Joseph Mobius
3 years ago

Joseph Mobius

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Global Patriot, because this is a global cause.

I'm reposting this because people NEED to see how evil Fouci is! CONCIDER THIS: Chloroquine kills all VIRUSES! HIV is an acrynom for Human Imuno-VIRUS!!!!!! No one EVER had to die from AIDS! Judy Mikovitz was discredited and jailed by Fouci for discovering this. There are many videos of her NOW, talking about it.

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." -Matthew 5:5

Here you go Mr. President. You may have to tidy it up a bit.

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that additional steps must be taken to deal with the thousands of American Businesses that have been forced to close because of the actions of the Global Cabal in creating this Scamdemic.
Specifically, the actions of the Fucking Swamp Toads in the United States , and by Corrupt Mayors and governers controlled by persons in the People’s Republic of China, The Asswipes who started this whole fucking mess. Grants will be non-repayable and will cover costs of rebui

wikileaks release moon landing cut scenes filmed in Nevada desert

Patriot. Trump Supporter. Tear is for Maddie McCann and all abused children.

They all have deep dark secrets. I don't object to them being gay, I object to Pence & Rubio pretending to be Christian family men instead of flagrant sex freaks. It makes them liars and subjects them to being compromised They are denying me the right to vote for the person they are not who they are pretending to be.

real Americans

bird vs 'bird'

the elephant in the room

Patriot, free-thinker, truth seeker #MAGA #WWG1WGA #TheStormIsUponUS #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing

Lin Wood kicked off Parler

From CloutHub

Now pay attention people, the Capitol is UNDER SIEGE!!!

are we here now?