NGod WeTrust
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According to this article He has opened the building to people.

Love Bruce Lipton's work. Honest, sincere, humble man.

Open my heart that His Light might shine through me.


😄 Love it!!!

Such trash. Ugh. Staying strong!






If not now, then when? Now is our time to stand tall in truth and true connection to God!

I saw that when it first came out. Has anyone SEEN President Trump?

This doesn't sound like President Trump

Does not look like President Trump at all.

Have you listened to this all the way through? Do you really think we should just sit back and let things get worse for the next year, expecting the whole time that someone is going to step in and save us? This is propaganda to herd us into the fascist corral, and asking us to convince all those who don't agree to come along.

Did you watch this? I don't know about you, but this has the ring of propaganda to herd us right into their corral. Pushing off any action on Biden until summer or fall? Telling us to to speak out to show the others how bad it is under Biden so everyone comes into line. And withdraw from any acts of violence to potentially allow a insurgent government to settle in and take hold. Has anyone seen President Trump since he left office, other than in media reports? Do we know if he is okay?

The Mustang Medic did a live video, filming the lights out at the WH to confirm and spoke to a couple of uniformed secret service staff patroling the streets who told him the lights go out every night between 10 and 11pm.