Duncan J Campbell
2 years ago

Duncan J Campbell

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Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

The plan seems to include all the covert Nazis outing themselves.

Good plan.

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Manic Street Preachers - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next - YouTube

Manic Street Preachers - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next (Official Video) 20 Year Collector’s Edition of ‘This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours’ is ...

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

#2A, #USA 🇺🇸 #FamilyIsEverything 🇬🇧 #SaveTheChildren

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

"Its important, that we all understand, that WWII never ended!
The DVD , Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, ARE THE Rothschilds Cult of the "All seeing Eye" Secret Intelligence group, that were BEHIND the Nazis!!! They INFILTRATED and Controlled 5 Eyes Intel Group, US and UK Politics, and they are run out of Germany, and ACTIVE right now!!!" All Blackmailed Politicians /Child Trafficking! Uk and US are targets to them.

"A German organization known as the DVD or Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (a super-secret German Nazi Continuum Agency), a Nazi "holdover" from World War II with "franchises" around the world."

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

The DVD , Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst The NAZI Secret terror Intelligence agency, are Run in the US by the "BUSH" Family and others!!! Bush Snr was effectively the "Fuhrer"!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Wake up world, the NAZIS on behalf of their CULT Masters have been in charge!!! the ARE the Deep State!!! Operation paperclip in the US!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Do you really think, the Allies won WWII?

Look at the EU, Hitler, a puppet, had plans for a United States of Europe, Count Coudenhove Kallergi, mass immigration, Medical Mafia, Vaccine Passports, the Roots of the NAZI Green/Climate change Movement, WHY do you think Klaus Schwabb & The WEF, look and sound like NAZIS? Common sense, its all available open source Info!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

The DVD's "Pedophile Signature" Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst The NAZI Secret terror Intelligence agency!

Pedophile rings in both the U.S. and Britain, such as those recently brought to light in the most recent of many, the Westminster Pedophile Scandal and, in the U.S., the Franklin Scandal, tying a national child trafficking ring to the Bush family, dozens of prominent American legislators and major corporate leaders.

It was the decade of the 1980s when the scope of the problem, the infiltration of the highest levels of governments, particularly NATO nations, by large scale organized pedophile rings came to light.

The Bush family and DVD were brought to light by Houston based journalist Tom Philpot.
His 1981 documentary, Boys for Sale traces regional child exploitation rings to the highest levels of U.S. government and the center of what other informants tell us is the DVD.

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

The Freemasons, were corrupted and co-opted more than 300 years ago, into the Cult! The Frankist Illuminated lodges, spread out through the World, interbreeding throught the ROTHSCHILD FAMILY and others, into Royal Families, Banking, Business, Law and the Courts, Medicine, Military etc etc etc!!! NAZISM and COMMUNISM, were just weapons! 2 Fingers on the Satanists Hands! but the DVD (Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst The NAZI Secret terror Intelligence agency) ARE THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT!!! Think about that..............Doesn't all this FEEL NAZI like, particularly in the UK! Where obviously Politicians and Scientists alike, are Blackmailed, into DESTROYING the population as fast as possible!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

The UK Prime Minister and Notorious Paedophile "Ted Heath", was a Prodigy of "VICTOR ROTHSCHILD", he even went to NAZI Germany, and Met Hitler and Himmler, as a young man! He took his orders from the DVD (Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst) this is why he took the UK into the Common Market (pre-cursor, to the EU), effectively "THE FOURTH REICH" to come!!! He was a Blackmailed Peadophile!!! as are the Majority still!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

If you REALLY want to Understand the beginnings of this Modern SATANIC CULT EVIL!!! look into Germany Around the Black Forest area and "FRANKFURT", in particular, look into PRUSSIA and its pre-occupation, with "EUGENICS" "VACCINATIONS" in particular. Look into certain Families, The "ROTHSCHILDS" "SCHIFFS" "WARBURGS" WEISHAUPTS" "MOUNTBATTENS"!!! This is all from several sources of EVIL, going on approx 4-500 years ago, in the "BLACK FOREST" area, a form of WEAPONIZED DRUIDIC/PAGANISM that joined with certain German Families, from much earlier times, also connecting up to "PEDOVORES", look at the pre-occupation of certain German Fairytales, with Child Eating and witchcraft, "RED RIDING HOOD", "HANSEL AND GRETEL" etc etc. Were these WARNINGS about the Darkness, to come, emerging from the middle ages Black Forest of Germany, and the SATANIC Families perpetrating these Atrocities???

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

You may want to look into, "THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL" and its Doctrines of "CULTURAL MARXISM" and COMMUNISM! Germany, where Communism and NAZISM both started! and Modern Freemasonry, & the "BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI"!!! and "EUGENICS", Coincidence? Think about it!!! and less we forget it, The "TOP OF THE PYRAMID" "Sabbatean - Frankism" The so called "CULT OF THE ALL SEEING EYE" that invented the NAZI/COMMUNIST/SATANIC Horror Show, we are all now WAKING UP TO!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Both the RIGHT WING and LEFT WING Political ideologies, were Infiltrated and encouraged/funded by the CULT!!! in the UK "THE FABIAN SOCIETY" on the LEFT and a number of others on the RIGHT. There has ONLY been an Illusion of choice, in practically every Government! ALL PRIME MINISTERS are Blackmailed DEEP STATE/DVD/CULT controlled assets!WHY do you think BREXIT took so long? and WHY now, are illegal Immigrants still, pouring in, in a so-called "PANDEMIC"? WHY are we working with the EU on Vaccine Passports? BECAUSE THE GERMAN DVD ,Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, are the REAL RULERS of the EU!!! and have all our Politicians/Bankers/Freemasons/Police/Judges etc etc Blackmailed (Peadophilia) and in their pockets! WAKE UP UK and the World!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

WHO Runs Germany?.......WHO "REALLY" Runs Germany???

Answer: The "Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst" DVD!!!

The REAL power behind the NAZIS!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

"Nazis and fairytales: Germany's forests are full of hidden history".
"The Black Forest is not called the Black Forest because it casts dark shadows," explains Uwe Schmidt, a professor of forest history at the University of Freiburg in southern Germany."

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Remember.............."GEORGE SOROS" was a NAZI!!!

"Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].
Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].
Soros transfer of wealth."

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!

Q Follower Oct 2017. Freedom of Speech for all! Independent Researcher. Digital Soldier, work in progress!!!