Kelly Hill
@KellyTNNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
The Vaccinated are the ones dropping like fly's.

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
She wants to strip there authority before they over turn the election.

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Boost the spread of coarse.

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
What I can't get my head around is.. Sun, Moon and planets, rise in the east and set in the west. Know of any videos explain this ?

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
I love Candace, She is truth. 20th Constitutional president of the us ?

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Haha, Have you see the video of her saying Drain the swamp ?

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN ( Search 31.30 )
Restored Republic via a GCR: Special Report as of Oct. 23, 2020 ~ Intel
The Official Dinar Chronicles Blog Page containing your daily Iraqi Dinar intel, rumors and news updates.
God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Beautiful. May God bless and watch over you.

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
I'm in east TN, Did not hear a thing.

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Fauci Knew About HCQ in 2005 — N..
(Bryan Fischer) Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world histo..
God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Biden is not even at the white house. Video and photo's are at Castle Rock studio, A movie set.

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Haha. Sooo disapointed..

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Biden has no athorty out side of DC. Corprate USA is now a gated community waiting for Military tribunal.

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Remeber they said this was going to get scary. last week China offered to send 250k soldiers, To keep the peace. (Keep their operatives in place ). I think that is what there are preparing for. I Hope I'm wrong.

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
I still have my Myspace.

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
I understand what you must be going through. US base in Japan. Biden owend by the ccp. If Biden takes office, Japan is done for.

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
What the F^^k is wrong with these people..

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Also, You have to email them to delete your account.. Time to get banned. lol

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN , Both slow with 700% increase in users. Both are adding servers as we speak. "edited"

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Are we talking Power Blackout ? Or Internet ?

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Can't wait to see These photo's with there Guantanamo ID Numbers.

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Great job brother ! 1 request, On the Notification page please add Select all / follow. Adding people one at a time takes for ever.

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Welcome )

God, Family, Country I stand with Trump ! From East TN
Just wait tell the morning..