Light and LOVE
4 days ago

Light and LOVE

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We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Excellent write up by Mike King with key info points.


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

#1 The Simpsons are more correct about the images in their predictions.

#2 Kamala is not a blond!

#3 Kamala image is from 2021 fake inauguration

Another "truther" sharing absolute BS!
Bet it will be shared by thousands who won't give it a thought about questioning the discrepancies. 🤦‍♀️


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

If for even a nano second you are now aware that these twisted, sick, evil control freaks created
the medical & pharma industries,
the education systems,
the central banking & monetary systems,

and . . .
you still believe they didn't create & manipulate your religion and their multiple versions of the appropriate reference (un)books,

Your mass psychosis, aka cognitive dissonance is obvious to all those truly AWAKE!

FYI - Mike King has done excellent research into areas of geopolitical matters,
however, has yet to go down the rabbit hole of his own religious beliefs and their origins.


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

As long as you are distracted with things or Entities outside you,

you will be too busy to REMEMBER who you really are,

which has ALWAYS been WITHIN you!


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Well it's another "Worship the Sun" day,

following "worship Saturn" day.

More perspective on the psyops of religions and their gods.

Not to be confused with Authentic Spirituality and a direct connection with the Divine Source of all creation (never a "god")


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Well it's another "Worship the Sun" day,

following "worship Saturn" day.

More perspective on the psyops of religions and their gods.

Not to be confused with Authentic Spirituality and a direct connection with the Divine Source of all creation (never a "god")


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Well it's another "Worship the Sun" day,

following "worship Saturn" day.

More perspective on the psyops of religions and their gods.

Not to be confused with Authentic Spirituality and a direct connection with the Divine Source of all creation (never a "god")


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Well it's another "Worship the Sun" day,

following "worship Saturn" day.

More perspective on the psyops of religions and their gods.

Not to be confused with Authentic Spirituality and a direct connection with the Divine Source of all creation (never a "god")


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Well it's another "Worship the Sun" day,

following "worship Saturn" day.

More perspective on the psyops of religions and their gods.

Not to be confused with Authentic Spirituality and a direct connection with the Divine Source of all creation (never a "god")

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Well it's another "Worship the Sun" day,

following "worship Saturn" day.

More perspective on the psyops of religions and their gods.

Not to be confused with Authentic Spirituality and a direct connection with the Divine Source of all creation (never a "god")

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Well it's another "Worship the Sun" day,

following "worship Saturn" day.

More perspective on the psyops of religions and their gods.

Not to be confused with Authentic Spirituality and a direct connection with the Divine Source of all creation (never a "god")

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Well it's another "Worship the Sun" day,

following "worship Saturn" day.

More perspective on the psyops of religions and their gods.

Not to be confused with Authentic Spirituality and a direct connection with the Divine Source of all creation (never a "god")


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Recognize the "Ego" as the physical human . . .

the culmination of the subconscious through experiences and conditioning / indoctrinations.

In order to raise our awareness,
raise our vibrational Frequency,
we must INTEGRATE our "Ego / Subconscious Self" with
our Authentic Divine Spiritual Self"

This is why we must go Within
and recognize Who We Really Are and why
WE have chosen and continue to choose the people and experiences in our current Life.

Making peace with,
Letting go of what doesn't resonate,
Allowing the Healing of long held emotional wounds,



We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Replace the word "reality" with


"Reality" is an individual creation as a result
of our earthly and past life experiences
acting as filters thru which we see our current "reality".
Or the "illusions" that have created our beliefs,
illusions formed by the beliefs of others,
repeated and repeated until they become our own "reality".


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!