Justice55 Halo
2 years ago

Justice55 Halo

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Patience of Job

President Trumps account on twitter is viewable now 👀

welp im permanently suspended frim twitter. not sure why but oh well same 💩 different day.

anyone else avoiding their daily activities to sit with some popcorn and watch the election disaster unfold 🍿

i have accomplished my anon duty of the day#HoldTheLine

hold the line

oh look its Maricopa county then Arizona with tabulators not working. I can’t say I’m surprised at all

fact check is coming back to haunt them😂

interesting day 😂

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, all of those individuals that laughed me off with name calling and slander as I was silenced as being just a conspiracy Nazi. You thought by silencing me, the world would just forget and move on from your lies and deceit and I would simply stop and go away. Well I did in a way but not the way you hoped for.

I changed. I learned how to mask my messaging. I learned the words, phrases, and memes that the algorithms were looking for so I could bypass them. I and millions of others like me, learned that our beliefs, our research, our message MUST be over the target because why else would you try to silence us. It is after all just a conspiracy theory right. But we can talk about Bigfoot and aliens all we want.
The funny thing about the truth tho is you can hide it all you want but if there are enough people demanding the truth and not giving up, you simply cannot stop it from coming out.

(Cont in Comment

back on the old boat. following catturd and waiting for the bots to be dismantled.


TRUTH~ I have walked through hell and back through a lifetime of heartbreak, extremely tense situations, and trials to finally be able to stand tall and speak mine. I have also overcame the tight grip of alcohol.

A humble thanks to JulsA “acquaintance” for taking the time and giving me encouragement to speak my truth to a rep I was nervous to talk with about my truth earlier this year!

TRUTH~ God is very real and I believe that some of us face many trials in life that would tear others apart if they went through the same. I believe God does this not only to test our faith but also to make us strong fearless fighters for justice and accountability to those who use the system against innocent people.

Stand tall in your TRUTH! You have experienced all of the pain and heartbreak and was resilient through it all. You have a purpose from coming through the ashes of despair! You have a voice and the power to make a difference for others! Dont let that go to waste.

sometimes I truly believe time travel is real. watch this vid from 12 years ago and let me. know what you think 😳



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🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.

I'm getting heavy Pope Vibes.

Let's see what happens.

The January 6 committee just subpoenaed Trump😳

Hang on I think we’re going to experience some turbulence

According to NASA the moon is 238,855
miles away from the earth but a Nikon
P900 picks it up with no problem.


videos arent uploading. anyone else?

just leared to add speak tect to my phone when I plug it yo charge. it says” This charge is costing a fortune thanks to Joe Biden” 😆🤦‍♀️

5 years of being an anon today. I am tired but patient, hopefully some news breaks to cheer me up today

👀👀👀👀 “Such scenes were photographed in Russia’s Belgorod this evening. Social media users immediately started speculating about laser weapons and Peresvet complex. We can say with confidence that it is nonsense.

This is a natural phenomenon known as light pillars. The principle of the operation of Peresvet does not correspond to these photos.


Slavery is discussed by BLM folks but they tend to forget or do not know that Democrats held them in slavery.
Pro abortionists tend to forget or do not know that abortion was created to depopulate the black community and is now being used as a way to harvest live organs.
Point these things out to any of them and they are in complete denial. Pointing out that we are ALL still slaves, irish slavery, and even slavery in ancient Egypt 🤯 they dont say much.

Grabbed this from Karlis channel. One of them is a President and the other, well looks like a confused robot…literally.

Out of conflict, Comradeship is borne.

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