David Howey
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It's not easy waking people up. Sometimes you can a bit - sometimes it's best for yourself to leave it and just tell them that you will try to answer their questions later if they have any.

It's not easy waking people up. Sometimes you can a bit - sometimes it's best for yourself to leave it and just tell them that you will try to answer their questions later if they have any.

It's not easy waking people up. Sometimes you can a bit - sometimes it's best for yourself to leave it and just tell them that you will try to answer their questions later if they have any.

It's not easy waking people up. Sometimes you can a bit - sometimes it's best for yourself to leave it and just tell them that you will try to answer their questions later if they have any.

I am a long way off that!.....

And Ireland!

and some Brits who have been hanging onto the threads. God knows what is coming to our country.

I stumbled on wednesday - but good people on line helped me back again. Stumble is not failure it is natural. Coming back again and fighting is success.

Una schiffezza!

Thank you. I found Wednesday very hard to stomach. I am back now and waiting for the finale. God bless you all.