Truth vangelist
1 year ago

Truth vangelist

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We the people.

In the Orthodox Christian church, the worship cannot go forward without 'we the people' giving their participatory 'amen'. It's a beautiful back and forth as Jesus - Lord of His church the the people meet and the result is forgiveness, renewal, grace, healing.

Today, consider what you're giving your 'amen' to. Is it given to companies bent on destroying our culture? Is it given to products containing poisons disguised as food? Is it persons who say they represent you and yet go against every value you stand for?

This cultural battle might be as simple as removing our collective 'amen' from all that applies.

Far from performance art, or radical political invention, or cultural upheaval - what we're seeing is nothing less than the victimization of humanity (and the icon represented therein) at the hands of dark forces far more powerful and far less recognized than most realize.

There are solutions, but that require more than most are willing to offer. Yet, tremendous darkness falls easily at the rays of the smallest light. If for only a moment each day, pray for the world. Be that small ray of righteous light, driven by love - carried by faith.

The spiritual battles rage on - every day - on large and small scales - in gov't, businesses, homes and personal lives.

We, however, have allies. Who? Those in the spiritual realm whose job it is to safeguard us and to come to our aid, should they be asked. These are the saints (who've gone on before us) and the bodiless hosts of heaven, some of whom are angels.

No cry for help to the Lord goes unheard or unanswered. However, it's easy to miss the answers when they arrive due to the noise of daily life, busy-ness and our own headspace.

Take some time to reflect, to pray and gather strength from the Lord.

These are reminders/truths from scripture which encourage me every day. (game: find the biblical book, chapter and verse for each of these):

1. No weapon formed against us will prosper.
2. If God is for us, who can be against us?
3. Fear not, for I am with you.
4. My peace I give to you.
5. In this world you will have trouble, fear not - I have overcome the world.

"The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for."
Fyodor Dostoevsky

Success in spiritual warfare (that which precedes and infuses all the externals we try to interpret) starts with a realization of truth being first, relational. ("I am the way, the truth and the life."), then discernible to the degree we are able to enter into relationship with it (Proverbs 3:5-6). All else is possibly educated conjecture (at best) and likely (at worst) a sort of forced jigsaw assembly of randomly claimed 'facts' into an image which fit best into our preferred interpretations of events, and are (unfortunately) highly influenced by various barrages of disinformation; their quality or lack thereof. Eyes on Christ. Live the life.

Pray, patriots, pray!

"The fact that something is objectively valid, that it is true, does not in the least demand that everyone should be able to grasp it."
Dietrich von Hildebrand

Best laid plans can come to nothing; resistance is real. Continue to submit your plans to the Lord and acknowledge Him - trusting not in your own wisdom, but lean on Him, knowing He will make your path straight. "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend it."

Pray, patriots, pray!

If only we knew of the innumerable bodiless powers and heavenly hosts prepared to come to our aid on the condition of humility and merely asking with the right motive.

Examples of praying the words inspired by the Holy Spirit:
Based on Psalm 143:11.

"For the glory of Your name, O Lord, preserve Jack's life. Because of Your faithfulness, bring him out of this distress."

"For the glory of Your name, O Lord, preserve Suzanne's life. Because of Your faithfulness, bring her out of this distress."

"For the glory of Your name, O Lord, preserve America's life. Because of Your faithfulness, bring us out of this distress."

"For the glory of Your name, O Lord, preserve Mom's life. Because of Your faithfulness, bring her out of this distress."

Distress can be sickness, troubled times, confusion for our life is more air, food, drink and sleep - it is our living out God's high intentions for us and to be connected to him such that we have a oneness of purpose and joy with Jesus.

Pray, friends, pray!

Since the battle is spiritual before anything else. We need to accumulate a knowledge of spiritual weapons. Humility is power over the enemy. It is to get out of the way spiritually and to become an avenue for God's power to move in you.

Here's a powerful prayer. Pray this - with great focus and intention, slowly, pondering each part - for yourself, or substitute someone else's name in it.

"For the glory of Your name, O Lord, preserve my life. Because of Your faithfulness, bring me out of this distress."
Psalm 143:11

When we pray the scriptures, we pray the Holy Spirit's inspired words.

Make note of who you pray for and remember that ultimately the Lord's plans and intentions are infinitely higher than ours, and with complete knowledge of what is truly best in every circumstance.

We have the joy & responsibility to act and cooperate with God as faithful stewards, taking action in humility & faith - depending on God to bring the results which best move us forward.

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Do you wonder why certain words, objects and persons hold power? Power to heal, work miracles and to cast out demons? Get your Bible and note the exact circumstances of miracles (natural or otherwise), exorcisms and healings. Compile a list note observations. This 'power' to do these things is available to us.

There's an ancient version of Christianity (pre-Reformation, pre-Schism) which has remained basically unchanged and is largely unknown in the western nations. It is the closest version to what the apostles established after being instructed by the risen Jesus.

This "early" Christianity amounts to a deeper, more intuitive, relational, 'holy' mindset - all thoroughly biblical; one which (in modern terms) best and most completely explains esoteric phenomena, quantum physics and the occult, which are being aggressively leveraged against Christians by those in places of corruption.

There are mysteries, but these work for us, not against us.

More to come...

Pray, patriot

Consider, remember: Grace is not only something received from God, it is also (for lack of a better term) an 'energy'. The pursuit of holiness (and the propagation of it) brings it to the individual and empowers one to do certain things aligned to the expression "let your light shine" and "greater things you shall do" and "with God all things are possible."

I think we all know we can use more of this as we fight to bring the Kingdom of Heaven (which is within) to bear in the real-life world around us.

In these days of epic spiritual warfare, which is manifesting everywhere around us - your pursuit of holiness (i.e. strengthening your relationship to Jesus Christ) via prayer, fasting and service to the less-fortunate and needy - emanates great power (grace) to those around you, whether they know it or not.

It is said that one praying family can bring healing to a thousand around it.

Pray, patriots, pray!

When the Lord Jesus Christ goes before us in battle to defeat a powerful enemy - any enemy - it will be a result of prayer and fasting.

Fallen entities who masquerade as various persons, aliens etc...are evil spirits of various ranks and abilities. They are routed and defeated when prayer is accompanied by fasting. Remember this equation, patriots:

ego < prayer + presence of Holy Spirit +self denial + fasting = victory.

This is why Jesus told his disciples that certain powerful evil spirits could only be defeated by prayer + fasting.

☦️🙏As Christians, our first order of business is repentance. From there will flow streams of living water, spiritual power, discernment and all that is needed to stand in these times. Pray, patriots, pray! Before this battle is anything else, it is spiritual.🙏☦️

While the information war rages on...disinformation everywhere, theories, ideas and interpretations - what we do have and what we can control is our own behavior, attitude and willingness to doggedly pursue objective truth and get as close to it as possible, then live consistently with it.

This will require embracing an interesting angle: that truth (is) objective (not self generated) and that is is obtainable/discernable via internal sensory avenues which do not depend on rationalism or IQ or "science".

The truth is indeed 'out there' but it is also 'in there'. Second, 'truth' is a person named Jesus - this means the objective world makes sense in the context of relationship before it it makes sense via an individual's powers (or lack thereof) of intellect.

"There is wisdom in the good heart of a man. But wisdom is unknown in those without discernment." Proverbs 14:33

Pray, patriots, pray!

“We have to be braver than we think we can be, because God is constantly calling us to be more than we are.”
― Madeleine L'Engle

“Courage is found in unlikely places.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien

"Great things are done when men and mountains meet."

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." Thoreau

The victory we seek will arrive via supra-rational means. That is, a means beyond intellectual arguing. The culture required to discuss, debate and fairly weigh ideas in a pursuit of truth is, sadly, so badly atrophied such that now, a new route of persuasion comes to the fore...via the proclamation of a new (renewed) vision and paradigm rooted in BEAUTY. Not shallow appearance or money or feigned perfection, but deep truth, all-encompassing beauty of something, indeed someone transcendent. This is the method by which the Master, Jesus taught: parables. Compelling stories illustrating a greater archetype and vision - beyond the need to quantify, appealing to something rooted in our innermost being. His image stamped upon us. Making humanity naturally responsive to a greater Love, greater giving of self, greater vision, higher standard for humanity leading to a renewed culture; inspired people captivated by beauty-driven VISION such that it crowds out all that is not itself.

Be careful who you listen to, good words can be spoken by dark hearts with evil intentions. Sheep's clothing, if you will. Discern and test. "You will know them by their fruits."

As important to speaking truth, is LIVING truthfully and producing fruits in keeping with a changed heart and mind.

We must always define victory clearly. Victory must never be confused with appeasement. Victory must never be confused with dilution of ideals or compromise of core values. Yes, good people work well with others and good people are willing to 'meet in the middle' - HOWEVER, the situation we currently face in our nation and culture are such that there is no ideological middle ground remaining as our opponents seek to cancel us.

Be decisive. Be strong. Act out of good character and be driven by a divinely-strong LOVE.

Learn the founding documents. Get active and involved - and above all PRAY.

Sometimes, what is being portrayed as going on 'behind the scenes' is a form of disinformation designed to encourage passivity among the forces for good. Discern what is what; observe, test, think. "You shall know them by their fruits."

WE must become active at every level, driven by prayer, solid-thinking and covered with the full armor or God.

Pray, Patriots, pray!

One of our means of re-establishing, promoting actual freedom and actual independence is to maintain awareness that any and ALL pending or current monolithic systems derived of man - promising 'safety' and/or amazing, utopian benefits - are inherently suspect. Examples are numerous. Keep eyes open. Be wide awake. That is all.

Until 'We the People' take sufficient action (show up, speak truth, recall officials, spend money elsewhere) we will continue to get what we're currently getting.

I know we long to get back to 'normal'. Where we are now is a long, long way from normal. The way back is to pray, then re-assert the principles of 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' in a "nation under God with liberty and justice for all."

1. Spiritually fight. Take up the spiritual battle in the heavenly realms. It starts there. Praying FOR our enemies. This is to counter the evil working on/through them. Repent.

2. Sufficient action in your community. Get involved, speak truth in love but with a firm conviction and backed up with actions that speak louder than words.

3. Victory is via the heart. Plant seeds. Recognize that to change minds, we must change hearts first. No amount of data can change an unwilling heart. Reach out. Listen. Care. Love. Be the bigger person who is standing strong and taking

Never underestimate the power of an expanding attention such that it completely crowds out and renders inert all opposing and competing thoughts.

This is the power of a new stronger, VISION and a better idea CARRIED OUT via relentless ACTIONS driven by strong Love.

Pray, patriots, pray!