Rebecca Schoewe
1 hour ago

Rebecca Schoewe

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Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

When Trump declassified a lot of stuff in the last half of his presidency I opened up much of it and it came straight from FBI links, The one in particular I wanted to see was Weiners laptop and find the insurance policy, It had Frazzledrip which I saw and watched the girl and her cut off face and 2 it was kind of dark so I assume Killery and Huma people holding it up to their face then stopped watching. I also found connected to Huma and not her husband many satanic artifacts pictured that were very disturbing. Also Judge Jeanine Pirro has talked about it.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Tore is on fire today.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

What I've been saying about Flynn for quite a while.

New York Times Investigation, June 23, 2024

Michael Flynn Has Turned His Trump-World Celebrity Into a Family Business

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Watching warroom today Jackie Toboroff talked about 17 cities and states that have approved or proposed a new flag that has 8 point stars which is on many Islamic states flags and the Quran talks about 8 mighty angels. There are more that are considering it. Some states are saying that our current flags are racist. Hussein wanted to turn us into a more Islamic country which is why he brought in so many Muslims especially in Minnesota. Beijing Biden has let many in crossing the border and actually flying them right in and of course he is bought and paid for by China and a few other countries.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

The SAVE act. From Tore
This bill only covers FEDERAL elections - but not state
Then the illegals in states increase numbers and therefore have bigger representation.
They don’t need a bill they need the DMV who exports/prints voter rolls excluding under 18 (like they do) and non citizens that they refuse to do.

Pay attention.

Cities vs country


Everyone write letters to
Demand voter rolls exclude non citizens
Advise them of the solution ie fast fix/coding
Reset algorithm which already excludes U18s under 18

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Jack Maxey he is such an asshat attention seeker probably grifter pussy. When Garrett Ziegler who worked for Peter Navarro at the white house got the hard drive he created Marco Polo that has gone through the hard drive with a fine tooth comb and has a FREE booklet hundreds of pages you can ask for that has ALL the information. Hunter's baby momma subpoena'd him for her child support hearing about 6 months ago. Jack Maxey told Garrett to leave the hard drive to the big guys or something similar because he was so young and then he ran off to the EU I think Switzerland because he was scared but he produced practically nothing especially compared to Garrett. Pussy

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Don't know what will happen around the eclipse stuff but this guy is giving information he got from a sheriff.

Insider Exposes April 8th Emergency & More You Must Know


Strange April 8th emergency situation, sheriff reveals what was told in briefing

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Here is the 8 part series Out Of Babylon with David Straight. They say about 1 year old. He talks about getting out of the United States Corporation among other things.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Here is the link to the whole series from David Straight on how to get your rights back.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Is anyone else having issues getting on Anonup? The last couple of days I get Bad gateway or a constant swirl no matter if I'm on Brave, Opera, Google, Duckduckgo. Site doesn't seem to be down somethings just not letting me access. Same with some Telegram accounts.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Thanksgiving, just another day alone for me. My 5 siblings do their own thing with their spouses side of the family. After our mother passed away in 2005 we only got together at Christmas. Starting this year we don't even have that decided on by others in the family. I'll have a bowl of soup for dinner and eat in my bedroom with the TV on so it feels slightly less lonely.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Love you VK. Enjoyed following you all these months. Hope we hear from you again in the future. May God be with you always.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Can people pass this information on? This person and team are digging deep into Racine WI. His Telegram is
A small example of what they've found:
Some members of the Knights of Pythias and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are associated with the elite social circles in Racine. Members of the SC Johnson family, with ties to Racine, have been connected to NXIVM.
Appears several members of the Racine business and political elite have connections to secret societies. One is John Dickert former Mayor and President of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative linked to the Freemasons and Illuminati.
Gary Gunderson CEO of the Racine Community Foundation rumored to be a member of Bilderberg Group.
Rumors of other influentials in Racine having ties to Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones.
Speculation that former Mayor John Dickert and County Executive Jonathan Delagrave have been involved in secret societies. Paul Ryan is a big part of Racin

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

A good friend of mine just called and said the Crohn's she had surgery for a few months ago is worse and the now think she has diverticulitis. She has had constant diarrhea for a couple of months. The Dr just informed her that she may have some sort of cancer too but they need to run more tests. She took the 1st shot because she worked for some doctors but no other shots. I told her about ivermectin and I knew there were other treatments but didn't know them off hand and there's also a protocol for those who took the shot to help get rid of it. They killed her father who was my best friend for years when he had to go in the hospital for COVID in August 2020. I'm sure they gave him remdesivir and I know they put him on a ventilator. and he died a few days later. Does anyone know the protocol for the vax repair and for treating cancer and the Crohns and diverticulitis? Thank you for any help.

My beautiful daughter just got married last week and that's my new pic.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

After asking for prayers for my daughter in the picture she is improving and I took some advice from people responding and bought her some Silica, Black Walnut and gave her some of my Ivermectin stash. She believed some issues were fungus related and she's looking better every day.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Don't have a big following which never mattered to me until I need to ask for prayers for my daughter age 27 who is the one in red. She works full time and has been having trouble keeping food down for months and weighs 112 pounds. She went to the doctor Thursday because she's been sick with cough/cold symptoms, terrible fatigue, body aches etc. for 3 months, The Dr passed it off as she looks ok and it will pass until she started to cry and they did some blood work. So far she has an issue with the quality of her platelets and her blood sugar levels are extremely high. She also believes she has some kind of fungus issue due to a half dozen small bald spots on her head and skin issues she has researched and thinks it comes back to a fungus. She saw a dermatologist months ago who was no help at all. I have 5 autoimmune diseases one being a platelet issue so this could be a start of some autoimmune. I hope not.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

Not sure if it's just me but I can no longer go to a specific person, comes up with an error every time and wants me to go to the news feed. That's one reason why I hated facebook and stopped using it a long time ago. May be quitting this too even though it's the last social media I'm on and liked this one. I don't have the time to scroll through a lot of stuff to get to who I'm interested in reading.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

What a wonderful mother you are. My daughter never wanted the shot. My son thought he was doing the right thing. I offered him $1000 not to get it he said no. Then $2000 no, $5000 no, $10,000 no. Then I said name your price if anything happens to you I will have lost everything. He never got the shot or took any money. I was a single mother since my youngest was 2 so I never had a lot of money but I would pay anything for him not to go through what I do. I have 5 autoimmune since getting the 1976 shot while at college.

Work in IT. Trump republican Metallica fans - Searching seek & destroy - Metallica song.

I agree, I'm exhausted from all this with numerous health issues from the 1976 shot and working full time as I feel like crap. 2 years of watching our country in major decline by a pedophile and pedophile son. How do we get rid of the millions of illegals they have flown all over the country that we have to support as we get poorer every day. You will never be able to round even a fraction of them up and they now have boats to take them past the Darian gap instead of through it. A conveyor belt to our border that we no longer have.