Mini Lewis
@MRSFBANotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
UK here - Patriot of President Donald J Trump

UK MPs Xmas party 2020 - they lied and said it never happened!

So very sad to hear of the passing of Robert David Steele 😢
A man with the heart of a lion exposing pedophilia and corruption to the highest posts.
A 'natural' passing? Really not so sure 🤔

by Mathew John Payne (copied from his FB)
How do you keep what was never yours?
And why is it they keep sending our children off to fight their foreign wars?
And If the power of the people is greater than the people in power,
Will the pussy cats still purr when all of the cream turns sour?
Now we are short on money, and low on time,
Im Just speaking the truth, im committing no crime
the moment is now, its gone way past near,
, “you now gotta tell those types they just no longer welcome round here”
If Jesus told Peter he will deny him three times,
you’ll deny me til the devil rings his bell, now I can hear chimes.
This is all history, on repeat, its nothing new,
Wonder if you’ll still deny me when you realise its all because of you.
you may mock and you may laugh,
But there is nothing funny about being forced or being starved.
So just How do you we keep what was already ours,
When our leaders live out their lives in tall ivory towers
What happened to a lovi

A summary of logic....
"ME: UK gov, should I get vaccinated if I already had Covid?
UK GOV: “Yes, you should be vaccinated regardless of whether you already had C0VID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from C0VID-19.”
ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does vaccine-induced immunity last?
UK GOV: “There is still a lot we are learning about C0VID-l9 vaccines and we are constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are vaccinated.”
Me: Okay … but wait a second. I thought you said the reason I need the vaccine was because we don’t know how long my natural immunity lasts, but it seems like you’re saying we ALSO don’t know how long vaccine immunity lasts either. So, how exactly is the vaccine immunity better than my natural immunity?
Me: Uh … alright. But, have

All health professionals > > >
All doctors > > >
All nurses > > >
All people > > >
➡️ 🎥New DR T 6 min film🎥 ⬅️
Since the start of time, no plant, animal or human has ever been magnetic. 🧲
Since the vaccination rollout, people are now showing clear and proven magnetic properties. 💉🧲
We now believe the vaccines contain graphene oxide. which is NOT a declared ingredient.
Undeclared ingredients are illegal.
Undeclared biotechnology means the public - and the health professionlas entrusted with enabling the roll-out - have been decieved.
Graphene Oxide has key toxic properties
This crime against humanity is the biggest story of the 21st century.
We need your help to share this.
Please share widely and please send directly to all your doctor, nurse and health professional friends.
Thanks in advance! 😁
Watch video here:
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Not On The Beeb - What the BBC missed. Documentary film.
Not On The Beeb is what the BBC missed. Alternative news and documentary film specialising in covering the world's protest and freedom movement.
LISTEN! LET the man Speak!!
'This is super Powerful, The Bravest, most Passionate speach since Mel Gibson in Braveheart
19th July 2021 London Parliament.
Who's going to fight for the Children, the Elderly, we cannot allow them to 💉 our children with an Experiment drug, killing thousands and injuring millions.'
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Leaked docs on permament lockdown of UK in 3 weeks!
Mirror. Source Leaked Docs On Permament Lockdown of UK in 3 weeks! | Leaked Doc ? Lookout UK Quote: "(None)" - A million in motion | The mo…
Ex police officer makes report to police about the effects of PCR tests and the so-called vax.
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Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

Copied from elsewhere; but well worth passing on
(letter to a school withdrawing consent for covid jab of children)
Dear Mr/Mrs
I am writing to you with to expressly forbid my child/children from being vaccinated for COVID 19 in the event that the Government implements a policy of doing so.
In the absence of parental consent, should the Government, vaccinator and/or school seek to apply the 'Gillick Competency Test' then I will submit the following:
1. As of 18 May 2021, 33 Children between the ages of 10 and 19 have sadly died with COVID (*1). However, as of 13 May 2021 there have been 374 reported deaths following the Pfizer Vaccine, 786 from the Oxford/Astra Zeneca (AZ) Vaccine and 4 from the Moderna Vaccine (*2). It cannot therefore be argued that the benefits of COVID vaccines for children outweigh the risks. Of course, clinical trials regarding the efficacy the AZ Vaccine on children were paused following concerns relating to fatal blood clotting (*3).
2. Part

And the shit show keeps rolling on
Now they want teachers to report on what the kids are saying in school about their parents thoughts around the jabberwocky etc
Sieh dir auf Facebook Beiträge, Fotos und vieles mehr an. - Video over 2 weeks old; no surprise that main stream news outlets are not showing any of this.
Sieh dir auf Facebook Beiträge, Fotos und vieles mehr an.

OMG - Leigh Dundas, Human Rights Attorney - WoW, she got cajones!!

The clock is ticking.
You are being granted a glimpse of the freedom you once enjoyed on a take for granted daily basis,.... but don't kid yourselves... this is just a "breather", a pause in the masterplan to stealthily remove your freedoms PERMANENTLY.
It's your last chance to wake fully and realise these tyrants have planned your future incarcerated in a digital controlled Environment Programme where there will be eventually no utter escape!
Are you finally waking up to their longterm intentions, as carrying around a slip of paper or a phone app to grant you access to the basic things you once took for granted will become a permanent way of entry!
Furthermore they wish to eradicate cash, and as credit cards are vulnerable to being compromised or stolen, they will also be eventually removed, and "they" will decree the safest way forward will be to except "the mark of the beast", a microchip of some kind accessing you once coveted freedoms. They will then control your so called f

BREAKING - You've lost a year of your life because of one of the biggest lies ever told... and today, thanks to ONS and NHS data we can prove it...
IT’S ALL A LIE – Investigation of ONS & NHS data for the year of COVID-19 uncovers the largest lie ever told – Daily Expose
In March 2020 the order was given “to stay at home” as the government and their circle of scientific advisors needed “three weeks” to flatten the curve. Eleven months later and the United Kingdom is still under a “stay at home” order and has been told over one-hundred-thousand people have now died f..
LIVE right now - https://stream. brighteon. com/live/thrive-time-show

Die from ANYthing within 28 days of, 'the test' and it's due to, 'the covid' but die after the jab and.... oh.... 'no correlation' 🤔
Ayrshire woman demands answers after son, 20, dies less than 12 hours after getting Pfizer vaccine | Daily Mail Online
Luke Garrett, 20, suffered a fatal seizure brought on by a sudden spike in his temperature at his Tarbolton, South Ayrshire, home in February. He received the jab less than 12 hours earlier.
NHS nurses speaking out about the lies
UK Nurses Blow Whistle On Crimes Committed In The Name Of COVID
MIRROR SOURCE: Sons of Liberty: Just a couple of weeks ago, Kirsty Miller, left her post as a nurse and made a viral video of what she saw during…
🌍 Mom of 2 🌍 🇮🇪 Irish Patriot ☘️ 🍿Trust The Plan 🍿 ✝️ SAVE OUR CHILDREN ✝️

BBC still showing it's disgraceful side trying to provoke division.#DefundTheBBC
Idris Elba’s ‘Luther’ Isn’t ‘Authentic’ Enough, According To BBC’s Diversity Chief: He ‘Doesn’t Have Any B..
The BBC's diversity chief Miranda Wayland says "Luther" -- the broadcaster's hit crime series starring Idris Elba -- isn't "authentic" when it comes to storytelling surrounding its Black lead. Elba's DCI John Luther "doesn't have any Black friends, h..