Cynthia Revis
4 years ago

Cynthia Revis

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I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response New Years Day to her Publication

So beautifully said and so true.🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Double Eagle to her Publication

Praying for you and ur family.I feel the same way.Im also praying for God to intervene .I hope things will be better for all of us soon.🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼🇺🇸

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Jonella Moore to her Publication

I love him .He truly has a gift of bringing the word of God so that people. like me can understand it.♥️

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Happy Easter to you and ur family.🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response John Qpublic to his Publication

Thank you for ur service.I pray for each and every one of you and ur families that God will keep you all safe.🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

I love Whitney.To me she was/ is the best female singer of all time.Nobody has a more beautiful voice than hers.♥️

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response AussieAnon 369 to his Publication

Amen .🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼🇺🇸🇺🇸

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

Thars crazy .Theres so much disinformation its hard to know whats really true sometimes.Thanks for letting me know.Have a blessed weekend.🙏🏼

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Janet Lewis to his Publication

Yep I pray every day for God to give me more wisdom and understanding .I pray for the whole world.Have a blessed weekend.🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Cynthia Revis to her Publication

I know for my uncle its bc he watches the all the fake news and actually believes that all those people died from covd.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response TWINTT ... to his Publication

I know we played outside in the dirt and grass.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication

Prayers going up for you .I love all ur post.🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication

They are great people and Im so thankful dor them.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Ice Kates to her Publication

Words cannot tell you how much I absolutly love this post.Thank you .I could not make it through this life without Jesus.🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response TWINTT ... to his Publication

Yes it is heartbreaking.My uncle has had his 2nd Pfizer vaccine.I begged him not to but he really believes all those people died pf covd.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

Uep they have people so afraid of dying they are no longer living.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Lisa Hill to her Publication

People are so evil now days or is it we are just hearing about all this ?

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Paisley Park to her Publication

Prayers going up for you and ur daughter.Im 56 yrs old and never thought our freedom and freedom of speech would be taken away esp here in America.Im keeping my faith in God bc he loves us and the bible tells us we win.🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication

I love real people.He is a great actor also.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response walker Fast to his Publication

Wow this crap makes me sick knowing they have been planning this evil crap for generations and they posion everything from our food ,water and everything we put in our bodies.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response F B Jones to her Publication

Hopefully soon we will get to hear about their military tribunals and know they have all been dealt with.I cant wait till President Trump comes back.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

Thats crazy why would they post crap like that .

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Lydia Fahsholtz to her Publication

Malcolm X was a very smart man indeed.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

Amen thats true.God gives us free will to choose who we will serve and I chose to be saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. 🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response LoveMy Cats to her Publication

Amen I agree.Im starting to think the mask wearers would continue to wear them from now on if the MSM tells them too.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication

Im so very thankful that he was willing to lay down his life for all of us to save us from our sins and give us eternal life with him in Heaven.Its so sad to see so many worshipping satan.I pray they have a change of heart before its to late.🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response POCO THUNDER to her Publication

God bless each and every one in the military and praying for God to bring them all home safe.I want to thank them all for serving our country and keeping us safe.🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response P.J. 777 to his Publication

Love it .I cant wait to have our country back.🙏🏼♥️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

In response SuezQed !!! to her Publication

Amen I love this.🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.

Praying for her safe return home to her family.🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼♥️