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Dars Dragon
Dars Dragon
3 hours ago

Dars Dragon

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In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

TY Kat~

For the post on these beautiful Trump Watches. I love them but can't justify getting one.

I am still Old School and need a watch on my wrist, probably a security blanket issue.

Also it is very hard to find a watch that has the day on it in addition to Old School Hands.

Most kids can't tell the time with old school hands watches. LOL

PS How are you Feeling and Healing? Sending you more Healing Energy if you need it.
Bless You!

In response Pike Bishop to his Publication

Yeah Pike~

I too recalled that in some Advertising tricks of the trade on setting the watches hands at 10 & 2.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Here is a protection prayer and some Healing Energy to help you recover quickly.
Bless You for all You do...Get well soon.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
In response Dars Dragon to her Publication
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Is this like when Shrink-flation put Biden at a small kid's table with no Presidential Seal???

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Only One Man Can Save Them!!!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Yes Kat!

Just another small bit of proof on how demons can't stand the sound of bells.

I have Tibetan Singing Bowls and the 9 hour YouTube running in a loop on my PC for years.

I also have a security camera screen by my PC and the pics use to have a lot of static. Then when I started running my Singing Bowls the static would get worst off and on.

Then one day all the static and problems I had with my electronics cleared up. The Jinn finally couldn't stand the Singing Bowls and left my house.

Co-incidentally, I noticed Spectrum at the neighbor's house the next day...did the Jinn move to their home? Hmmm

Thank You for that reminder of Bells...D

417Hz | CLEANSE NEGATIVE ENERGY with Tibetan Singing Bowls Music | 9 Hours - YouTube

Cleanse Negative Energy with Powerful 417Hz. This particular track features Sound Vibrations produced by TIbetan Singing Bowls tuned to the 417Hz and its Har...

In response Dars Dragon to her Publication

Others say it is a Baby Reveal? ???

Fr: David Wolfe on X:
Breaking:Lockdown in Massachusetts and two other counties due to the new incurable mosquito - borne infection that Kills 50% Of its victims.


In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I personally know a gal who sold her soul so that her favorite son could be successful & she would have lots of money.

Her son couldn't even finish High School, had a violent temper but now has a successful Construction Business.

She always bragged to me that all her "spiritual" people said she was the Oldest Soul they ever met. [BTW she is a witch sent by the Tri to mess with me]

I told that to my Spiritual Advisor and he said: BS, they are just stroking her Ego. If you were such an Old Soul you would KNOW never to sell your Soul to the Devil.

Selling your Soul means you have to start all over again, with a new Soul and live Thousands of Lives again just for a few Dollars for a few years.

Not worth it, IMO....

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Just like you say, Kat~

Movies show you the truth..

Just watched: The Net [1995]
Gatekeeper backdoor to access Systems

[...cyberterrorists to Gregg Microsystems and uncovers their scheme: once the Praetorians sabotage an organization's computer system, Gregg sells Gatekeeper to it and gains unlimited access through the backdoor. Bennett emails evidence of the backdoor and Gregg's involvement with the Praetorians to the FBI...]

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Never heard about this Newsweek article on RFK eating dog, but love that he cooks for his dogs.

I do that too. I rarely cook for my other half but cook daily for my dogs. My dogs eat human grade meat while us humans rarely get meat. LOL

Only heard about Obummer eating dog in Indonesia as a kid.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Posted by his brother, Malik on X:

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Wonderful Kat!

Question: This is a Tesla/Maglev car? How come they have what looks like a VW logo on the front? Will Tesla merge with VW?

Anyway, can't wait for all the Tech Reveals.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

TY for the Warnings Kat~

For the last few days, our Internet was down every am. Thought... is it starting?

The last day or two, I couldn't get on the Anon site and everything was glitchy. Thought...Did I offend the site moderator or the DS with something I posted? Hmmm

At this moment Internet is okay now (knock on wood).

I am ready, supplies overstocked so I can share with the non-preppers.

Even took out a small loan to put in a whole house generator and additional outdoor outlets to assist those not prepared, if and when we have power outages.

Our Electrical Company put out a program to cut our power whenever they want to...they act like the gov't wanting to control us, passing the burden onto us, instead of hardening the grid.

The things we have to do to be self-reliant, I guess....

Stay safe Everyone, and See you on the Other side!

In response Dars Dragon to her Publication

I was wondering more on the weird indentation on the bottom of his chin. Never saw that before. Now with the side of the jaw bruise, it seems to support the report that he fell in Vegas???

Is Joe Okay? Viewers Notice Apparent Bruise on Biden’s Jaw in Oval Office Address:

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Aloha Kat~

Speaking of Paradise CA fires. I seem to recall reading an article that stated there were many Aliens living peacefully with humans there in Paradise CA and some underground.

It was decided by them, that they would Disclose themselves in the very near future and that is when the fire destroyed the whole area.

I tried to find the article but it is gone...only found stuff on Hollow Earth - Agartha.

Have you heard of this theory, that the area was destroyed to prevent Disclosure of Alien life there?

TY for sharing your knowledge...

In response Dars Dragon to her Publication

More people wondering...if the clone Joe Biden dead??

Alex Jones@RealAlexJones
Is Joe Biden Dead?

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Kat, You are so fortunate to be a chosen one that they allow you to see them. Not me, I can only see most spirits via a camera or from cloud formations or sometimes in my minds' eye.

Hope they reveal themselves to us soon.
We are not alone.

Bless you and all you do to keep us informed.

PS in full disclosure, the pics were sent to me via email from a friend with no note of who actually took them.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Hmm Interesting.

From Uncle Manny on X:
Anyone else seen this today?

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

lol Kat~ Now that they were Busted, they now claim "Filing Error" ...I hope they lost lots of money.

[Austin Private Wealth, LLC, a Texas-based financial planning company, is being scrutinized after a social media post went viral that claimed they had put options on as many as 12 million shares of DJT shares just one day before the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

The investment firm denied the allegations and has now blamed a filing error for this controversial action.]

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Yup Kat, Suspicious indeed....

𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓: Massive shorts recorded on $DJT stock just prior to ass*ssination attempt..

Was this a planned political hit?

In response Carole Davis-Z to her Publication

I totally agree with you Carole~

My body is falling apart quickly, wondered if I can make it till Med Beds arrive. Recently hips and knees gave out, felt like giving up.

Prayed to Source to help me to heal this body...Found out my problems were with fallen arches and got inserts....

Then my Mother, of all people, had a friend who sold LifeWave Patches and she sent me some.

Yeah right, I thought but researching the website, it is Photo Therapy, it redirects specific light waves back into your body to generate your own STEM Cells!

I knew stem cells (which are cells which has not formed into a specific type yet, so go where they are needed to heal and become normal cells (organs, tissue, etc...)

What have I got to lose, so I put some on sore points and the pain was gone immediately.

Still experimenting on them but it gave me hope to hang on till Med Beds are here.

LifeWave X39 Technology Webinar by David Schmidt 17th Sept 2018 - YouTube

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Wow Kat!

That would be awesome if RFK Jr were Health & Human Services for Trump and did something about the required Vaxxs, especially for kids.

Just like dogs, they give the same 7-in-one Vaxx dose to a Huge Great Dane puppy as they do to a little Chihuahua, multiple times. And so many times the puppy has issues like autoimmune forever or hives or reactions like paralysis.

Lifelong suffering by innocent kids and puppies from over vaccination. 😢💉

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Yup Kat,

I too heard those *rumors* about 911. Gold and data Servers in the basement of the towers.

Weird but I had a dream last night that I was hanging out with Trump.

Read on another site, that others had a Trump dream too.

Wonder how many of us *awake* people were with Trump, if only in Spirit???

Thanks for your posting...I always go to your site to get the real news...

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I thought the same thing Kat, while watching it live.

Glenn Sandstrom on X tried to explain, Vincent Fusca, but reading it hurt my head. Hope someone else can decipher it. LOL

{STARGATE INITIATIVE: Operation Looking Glass - The Vincent Fusca Phenomenon
Analyze Operation Looking Glass: Vincent Fusca Dossier ULTRA TOP SECRET - REALITY CONVERGENCE ANOMALY

Vincent Fusca represents a unique quantum entanglement phenomenon bridging multiple timeline potentials.....}}

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Yeah! I suspect the main reason Big Mike keeps saying he won't run is that when you run for politics, all skeletons in the closet are exposed.

Levin also talked about President Woodrow Wilson and his 2nd wife Edith. Wilson got a massive stroke in the middle of his term, Edith hid him in the bedroom and took over saying it was *stewardship*.

He asked is Jill the new Edith? I say Yes.

Edith Wilson: The First Lady Who Became an Acting President — Without Being Elected:

Below from X: Now we know who is running Joe Biden. Jill Biden is reading Joe Biden’s briefings on Air Force One. I don’t remember electing Jill Biden us President, do you?

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Yes that was One of my favorite parts of the *Debate*.

I also liked when President Trump said multiple times...I wish he (Biden) was a great President. If he was a great President, I wouldn't have to run. I could just go on living my life....

And that is so true, 45 did NOT have to go into politics and endure the "slings and arrows" of the Left.

He did NOT have to go into Politics to MAKE himself a Millionaire...He already IS a Millionaire. As a matter of fact he lost money doing so.

I appreciate the sacrifice 45 makes every day to help Make America Great Again! Love & Appreciate you President Trump!

In response larryelkinse to his Publication

TY for the info 😊