Steve Murray
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X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
SPOCK. That’s a PAEDOPHILE. Don’t let it SNIFF YOU and watch its hands!

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Bless you my daughter and son. How many diamonds (children) have you brought me?

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
OMG these animals think they are untouchable and above the law. Even the corrupt judges wife has condemned and convicted him before his court case is over. Is this not illegal in some sense. The judge must also (obviously) be discussing the DJT case with her.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Definitely Epstein Island Vibes.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Neither did I. We learn something new every day.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Look to the past and look at today.
Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan in the 60's & 70's | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
The relationship is closer than you know…
The Trump and General Patton Connection -
ATS Thread On Patton
X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Haven’t heard much from SIR TONY BLAIR lately have we.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
This is going to turn into a new ME TOO group.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
IN FACT they’ll be taking and keeping everything you give up for themselves.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
They’ve already done it. Wait until people find out !

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Problem solved.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Easy solution. Send them ALL to California and make that the new border. Build a wall, a BIG one.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Insurance companies WILL NOT insure them shortly.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Anything to do with this?
Human DNA Strands 72,000 (mother) + 72,000 (father) = 144,000
Vaxed DNA 144,000 + 72,000 (jab) = 216,000 Strands (GMO - not human) mother, father, jab

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
WOW Brenna. I can’t (can now) believe how everything in this video strongly resonated with me. Another great watch. Thank you.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
What a fantastic website. All information is clear, concise, understandable and truthful. Great place for people to start learning the truth. TY

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Ivanka 2.0 I assume.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Would have looked like a paradise on earth.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
NO Chinese Company or any other country should ever have been allowed to buy one square inch of American soil. The backhanders must have been huge. TRAITORS everywhere in the US Government. Every country needs to buy ALL land back that has been ‘SOLD’ to any other country.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Could also be INFILTRATION at its finest. Great actors.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
He WILL WIN. Virginia - Senator Cao 2024.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
The Last President…

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
AND how did you charge them?

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Love this one.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
If I looked like that ? A bloody good barbers.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Ordered to stand down. ALL complicit in genocide.

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Assuming they’re not using Dominion Voting machines!

X educator. Looking to educate myself and others with the truth.
Always has been. He’s one of them. Didn’t get his knighthood for nothing. Massive in the cover up of Savile. TRAITOR