eep opp ork ahah because the world need more love in it listen Hopi elders and know their prophecy TRUST GOD THE CREATOR and pray

It's a near vacuum. There is not enough matter to transfer a significant amount of heat to whatever object is passing through.
The amount of heat generated from friction is much more significant, and that's why ceramic shielding is a thing.

Their is a war for the heart,soul,mind of humanity. Jesus is the only Savior NO ONE else. Trust in the plan of God NOT man. Matthew 24:1-51
This is worth a listen. Not trying to convince you. It is worth listening to someone explain the other side of the argument. Someone sent me this video and it for the first time made me think critically. At minimal I agree it is possible we are being lied to. If you disagree that is ok but at least you have a better explanation by someone who can articulate it using compelling evidence.