Shell WaterNSea
1 year ago

Shell WaterNSea

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AZ Morning, always the weekends. Then during the week, see how many moods and personalities change..

Seeker of Truth | Dark-to-Light | WWG1WGA if we've been Here Before.


We had a busy Monday in the AZ...

🍿🍿"Let's Circle Back" as the right would say..
watch this as it pertaining with the present time.
Leigh Dundas Explains The Executive Order on
Election Fraud...Must watch to catch it.
In Faith and Solidarity .


Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

Be Prepared but have Patience .. Read this throughout .. Think outside the Box...
Think Durham Boat.. Think Evergreen and Ports..Be prepared, Winter is Coming. IN FAITH AND SOLIDARTY.

🕊RIP Veronica, 🙏The People's Bridge

Light Worker Patriot! Married! Mother of 3 Beautiful Daughters and 4 Handsome Grandsons, 1 Beautiful Grand-Daughter

Cant make this up... How many of you can find the "Q"?

🇺🇲 We will be United, Faith, Family and Friends 🙏

☆Faith, Family and Friends ☆

So what if...There was a Second Purpose for C19...If misdiagnosed , put on a ventilator..

"Coma" 1978 Movie... So what if....

Old Movies telling us their secrets...