Copied from elsewhere; but well worth passing on
(letter to a school withdrawing consent for covid jab of children)
Dear Mr/Mrs
I am writing to you with to expressly forbid my child/children from being vaccinated for COVID 19 in the event that the Government implements a policy of doing so.
In the absence of parental consent, should the Government, vaccinator and/or school seek to apply the 'Gillick Competency Test' then I will submit the following:
1. As of 18 May 2021, 33 Children between the ages of 10 and 19 have sadly died with COVID (*1). However, as of 13 May 2021 there have been 374 reported deaths following the Pfizer Vaccine, 786 from the Oxford/Astra Zeneca (AZ) Vaccine and 4 from the Moderna Vaccine (*2). It cannot therefore be argued that the benefits of COVID vaccines for children outweigh the risks. Of course, clinical trials regarding the efficacy the AZ Vaccine on children were paused following concerns relating to fatal blood clotting (*3).
2. Part