Joey DarktoLigh..
@JoeyUS Army Vet FT Carson Military Comms Oregon Proud Patriot Love God and all Patriots 😊

Kobayashi ADMIN
@administratorNot Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

Mike Anon
@Mike314Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequ...

True Patriot
@KBKRAKENNavy Vet - 30 Years Served - #Patriot - Conservative stuck in CA - Booted 5th time from Twatter. Lost 15K beauti...

STL Anon
@STLAnonThe fight for humanity a War of Good vs Evil Truth vs Lies America Falls the World Falls. SeedingTheLight on http://WEGO...

Christos Harper
@ChristosAwakeningTogether We Are Creating The Change. . . and as such, Doing my Little Part in the Implementation of An Earth Realized As...

Jlight 1111
@NarrowpathProud widow of Navy Vet 12-15-2020. RIP my Luv!❤ Let his service not be in vain! Health & Life Coach Redpilled sinc...

SaveThe Childre..
@IzabellGrace32Wife. Proud Mom. Patriot! Protector of Children. #savethechildren LOVE WINS. GOD WINS!

Grasshopper TAF..
@GrasshopperTAFKAGPlease JOIN me Gab:@benjamin1978 DM me so I RECOGNIZE you from twitter,FOLLOW you back and BUILDUP BETTER/STRONGER thén ...

Laura9 IAM
@IAM_Laura9Patriot 🙏 Christian🙏 Number 9 🌟 wego.social/Laura9 🌟TruthSeeker🌟 #WeWillNeverForget MidnightRider 🐎

Dan Auito
@DanUSCGTrained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!

Exploration Gem..
@Gematriaexplorationfor entertainment purposes only. may contain bias or harmful content.limited knowledge of world, events and gematria.

P.J. 777
@HiiiPow3rPJ is the name given to me at birth & it stands for Praise Jesus. It is written. What’s done in the dark will come t...

@H3LLYWQQD_DEFECTQR((JOHN 21:25)) *ORIGINAL GLOW GIRL (Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling) *Star of TV reality show "Wife, Mom, Bounty Hunt...
Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more