Nonna Q17
3 years ago

Nonna Q17

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In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication

Georgia is running out of gas my local Sam's Club has no gas and where there is gas the lines are exceptional. When you find a gas station with no line it's because they are out of gas as well. The Governor of GA I believe just stopped the Gas tax for a while because of the crisis that is occurring here.

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

This is a flat out lie. Surburban Atlanta long lines Sams's Club is out of gas and stations that have no line are out of gas total and utter BS

In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

March Maddening- Lets get this movie rolling- Unless people are using social media they know nothing other than vax and you need to get your vax that's about it. Other than that you speak of anything else they are clueless so until the first shoe drops that will open their eyes they remain asleep. We can't sustain the daily destruction of America and the world

In response Marie Nutz to her Publication

so I was hearing that Trump would be back on April 1st? I guess that was a joke on now August. Just wake me up when this is over

In response Sunny Kitchen to her Publication


In response Sunny Kitchen to her Publication


In response Sunny Kitchen to her Publication

#DoubleTheTrump with VJ

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

i was just allowed to log back on.. Has been down most of the day for me anyway

In response Lion ess to her Publication

1367 + 17 PUnisher sticker of course the seal sticker of the POTUS with Trumps signature and Air Force One in the top right corner...George is being attacked again for being a paytriot and apparently is using a leftist platform owned site for his store etc. You make your own decision but for me personally I believe Gman is a whitehat good person just trying to keep us calm and informed the best he/she/they can.

In response Robby Ball to his Publication

We are all ready Mr. President!! Recent SCOTUS ruling DENIED Mandamus on Lin Wood's filing
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In response d a n n y d A r k Ω to his Publication

where is that do you think? Is that California?

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

this one

RSBN live feed impeachment 👇

where is the video of this and where is this?

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
In response Trumpet inNC to his Publication

hopefully this will post Richard Citizen Journalist

In response Mona Belle to his Publication

#WhiteHouse is DARK Feb 6 2021

In response The Wise Owl_AZ to his Publication

was there anything reported in the Socialist media I no longer watch the news so was there any publication at all.. thank you

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

I miss my president and If I had to guess I would think 90-100 million people would love a Trump Rally

SH ?...I have followed Q since its incneption and Hannity has never been mentioned in a good or bad way ..atleast not to my recollection? Anons....anyone?

In response Flicka Boo to her Publication


In response Bennastix Anon to her Publication

👇Apparently, even Trump's Impeachment lead attorney says he wont bring up that the election was stolen.

In response 1776 ... to his Publication

My God save these children and protect those warriors who are doing God's work. Thank you Mr. President for putting our brave warrriors in place to deal with this evil and save our children

In response riverlass flow to her Publication

Tracy, happened to me but admin took care of the person.. How did you block the person you were dealing with?

In response Dottie French to her Publication
In response TheBob WhoKnew to his Publication

why would he post this? To make money-? This is worrisome to me it would seem that any information should be shared without a cost- I suppose I am unsure why or what the reason was behing this...anyone?

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

🇺🇸GE-I do not doubt whatsoever this happened at some point in the past and I also believe that Trump is working just as hard behind the scenes RIGHT NOW then he was while occupying the WH- I do believe- and I #trusttheplan It's just there are people waking up each day and we must remain aware.#GodBless

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

Is there any update on this woman, Ms. Collins?

In response Alaskan Beauty to her Publication

Thank you, exactly.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

GE-no mucky emotions..I've followed Q from the get go as I've supported Trump-It's not me so much as others but it's important we verfiy these photos. Can you? I follow you on Telegram as well and find your positivity comforting as well BUT there is so much garbage being diseminated things need to be clear. Nothing wrong with making sure we all are provided with FACTS. Look where we'd be if we took all the DEMS crap for 100% normies are confused as it is. Thanks for what you do and the time you give us all..#Patriot

In response Carl Que to his Publication
