Da. Anarchist
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We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!
Hy my dear brothers and sisters.
I speak to you as an Anon researching Q since 2 or three years now. I am part of the Anonymous Collective since 2017/18. So I could be considered to be a NewBlood in both communities.
I am proud to be here with all of you. Q showed us how to stick together, how to work together and he gave us the most important advice over and over. United we stand, divided we fall. If it comes to unity the Collective could learn by you guys.
But to be honest, the former Collective known as Anonymous is no gone. There are thousands of so called Anonymous around. But 90-95% are fake as fuck. But there are still few Anons respecting the creed and keeping the idea of Anonymous alive. There are several Op's now with the goal to reach out for those who are no cabal cia bnd Antifa FakeAnons.
So here I am as an unofficial voice of Anonymous and I want to ask everyone of you to forgive the mislead Anonymous who participated in#OpQanon and such Bullshit Op's sta

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!
Hello family, I've been away for some month, busy in doing research and fighting the DS in Austria and Germany.
The new German chancellor Scholz wants to jab 30.000.000 doses until the end of the year. Police mercenaries from constellis are getting nasty. Feel like kings when beaten up the old people. I
nside the military they Beginn to realize, that they will need to take action and arrest the wanna be government. They realize that there is no binding legal rules or laws in Germany since 1990. And as the DS wants to jab the kids know and planning an vaxxination mandatory for next year, the few good cops and the army must decide to take action soon. DS is forcing some civil unrests.
On the other hand we do our best to expose the media and all the other lying basterds. The demonstrations and gatherings getting more and bigger. The ppl now try to initiate so called Mondays demonstrations. Last time the ppl did that it led to the reunion of FRG and DDR.
May God be with all o

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!
Let me tell you something about my life in Germany. I was in a relationship which was toxic. My ex GF has borderline mixed with narcissm. This showed up shortly after we started the relationship. I woke up while I was in this relationship.
So I had a hard time over the last three years. I bet you all could imagine how it feels to be in a toxic relationship and participating in the great awakening.
I broke with that toxic woman two weeks ago and went to my parents home, starting in a new life from this save place.
My parents are intelligent, they know how to use their brains. But they are still sheeple.
They believe JB is the legitimate POTUS. They believe he is in control of all his mental power. They believe that the news that dems asked him to give up his control about the nuclear weapons is fake. They believe Trump is a stupid racist. They believe everything the Mockingbird media tells them.
There is just one way to wake them up.
I prefer to call it#RudeAwakening

Child of God. Wife-Mom-Gma. Freedom, Justice & Liberty USA MAGA 💗🤍💙🦅✝
You are correct, if they cannot believe election fraud, do not appear to care to know about the missing children and everything else, just let the EBS if that is ever to happen and just put it out there. Hell if it comes across their TV or phones they might believe it since they are glued to them anyway rather than self discovery learning.

Cdn Patriot 🇨🇦. Father of five. Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.
Time has come and gone. The people who i try and wake up think I need to be committed to an insane asylum. We will just continue to watch everyone suffer worldwide. They're showing us not to care as clearly this shit is still going on

You know what would wake some people up????

God, Family and President Trump. I'm a Mom, Nana, Veteran, Patriot. a Mom, Grandma, Conservative, Prior Military Veteran, Patriot
The Public won't wake up EVEN if you Tell them the TRUTH. That is like an abused person, you can tell them to leave their situation, BUT until something ELSE DOES wake them up, they will make excuses for the evil they are in. Ask anyone who has been ABUSED. Take for instance ME. I was in a very ABUSIVE marriage, Kept making excuses, untill my 5 year old baby boy, got down on his knees and opened up a drawer, pulled out a gun and said, :If he ever hurts you again, I will kill him." That was my wake up call. So NEVER say people will wake up if you tell them, That is a LIE.

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.
how does a "law and order" movement, not enforce law and order? "optics are important" my ass! people are losing jobs, losing businesses, children are being hurt and we see no arrests because sheeple are still sleeping. excuse me? those that have the resources and authority to act do not have any backbone to initiate action. the oath is to potect the constitution as the law of the land, not orchstrate positive optics

Bless Trump and the Military. Awake, Aware. Cant wait for the credits to roll. Truth brings the light, lies keep you in the dark.
Its time, no one who is not awake needs a slow wakup, they need a huge jolt ! NOW ! or they will continue, to many just asleep, mesmerized, controlled.Take over MSM today !

Sorry but this is bull.
You activate the EBS and let it broadcast for weeks if necessary. Trump has always said "we have everything." Well DO they? If they do, then you broadcast the evidence. Nonstop. Hard evidence. Bypass the MSM. Unbrainwash the masses. So what if there are leftist holdouts. Eventually the peer pressure will get to them too and if not, screw them. You're not going to awaken the masses through slow drips. Where are these people going to get the information? MSM? No. Twitter? No because everyone who can provide information is banned. AnonUp? No, sorry. They have no idea this place even exists.
Trump is out of the picture so the optics aren't on him. The military can sweep in and do their job. At some damn point you have to rip off the bandaid. What is this supposed to be, a wakeup call custom designed for snowflakes? That will never work.
EBS is the only way. If you want to wake them then WAKE them dammit.
Trump and the military must HONOR THEIR OATHS.

Please JOIN me Gab:@benjamin1978 DM me so I RECOGNIZE you from twitter,FOLLOW you back and BUILDUP BETTER/STRONGER thén EVER BEFORE!👊😎🇺🇸
Good morning Patriots!
5:5 on Telegram just send me a AWESOME link!
Q Clock converter, type in any date and find the corresponding Q drops of that day,..
First thing i did is punsh in tomorrow's date (Trump's First Public Speaking Event) and look what comes up!
enjoy the link and happy digging Patriots 👊😎🇺🇸

TrumpTrain Official Dedicated to the 45th President of the United States and the People of his Movement 🇺🇸

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Showing child porn online is not free speech.
It's against the law.
In a matter of seconds,@administrator's last many years of hardwork could be gone and he could be in trouble too.
Why risk that?
Does reposting graphic images of children help solve the problem?
Does reposting CP make you honorable and helpful towards fighting against child trafficking?
Best thing IMO to fight it is to spread the word without the disgusting imagery.
Also, go offline. Usually sketchy people and places in the real world are connected to this mess. Investigate these people undercover then

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!
First time I saw an thread from#AnonUp.com on telegram....

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.
I deleted the Spammer that was using@RealDonaldTrump and reserved the username for Trump if he ever decides to join us here on AnonUp

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!
Anons, let me give u an advice. Be careful with that#BubbleXRP.
It is not even a real crypto currency, if I got all that shit right..
There is an lawsuit against#ripple. It is an gigantic#Bubble which is up to burst into nothing...
So, play with it, make some money if u could. But do not wait until it is too late. If the bubble bursts whilst you still have XRP, u should act as fast as u can or u will end up with nothing
Please tell your followers about the risk...

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!
This needs to be spread as far and as wide as you could
CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections!(SHARE)
James (he gives his last name in the video) is a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), and he recorded this video as a whistleblower because he could not keep silent any longer. James reports that in 2020 very few residents in the nursing home where…
We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!
No movie nerds on stage?
There is a mistake in the text beneath that Pic, if u click that link. It says Phil Coulson destroyed Aida's body. The URL says it is the Ghost Rider. URL is right.
If u Google Phil Coulson u will find tons of info on that Marvel Character.
But if go deep enough you might find that there is a Kenyan lawyer with the name Philip Coulson. He is partner at Bowmans law firm which got a copyright in 2021. Bowmans is operating at least in some different African country's. This is what a quick digging got me to.
Might be worth for a closer look, might be nothing.

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!
Look into the comments please
Ghost Ezra
Look what I dug up on marvel's project looking glass page. Yeah a punisher kraken. https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Project_Looking_Glass?file=Ghost_Rider_B
Look what I dug up on marvel's project looking glass page. Yeah a punisher kraken. https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Project_Looking_Glass?file=Ghost_Rider_Burns_Aida.png

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!
There are problems with picture upload. It often freezes and I need to reload the page. If it a thread I made, this helps. But if I answer to someone I have to write and upload everything new.
Do not know if it is prob of my device or if others have the same issue.
Just thought I should tell ya.

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!
In Memory
God bless

We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!
So you American guys figured out, that u have been in the legal state of a corporation some time now. German Anons figured that out for Germany some years ago. They have been called crazy, have been sent to insane asylums, called nazis, "Reichsbürger" (Reichs citizen) and got brandmarked by lame stream media.
Looking forward to see them realizing what Trump did...
I read some articles claiming that trump supporters are getting rounded up to get "re-educated".
Anyone can confirm or debunk that?