Ips Prez
4 years ago

Ips Prez

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USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

For people cooing about voter ID being the be all end all, voter ID is only as effective as the honesty of the election judges. Sadly, the Dem run cities are not at all honest. Only Blockchain Quantum voter system will ensure one vote one person. I don't understand the tech but it is said to be fool and Dem proof.

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

This is a very interesting interview with Juan O'savin done very recently https://www.bitchute.com/video/CfY6EoIqDMdf/

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

People crowing about voter id laws getting past are in for a nasty surprise. Voter ID laws mean nothing unless the people at the pols are honest in holding to it and as Stalin (or some despot) once said, who is voting is not important, it is who is counting the votes. We need Quantum Blockchain voting (QVS) to wipe out the possibility of election fraud. Can't count on people being honest

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Two prophetic words in the last week have stated that GOD is going to reverse the plans of the wicked in literally a single day. America will be saved but it won't be the military, it will be GOD and no one will be able to deny it. 1st word https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx2RxzkeIok&feature=youtu.be 2nd word https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPzpWMqHDf4

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

If the military is in control as some have opined, at some point we will need to start holding them accountable for the death and destruction being allowed to be wreaked on America by the Demoncrats

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Here is a really encouraging prophetic dream. I do not know this guy but my Spirit definitely concurs and I say that as a born again Christian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcYeYUFpST8&feature=emb_logo

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Wish President Trump a Happy Presidents Day. Go to https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ or if you have Twitter, go to Bidens account to wish Trump a Happy Presidents Day.

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Well this impeachment sham is over with, what next. Now there is talk of article 3 of the 14th amendment. This is literally never going to end. If anyone thinks so they have not been paying attention. As long as the wicked can delay justice with these temper tantrums the tantrums will continue. Time to nuke em!

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Since January 6th everything that has happened has been a distraction including the so called "riot" on the 6th and the impeachment more recently. All, I believe, orchestrated for the purpose of hiding the real activity that we are not being shown. So, yes, this is a guess on my part. I am hoping we are about to see what the real activity was or is. I don't think the Deep State, Dems and RINOS are going to be happy.

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Be encouraged in the Lord. He is able. https://amandagrace4him.blogspot.com/

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Why the hell was Xanon blocked??? Did twitter take this site over?

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Does GOD care what is happening in America, I believe so and hear is another prophecy confiriming just that.


USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Haven't seen it posted here yet but the picture of Trump and the 747 AF1 and Biden and the 757 AF1 with the caption "which of these things is not like the other" is embarrassingly stupid. I wish Biden was not allowed on AF1 also but the fact is he did fly on it. Trump also flew on the 757 AF1 many times. Anytime an airport cannot service the 747 the 757 is used. Posting that pic makes us all look like idiots.

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

There seems to be quite a bit of hand wringing with people becoming afraid that all the confusion and disinformation is simply a psyop to keep we the people satiated until it is too late to do anything about the criminals. My only response to that is as follows. Do you really think Trump would do that to us?

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Trying to listen to something on bitchute is painful!

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Here is what is scaring me. I trust Trump more than the military and now it is clearly in the hands of the military. Too many what we used to call "lifers" in the military who are simply too stupid to succeed on the outside. I hope those in control are the smart and loyal to the oath ones and not the "lifers" I used to despise. If Trump still has control of the military then no issue, the right thing will happen but Trump (for obvious reasons) is not allowing anyone outside the team see what is going on so we are left to guess, pray and hope.

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

From@Bethdittmander on Gab

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Be sure to put on your "shocked" face

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

@administrator I have noticed that when accessing comments and then trying to return to the original post the software takes you back to the top of post list. Would be nice if it would return it to where you were. Thank you for this site.

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

If you follow Richard Citizen Journalist you may have seen this already, if not, take a look https://t.me/richardcitizenjournalist/505 I am afraid I do not know how to get a video from Telegram so you will need to follow the link. It shows irrefutable proof that Biden is NOT at the White House.

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Maybe I am addicted to Hopium but I think the upcoming impeachment trial is really a trap where Trump is finally going to show his cards and it will be on MSM, at least until MSM figures out what is happening and cuts the feed. Maybe that is when the emergency broadcast will kick in to ensure the public does get to hear the evidence of election fraud, who was involved both domestic and foreign, who committed treason and how the MSM and social media colluded to ensure the public was duped. I guess we will know pretty soon. Trial starts 2/8 I believe.

💫 Isabella Camille 💫🔥Child Qf God 🔥PatriQt🔥 🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸 💥WWG1WGA 💥 💥 1776 freedom💥 NCSWIC💥 ⚡️digital solider💫 💥17=Q 💥

Why February 1st is when it all starts - Executive Order 13848 goes into effect!


USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Trying to figure out how to repost a longer drop on Gab over here. Any thoughts?

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

Golliath meet David!

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Here is something I didn't know. On December 22,23 and 24 the Sun does not change position (it is dead) but on the 25th it begins to rise again. Remind you of something? Like maybe Jesus in the grave for three days then rises again. Maybe that is why December 25th was chosen for Christmas? This info compliments of Enigma https://threadreaderapp.com/user/ainittomai

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Has anyone seen a good decode of Mr. Pool?

#WWG1WGA #FightBack #FOOKED #GodWins #DigitalSoldier #ITookTheOath #SaveTheChildren #F%$kTwitter

USAF, MAGA, Christian, Not GOP or DFL but Patriot

Interesting stuff on Telegram from this guy https://t.me/Q_Jfkjr can't certify any of it as true though