Examples of praying the words inspired by the Holy Spirit:
Based on Psalm 143:11.
"For the glory of Your name, O Lord, preserve Jack's life. Because of Your faithfulness, bring him out of this distress."
"For the glory of Your name, O Lord, preserve Suzanne's life. Because of Your faithfulness, bring her out of this distress."
"For the glory of Your name, O Lord, preserve America's life. Because of Your faithfulness, bring us out of this distress."
"For the glory of Your name, O Lord, preserve Mom's life. Because of Your faithfulness, bring her out of this distress."
Distress can be sickness, troubled times, confusion for our life is more air, food, drink and sleep - it is our living out God's high intentions for us and to be connected to him such that we have a oneness of purpose and joy with Jesus.
Pray, friends, pray!