Patriot Quest
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Truth is Freedom.

Ready for the next step in the journey toward truth?

Lin Wood speaks truth
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The burden of proof belongs to those who make claims that are contrary to the obvious.
How is 'obvious' defined?
-easily perceived
-readily apparent
-not requiring investigation
While thinking about the above... answer these questions:
Is the motion of the earth easily perceived?
Is the curvature of the earth readily apparent?
Does the possibility of a 'container-less' atmosphere require further investigation?

Moving at Z Speed of Thought. The truth has only one master. All Timelines converged. I pledge to you all that I AM.

USA Veteran. WWG1WGA "The greatest movement in the history of the World."
We have been lied to --
And the real truth is being revealed at last.
The real history of WHO actually built the magnificent cities in the World is getting leaked out ....
This is a start .
These cities were masterfully planned. Water was a key component , designs for free energy, and frequencies for abundance.
But it was STOLEN from us -- dark element thieves purposefully deconstructed key parts to destroy prosperity and health .
Knowledge is power.