GnarlyOld Dude
2 years ago

GnarlyOld Dude

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God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Diane Goldman to her Publication

I’ll take a stab at this. I’m an Okie that avoids the left coast like a virus so I cannot confirm but consider: IF Newsome is a CCP lover and IF he effectively sold out to CCP for a financial windfall, the CCP either negotiated or foreclosed to effectively take ownership of Cali ports. This is the CCP modus operandi. Part & parcel of this is the takeover of the port by CCP workers. Now, what ‘freight’ would CCP want to focus on bringing into this country? Club K, anyone?

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response P.Q.Anon PCP to her Publication

K - I’m curious; I recently purchased a pair of these (similar but not exact) to replace an earpiece (non-stereo; one ear) ‘cuz I’m pretty hard on them. I tried the new ones for maybe :45 minutes or an hour and I began to feel nausea / sick / dizzy. Never happened before. Won’t even charge them OR use them now. Anotbody else actually have anything similar?

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

Given the quantity of ammo distributed in USA, whether nukes are used or not, is it safe for any of these tyrants to walk past even a single blade of grass?

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response r363l l10n to her Publication


God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Iam -JD to his Publication

Jalepeno-stuffed olives make domestic beer much better . (Hint: use a glass)

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Anon H@redpilledRN to his Publication

lt would not surprise me that Guiliani was expecting this visit...probably since about 11/3/2020

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

Respectfully, given the ‘updated’ status of our constitution (e.g. post-USA Corp vs Pre-1871 version now in effect), ALL elected officials must reaffirm their oath if not done already. Let there be zero confusion who serves who!

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response 1776 ... to his Publication

It always seemed obvious to me that down-ballot elections were no small part of this disgaceful and treasonous hoax. Prison or worse for all involved! IMO

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

To me this constitutes a criminal enterprise that openly undermines the rule of law and directly infringes the ability of law enforcement to keep the peace. As such these resources should be seized and at a minimum locked up in a long lasting court battle. The best case would be that immediately upon seizure these resources be released to law enforcement for increased security and the contributors arrested. IMO

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

Much is available in public domain but be adviised though it is English, it is English ca. late 1800’s.

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Welcome, sir. Glad you finally made it!

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Trump Fan420 to her Publication

Parvo is ugly, very ugly. It remains in wood, dirt, floors for years. Even then you can never be certain. We love German Shepherds and have lost one whole litter to the malady. Later, brought a new baby to live with us and it died of same. Have learned that older dogs (about 1-yr) have resistance. I don’t like older pups cuz I miss important bonding time that is never forgotten. Now we get a pup and basically have to imprison it for 8-12 months. It is no fun. Life lessons...

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Trump Fan420 to her Publication

So sorry for your losses. Do you know the cause? We’ve lost whole litters to parvo-virus. Stopped having litters. Sad thing but powerful life lesson to kids. Sad way to learn about death.

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Daniel Noble to his Publication

C’mon now. Open your eyes, folks! You have to make an effort. If you don’t look you’ll continue to see darkness. Kids have been rescued. Do you know that? Don’t you think each of them believe something is happening? Soldiers have died to save kids. If you look you can find the actual documents that confirm the former USA corporation was not only exposed but defunded and crushed by DJT. We have our own constitution, again. Why do you think some faker is playing J freakin’ biden? You do know that he’s not the ‘real’ Joe...? So much more. Just because the things you want to happen don’t happen the way or as soon as you want doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Lots happening.

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response JoJo Max to his Publication

False flags to cause panic. What is happening that you’re not supposed to watch? Old tricks still work with some.

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

pond scum

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication

Your time zone?

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Jones 5.56 FMJ to his Publication

I am so sorry for not getting back to you until now. A very nice lady on Telegram was quite helpful. The link I sought is below. I suggest you save it as it might be nice to have at some point, I’m sorry to say. A “1” means we are at war; a “5” is peace; it is currently at “4”. Thanks for your reply.

The link:

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Jones 5.56 FMJ to his Publication

Thanks but I know there ‘was’ a way to see it online a very short time ago. Thought I’d bookmarked it but it’s not there. Grrrr...

So much happening: Ukraine/Russia; China/Taiwan; nutcase in some oval somewhere...just trying to stay current. UFO rumors coming but I firmly believe it is ff bs. IMO

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response GnarlyOld Dude to his Publication

I have no way of knowing if this is true beyond what is plainly visible. Plain, simple truth is that we have no clue as to the type of foriegners entering our country pusuant to this sicko acting as a prez. You decide but I suggest you be aware of incoming creepoids with attitude.

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response CSPOA JAMES to his Publication

To your knowledge are there state attorneys-general willing to be at the head of this line? Methinks they will now and forever more be lauded as heroes.

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response CSPOA JAMES to his Publication

Okay then, I’d love to see that list (not a request until I join your group, please). What about US Marshalls? Anybody willing to prosecute these traitors? This shoe MUST drop ASAP!

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response CSPOA JAMES to his Publication

What about your Sheriffs? Are they up to speed and on-board? They be the ones to shoot holes squarely into this ongoing fraud. Example: I find myself in court with a BAR-approved prosecuter, I’d want her/him arrested for treason, immediately. Reasonable?

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response EAGLE 777 to his Publication

Well. I’m not a saint and I am white. If I’m innocently driving anywhere and a situation arises that includes them entering my spae, I’ll not be submissive. I ALWAYS have a few - yes, more than one - ‘power tools’ with me. It will not be ptetty. I kneel only for my Savior. I do not seek out trouble but I will defend myself.

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Lisa Hill to her Publication

I am SURE these reports of abuse are a problem. I have additional, perhaps more important concerns about those that are being ‘lost’. Is anybody auditing the numbers? How many are being stolen / trafficked for sex or abominable rituals or murder? The apparent chaos and confusion and the abuse calls may simply be distractions for more sordid crimes. Who is there to watch creepy joe or worse, his creepy friends?

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response Richard Simpleton to his Publication

IMO - NO! I have Apple stuff - not my current preference but w/o going back to flip-phone or - better yet - a ‘land-line, I live with what I have. Not sure ANY smart phone ‘safe’. I am regularly blocked from viewing sites posted here. Even when on vpn. It be like the phone handlers have a running list of sites to block us from seeing. Friends tell me same on androids and of course goog-phones. Sucks. At least I’ve managed to retain access to this site. Curious about that, huh? I did limit what updates are able to change but that’s not a solid defense. Others have thoughts / suggestions?

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication

What are the chances that it’ll be OUR money used to pay up?

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response John 812 1776 to his Publication

Just to complete the thought, cosider that therapeutics (hydroxychloroquin or ivermectin) kick it’s ass. Just sayin’...

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response John 812 1776 to his Publication

This old country boy kinda thinks it’s a matter of critical thinking. In the old days we called it common sense. Why in the name of all that’s important would anybody need a vaccine for something that’s less likely to kill you than your chances of getting hit by lightening? IMO.

God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response LADY LIBERTY to her Publication

Military needs to take this wannabe prez to a real zone of conflict. After she craps her panties a few times and gets shot at and sees somebody she loves or stands beside being blown to bits I’m thinking she’ll sing a different song...if she can still function. God bless our military!