micky ray
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Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.

Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.

Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.
Trump said he had a 75 yr. Old man in jail for not really much done wrong, little income tax discrepancies. : I said; “Well join the club, that's Justice in America. You, at least , have the ability to do something for your friend if you want to. All the LIARS and Criminals are still roaming around at the Agency, the Bureau, the do j , etc. , continuing their reign above the LAW, abusing their positions in the public, unrestrained, unchallenged and NOT arrested for Crimes against their Citizenry. Thanks for walking off from your last Election’s Victory and NOT fixing all that, etc. ! ! !

Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.
Trump said he had a 75 yr. Old man in jail for not really much done wrong, little income tax descrepancies. : I said; “Well join the club, that's Justice in America. You, at least , have the ability to do something for your friend if you want to. All the LIARS and Criminals are still roaming around at the Agency, the Bureau, the do j , etc. , continuing their reign above the LAW, abusing their positions in the public, unrestrained, unchallenged and NOT arrested for Crimes against their Citizenry. Thanks for walking off from your last Election’s Victory and NOT fixing all that, etc. ! ! !

Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.
3. after that very early point ! ! ! Stupidity, lack of Science knowledge, gullibility to liars on the Media and bogus authority entities; like the WHO, CDC, NHInstitute, CNN, unknowing and Fooled 'go along' Dr.'s, Nurses, Pharmacies, Pharm. companies, Health Care groups, ALL the other lying conspirators or idiots in any Medias, etc.

Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.
VaxFraudGuppies; 1. That was the perpetrators of the dangerous SCAM on the public's and the stupidity in society for allowing it and the stupid parents for going along with it's fault and the stupid teens or older that received it ! Somebody's should have STOOD UP and said 'NO, We don't have to Take THIS fake vaccine' . Sad to have to say; the covid vax Was NOT a vaccine, 1st of all, easily provable by anyone with brains and a little Science knowledge and the
2. ability to research it; Then it was well demonstrated early on that the CONCOCTION did NOT keep people from getting Covid or other viruses = IT DIDN'T WORK or Worse. Then THEY told you you needed another one??? - That is where LOGIC vs. CONTROLLERS breaks down and should have alerted anyone with Sense. THAT is TOTALLY illogical - to get another vax for ANY REASON
3. after that very early point ! ! ! Stupidity, lack of Science knowledge, gullibility to liars on the Media and bogus authority entities; like the WHO, CDC, NHI

Digital Warrior and Proud Patriot. WWG1WGA. Nothing can stop what's coming. NOTHING. God Bless America. I LOVE MUSIC.

Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.
What a Criminal Farce and Unconstitutional pretension these arrest, imprisonment, torture, mistreatment, lying about the obvious Jan. 6th lying scum scam kidnappings are - a contrived, criminal conspiracy and massive enterprise of these Traitors ---- and THEY get away with it from the integrity-less and gutless/malaisial/lethargic American Sheep !

Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.
3. Anyone who announces/states a Political Party Affiliation publicly, is automatically disqualified and withdrawn, by prior agreement, from being a Candidate or Office holder for that Election cycle. They must run again in the next race or some other one if they want to hold a public Office. =
4. Let every Candidate be chosen by and known by their qualifications, statements, plans, ideas. beliefs, records, education, experience and promises to WIN any Public Office without Any Political Party affiliation ! Do Away with the "2 Party JOKE ON US" strategy of functioning and trickery in Holding Public Offices ! - Micky Ray, January 1991.

Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.
1. Have OUR Currency Bills and Coins backed by Gold and Silver and Outlaw with stiff penalties, taking OUR Currency bills OR or coins out of this Country ! Keep OUR Money, Bills, Coins, Gold and Silver in OUR Country ! ! !
2. Allow Americans to own any kind of Gold or Silver or Platinum, and use it as currency if desired, BUT Disallow taking any of it OUT of OUR Country. Disallow any Foreigner taking ANY of OUR gold or silver OUT of OUR Country with VERY STIFF PENALTIES and PRISON time for violators. --- MickyRay.

Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.
Trump recently promised to ban Chinese nationals from buying US farmland or other critical assets if he retakes the White House and I SAY:
1. That would be smart for America, because of your dying off victims of the great vaccines vaccination problems ever increasing death spirals - and all the homes, properties, lands and assets that will be off the wall AVAILABLE for Chinese Agents (Citizens and non) to be able to get very cheaply
2. from abandonment or inheritors who will quickly sell off holdings for 1/2 price. Chinese agents/lawyers/rich people like you and your relatives/corporates/wealthy realitors/ and maybe 'a few Americans' that weren't vaxed and happen to have the money to compete with all these
3. hungry/wealthy/ruthless/foreign/rich/upper class, a few middle class but NOT poor or needy, people = that somehow are lucky enough to get some SCRAPS and undesirable thingies here and there. The Rich get Richer and the poor are KEPT poor ! ! !

Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.
I've been saying to declare the debt as invalid and cancelled for decades, because the national debt is a Usury scam on the American people ! It was a privately owned business just like the Federal Reserve who helped 'take CARE of' the crooked Farce with other World Banking Entities. The biggest profiteers owe us way more than the contrived debt, and there buddies who have made many fortunes investing Big Time in the scheme owe us too ! ! !

Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.
Well, if obiden is finally taken out, and then maybe harris will be somehow ousted too, and WE will have a completely 'unbridled' McCarthy, who'll be able to throw his promises and concessions in the Devil's fire - waiting in the wings for the Presidency - with a House and Senate full of Rino's, with plenty more coming out of the closets, as needed, and all the Dems - ready to back him to the hilt (instead of Trump as 3rd in line). What stupidity! Unless - HE and patriot tidy whities move very soon with the ‘other plan’ that was 'so much better than the Speaker route'. Maybe the white hatties can once again react and react, to catch up to the impromptu plans of the 'think tanks' from McClain's 'wheel and roll' fixings, and overcome them and their Central Control finally. Odds, 20 to 1 in the negative - for any time soon thereafter - wouldn't be unexpected.

Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47

Truther;MickyRay twitter,mewe,anonup,gab,Parler,TruthSocial,FrankSocial,Minds,tlbtalk, facebook, etc.