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5 days ago


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CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

These dextrans with antibody covalently linked to high molecular weight dextran, serve to crosslink receptors, which are the antibody target, on cell surfaces. Anti-IgD dextran is an efficient and potent polyclonal B cell activator for studying a wide range of B cell functions.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

DiagPoly™ PEG Polystyrene Particles, 10 μm
10 μm PS particles are designed with PEG 300 coating on the surface to reduce the unspecific binding of proteins significantly. These particles are supplied in water. Standard deviation < 10 % (C.V.).

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

Dextran is a polysaccharide composed of D-glucose monomers linked by glycosidic bonds. The structure is rich in hydroxyl groups, making it easy to chemically modify. The active groups on glucan can simultaneously load multifunctional molecules (enzymes, antibodies, peptides, nucleic acids, etc.), facilitating the preparation of multifunctional microspheres. It has now been widely used in two-dimensional and porous soft tissue scaffolds, drug release and other fields. Additionally, dextran gel is a polymer compound with three-dimensional mesh structure.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

High purity Chitosan (CS) is extracted from Chitin. Chitosan has NH2 groups that can be used for bioconjugation or further derivatization using amide coupling reaction with carboxylic acid.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

DiagPoly™ Plain Polystyrene Particles, 0.025 μm
Plain PS Particles, 0.025 μm, 10 mg/mL, supplied in DI water.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

DiagNanoâ„¢ Gold Nanoparticles, 2.2 nm
2.2 nm Au, citrate capping, DI water, 1 OD ( 0.05 mg/mL), 4.66E+14 particles/mL, Size Dispersity %PDI: < 25%, Size Accuracy (+/- nm): 0.1 nm.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

DiagNanoâ„¢ Streptavidin conjugated Gold Nanoparticles, 60 nm, 10 OD

10 OD streptavidin conjugated gold nanoparticles, 60 nm, supplied in 0.01M PBS (pH 7.4), 20% glycerol (v/v), 1% BSA.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

DiagPolyâ„¢ Europium Carboxylate Polystyrene Nanoparticles, 200 nm (#DEC-T006) are polystyrene or polystyrene with coploymer grafted surface. The particles are chelated with Eu (excitation: 333 nm, emission: 613 nm, red fluorescence) for extremely broad stokes shift which can prevent non-specific fluorescence interference. 200 nm europium polystyrene nanoparticles are functionalized with carboxyl groups (COOH) and applied in lateral flow, diagnostic assay, molecular biology and other time-resolved fluorescent research. The density of particle solution is 1.06 g/cm3. Each carboxylate group will provide parking area of 20 A2 on the surface.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

Cardiolipin (CL) is a unique phospholipid with a very interesting chemical and specific ultrastructural characteristics. It is a highly acid dimer of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) and phosphatidic acid (PA), containing four acyl chains; three glycerols and two phosphate headgroups. Due to deprotonation of one of one of these phosphate groups, cardiolipin is negatively charged in physiological pH.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

Gene expression and therapy is the introduction of foreign nucleic acids into target cells to modify or compensate for gene defects, so as to treat diseases such as cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and infectious diseases. The rate of removal of exposed nucleic acid is faster, and the rate of non-specific biological distribution and cell internalization is low, which cannot achieve the expected therapeutic effect. Non-viral vectors have low immunity, can be used for multiple injections and mass production, and have great potential for clinical gene therapy. Common non-viral vector transgenic methods include electroporation, calcium phosphate precipitation, and liposomes.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

DiagPoly™ Amine Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) PMMA Particles, Porous, 15 μm
Amine porous Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) PMMA particles, 15 μm, 1.2 g/mL, supplied in DI water, sterilized.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

DiagPoly™ Plain Polystyrene Particles, 20 μm
Plain PS Particles, 20 μm, 10 mg/mL, supplied in DI water.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

CD Bioparticles offers custom surfaces of drug carriers by utilizing new coatings and modification techniques to overcome some limits by conventional modification. These drug loaded particles have longer blood circulation time and greater opportunity for specific localization with the existence of new coatings or modification like glycans, polyketals, polyvinylpyrrolidone, red cell membranes and so on.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

DiagNanoâ„¢ Water Dispersible Upconverting Nanoparticles, 804 nm
Water dispersible upconverting nanoparticles, absorbance max 975 nm, emission max 804 nm, White crystalline solid, Purity:>95.0%. NaYF4:Yb, Tm, Mn

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

Absolute Magâ„¢ Fe(III) Oxide Hydroxide Nanorods in Ethanol, 50 wt%, 100 nm x 500 nm
Fe2O3H2O Nanorods Ethanol Dispersion, Alpha, 98%, Diameter 100 nm, Length 500 nm, 50wt% in Ethanol

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

A fully validated dissolution in vitro release method is one of the control tools to ensure that quality and clinical performance are maintained throughout the lifecycle of the drug products. For example, in vitro release methods may aid in the characterization of liposome integrity, and in quantifying free versus encapsulated drugs. Like drug products without nanomaterials, drug products containing nanomaterials should have dissolution/in vitro release methods capable of discriminating formulation and manufacturing differences which may impact the clinical performance of the drug product. In addition to in vitro drug release, drug in vitro testing also includes in vitro toxicity test, in vitro drug sensitivity tests and so on.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

CD Bioparticles offers custom ultrasound imaging contrast agents with ideal contrast properties to meet all your ultrasound imaging needs. With years of expertise in diagnosis and imaging contrast agents development, our experienced scientists can construct both microbubble and inorganic nanoparticles-based contrast agents tailored for ultrasound imaging.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

The pull-down assay is a technique developed to verify the physical interactions between proteins in vitro, which can be also used to confirm a predicted protein-protein interaction and identify novel interacting partners. Although this method can't reflect the real interaction under physiological conditions due to the uncertain spatially encounter in vivo, it is a powerful tool for studying protein-protein interactions in vitro. This method typically involves the affinity capture process using bait protein coupled supports and various wash and elution steps, which are tedious and time-consuming.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

The main ingredient of this product is HAMA (methacrylated hyaluronic acid, molecular weight 150k-250kDa), has good biocompatibility, can be stimulated by ultraviolet light or visible light (blue light), and can be mixed with basic biological materials or other bio-inks of Shangpu to form a three-dimensional structure suitable for cell growth and differentiation with a certain strength.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

Color-dyes polystyrene particles conjugated with recognition molecules as antibodies, antigens, proteins, or other biomacromolecules are available on request. Unmodified polymer spheres are also offered. These polymer particles find extensive applications in a range of flow assays, diagnostic tests, optical and electronic instrument testing, and calibration.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

CD Bioparticles provide a wide range of uniform and monodisperse colored polystyrene particles. Our colored particles are prepared by polymerizing styrene in oil soluble dye solution in styrene. Therefore, the particles do not contain the solvents commonly found in the preparation of particles by staining with dye solutions in organic solvents. Diagpolyâ„¢ Colored Polystyrene Particles are intensely colored, which can enhance the visual detection in assays such as latex agglutination, dipstick, and membrane-based assays.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

Silane-PEG-Maleimide (Silane-PEG-Mal) is a linear heterobifunctional PEG reagent with a maleimide and a silane.It is a useful crosslinking reagent with a PEG spacer. Maleimide reacts with thiol, SH, sulfhydryl or mercapto, and silane group can react with glass or other hydroxylated surface or particle.It may be used to introduce thiol or cysteine reactive functional group on hydroxylated nanopartilce, microsphere, self-assembled monolayer or metal chips. Pegylation can greatly suppress the non-specific binding of charged molecules to the modified surfaces. And they have wide applications for medica device, biomems or biocompatible material development.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.



Unit Size:5 g

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

Type I rat tail telocollagen solution is for 2D coatings or 3D hydrogels. The product is soluble telo-collagen and is provided in a 0.02M acetic acid solution (~pH 3). Each product includes a bottle of collagen solution. This product is sterile filtered and is ideal for coating of surfaces, providing preparation of thin layers for culturing cells, or use as a solid gel. This product is for R&D use only and is not intended for human or other uses.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

Absolute Mag™ DNA Magnetic Particles, Silica-coated, 1.0 μm (#WHM-G180) are superparamagnetic particles with porous silica coating. These particles are designed for automatic DNA/RNA separation such as genomic DNA, plasmid DNA, total RNA and PCR products. DNA/RNA bind to these porous silica surface under high salts conditions (5 M guanidinium thiocyanate).

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

Basic magnetic particles can be further coated and functionalized for biotechnology and biomedical applications. In vitro, magnetic beads are widely used in diagnostic and separation of biomolecules, such as protein, cell, DNA/RNA, microorganism. In vivo, magnetic beads have been used both in therapeutic (drug delivery and hyperthermia) and diagnostic applications (magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)).

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

CD Bioparticles offers unmodified magnetic particles to meet our customers’multiple needs. The magnetic functionality of magnetic particles is determined by composition, size, and shape of its magnetic core. These cores can be made from different materials and with varying sizes, shapes, uniformities, and magnetic properties. Our scientists are experts in preparing magnetic particles in various forms, including pureiron and cobalt metals, alloys such as CoPt3, FePt,FeZn, iron oxides which includes magnetite (Fe3O4) and maghemite (γ-Fe2O3). We also dope iron oxides with Mn, Fe, Co or Nito form MFe2O4 structures and enhance their magnetic properties.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

Lipid PEGs
PEG lipids, also known as PEGylated lipids, are a class of PEG derivatives. PEG lipids have been widely used to improve the circulation time of liposome-encapsulated (LNP) drugs and reduce nonspecific uptake. The design flexibility of PEG lipids and the simplicity of physical drug entrapment make PEG-lipid micelles a versatile and effective drug carrier for cancer therapy. They have been shown to overcome some of the limitations of poorly soluble drugs, such as non-specific biodistribution and targeting, lack of water solubility, and poor oral bioavailability. CD Bioparticles offers a wide range of polyethylene glycol-lipid conjugates, including various functionalized polyethylene glycol ends such as amines, carboxylic acids, azides, aldehydes, thiols and hydroxyls. In addition, we also provide a choice of different lipids, such as Cholesterol, DOPE, DSPE, and DBCO, etc.

CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles and microparticles.

VHL Ligand 1 (hydrochloride)

VHL Ligand 1 HCl


Unit Size:250 mg, 500 mg, 1 g
Common Use: VHL Ligand 1 HCl salt is a synthetic compound that incorporate an E3 ligase ligand with and a PEG linkers to empower PROTAC drug research & discovery. PEG spacer increase aqueous solubility.