Ron Peterman
@RonsterNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Patriot, Disabled Veteran, Ex Firefighter. I will follow back all patriots and anons.

In Washington DC, Ray Roseberry is threatening to detonate a bomb in his car which he reportedly says would level two blocks of buildings.
“I’m here for a reason, Joe Biden. I’m here for the American people. If you wanna take me out, take me out. There are five of us here - I’m just the little man, I’m the speaker. If you blow my truck up, it’s on you Joe.”
Roseberry had been livestreaming on Facebook for 30 minutes from his car with FBI and snipers trained on him, but Facebook blocked his account and removed the video.
Roseberry has also reportedly claimed to be using coins as fragmentation to cause maximum damage, and says he has sensor on the car windows that will detonate the explosives if breached.

Live: US Capitol Bomb threat;

Nothing can stop what is coming!
SW Ohio school board meeting. I told them what the jabs were going to do to them. It was if I had said nothing. Masks were reinstituted for all people inside all buildings on this night as well. Tyrants. Mass non-participation, permanently, is…
I think that Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium has been shut down/hacked off air or something. I lost transmission of it about an hour ago and can't seem to pull it up.

Lots of Military birds in the sky today over the U.S.A. I saw 417 so far, all up at 1 time. The Capitol is also busy with what looks like security details.

Military war veteran🎖Spiritualist💚 Q💥 Freedom Fighter 🦅 Took the Oath✋Darkness to Light🌔God is Love ❤️From 3Dto5D🙏 Rescue Animals🐕🐈

I just don't know what to make of this. Biden flew to Wisconsin yesterday from Andrews, and back to Andrews last night on the jet that is normally used by the Vice President, the Boing 752 C-42A. The jet did not fly under the callsign AF1 (Air Force One). Instead, it flew under the callsign "_09-0017" on the flight to Wisconsin and the return flight back to Andrews last night. This is not normal. I monitored this flight myself . I watched it happen LIVE. My question is this. Is the military not recognizing the old puppet as "President"?

I've been watching the aircraft movement and the aircraft known to us as usually being flown with the callsign AF2 (Boeing C-32A B752) spent most of the day Wednesday flying in circles over and around the Chesepeak Bay area. Thursday, it flew to to Tucson Arizona under the callsign "SAM635". Well, it just left Monterray Airport in California flying under the callsign "SAM635" again. Not sure where it's going this trip, but it is west of Phoenix Arizona heading east.

🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.

Exodus 8:1-15 | Son of a Founding Father 🦅 | Son of the American Revolution 🇺🇸
Feb 5 2021 | [NOT] President Biden Departs JBA on Air Force None
Nothing. To. SEE. Here. 🤫
Here's the OFFICIAL Air Force One
"...this name refers to one of two highly customized Boeing 747-200B series aircraft, which carry the tail codes 28000 and 29000."

I just saw 14 Emergency vehicles pass in front of the White House, anyone know what's going on there?

A Gulfstream Aerospace C-37A just flew into Andrews from Ramstein Air base in Germany. I wonder if this is significant?

Lynyrd Skynyrd ~ Workin' for MCA ~ with Ed King

There has been a KC-135R circling over DC all day, and it is curently still there circling (they swapped aircraft, this is the 2nd KC-135R from this morning). The C-130's have been silent, so I assume the troops are still there. I don't have any idea what this represents, but I thought that I would share. Possibly the troops will remain? What is the big KC-135R doing? it must have some kind of activiy monitoring systems?

S3cr3tary P0mp3o iZ tw33t!n6 4t f!ft33n m!nut3 !nt3rv4lz