Both the RIGHT WING and LEFT WING Political ideologies, were Infiltrated and encouraged/funded by the CULT!!! in the UK "THE FABIAN SOCIETY" on the LEFT and a number of others on the RIGHT. There has ONLY been an Illusion of choice, in practically every Government! ALL PRIME MINISTERS are Blackmailed DEEP STATE/DVD/CULT controlled assets!WHY do you think BREXIT took so long? and WHY now, are illegal Immigrants still, pouring in, in a so-called "PANDEMIC"? WHY are we working with the EU on Vaccine Passports? BECAUSE THE GERMAN DVD ,Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, are the REAL RULERS of the EU!!! and have all our Politicians/Bankers/Freemasons/Police/Judges etc etc Blackmailed (Peadophilia) and in their pockets! WAKE UP UK and the World!!!