Lyrah Sommerset
3 years ago

Lyrah Sommerset

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In response Rut Row its Kevin™ to his Publication

Ehile I prefer him alive and awakened, I would have run him iver with my suburban if he blocked a road and came at me.

You lips straight to God's waiting ears!

In response ana coelho to her Publication

Ask Bill Gates how they plan on getting rid of 85 to 90% of us. He will gleefully tell you, in gruesome details.

In response Marie Nutz to her Publication

Picture your adult son getting the jab, refusing to listen. Did I mention he has autism from another vaccine?
Now picture that church friend, neighbor, friend at work, cousin.

In response Joanne Sherman to her Publication

a few tunnels with roads wide enough and tall rnough fir 2 B52s to pass.

In response Nunya Effin Bizness to her Publication

I work for a car rental company that also rents moving trucks. We just put up a notice hiring drivers taking moving vana from Texas tiwards Cali and NY.
There are teams running overtime, running from out of NY and Cali fast as they can. NO one us renting going in, only out.

In response NEO ONE to his Publication

It was good to have a follow up on this little one. To aee her safe heals my soul!

In response Sea Shells to her Publication

Because work MANDATED it. I pushed one too many times and got written up, threatened with one more violation and fired. FYI city and state I work in have dropped mandates, but airport is federal property so Joe's mandate is kicking my back (shingles)

In response True North to her Publication

Durch also mentioned. important?

In response Veronica Wolski to her Publication

*cheering* you go Girl!

does this include a replacement for Windows?

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

It was. their plan. Of course they made out like old school robber barrons, because THEY ARE OLD SCHOOL ROBBER BARRONS!

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

If they were swabbing skin on the outside of the body, it would still be bad. But this goes to the thinnest point between outside and inside of your brain, where the scent nerves travel into the brain.
yep putting a brain cancer causing chemical where it is most likely to get into your brain. one test, could be harmless, 50 or 60 of the things, probably harmful, possibly deadly.
Either way, not worth the risk.

In response Julie Boe to her Publication

As if every flat surface isn't already plastered with their propaganda. Every Tv, Radio station droning on with news on where to run down and get your Vaccine.

In response Sunny Kitchen to her Publication

Do this in USA as well. Ask them if getting an experimental drug for a condition you do not have and are 99.997% likely to survive without this treatment would nullify your policy.

In response Black Sheep to his Publication

I'm all for the mutations born with both genders getting to pick one. That is a correction on a mutation not designed by God but rather caused by chemical exposures created by man.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

next they need to sue corporations still enforcing mask mandates.

In response Cronos Sapien to his Publication

he is rolling a lint roller on them!

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

potatoes are delicious and nutritious. joe biden, albeit little more than a vegitable himself, is not nutritious and you couldn't pay me enough to taste even his hand.
the potato is smarter, prove otherwise. and would fo less damage to America

In response im_awake _now to his Publication

if you live in DC, now would be a geeat time to vaction elsewhere, maybe an extend visit with family.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

dark skin and northern dim light, cloudy then take vitamin D supplements.

In response Lyrah Sommerset to her Publication


In response WE MUST FIGHT to his Publication

yes, but only because of Hod and His servants.

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

if this is NOT true, then how on earth did we cut stones with copper tools and lift enormous stones without the wheel? much less move cut stones weighing many tons up hill without wheels?
history makes NO sense as written!

In response All Well to his Publication

um Texan here. we have an insane amount of unoccupied land.

In response NEO ONE to his Publication

anyone who has ever grown a garden knows that wven tiny plots of less than a quarter acre produce more food than your family can eat, if every one in a neighborhood got together you could plan a swap system where everyone ate like kings!

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

yep. cdc down here is rigging the numbers too.
in us last year 85 flu deaths when normal number is much much higher, like a thousand times as high.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication


In response Carole Davis-Z to her Publication

excellent depiction! 100%!

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

exactly, I have tomorrow off, might be a good to for some spring cleaning.