Bob Enslow
@cmbwsuUSAF 1966 - 1989. This my final decision is not necessarily the last one I'm going to make!

Dorothea Dankow..
@DorotheaTNI love my Country and President Trump. He gave us the Courage and the Hope for better things for our children and gran...

Ray Fowler
@rkfowlerI'm a Conservative who happens to be blessed with a good dose of Common Sense, and I've supported Trump from t...

Rhett Linford
@DesertwolfVeteran, Patriot, defender of the United States, Duel-Service Retired, WWG1WGA - God Wins

Bob Eddy Z
@falconeddyxGod, family , truth, love, honor ,gratitude forgiveness. Keep inside the cart it's getting bumpy. God bless you all! #f...

Net Nut
@NetNutOnly the Good Lord can fix this mess. Pray for the healing of our nation & our world. Get the US out of the UN &...

@FlyonwallMAGA Libertarian that believes guns save lives, and biscuits and gravy may save your soul.

@HUN_WWG1WGAAwaken Patriot on duty to redpill as many as possible. Banned from twitter. I FB. Pro-Trump. WWG1WGA!

~sky~ kat
@sKy3s1119An Injustice Anywhere = Injustice Everywhere. Vegan, Respect & Protect ALL Innocent Beings. Spiritual, NOT Religious...

The STORM is he..
@voo64WWG1WGA! SaveTheChildren TRUMP2021- Digital Soldier- PRAY FOR TRUMP - The Storm is upon us... - Child of God - Fight Lik...
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Vincent Ke..
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Ghost Ezra
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