Joyce Glenny
2 years ago

Joyce Glenny

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In response Heather Nicolson to her Publication

Keep in mind, what looks like a date's actually a reference to the Law of War. Chapter 11's called MILITARY OCCUPATION. It doesn't mean the occupation will happen in November or anytime near. I bet 11/11, Veterans Day 2021, will be a wonderful opportunity to spend with family on your BD, and an uneventful long weekend for the rest of us. Personally, I believe we've got the Vaccine Death Scenario on the tell-a-vision to get through, a possible Trump "death" by poisoning I've heard, a definite Biden "death" so we can head into the President Harris chapter of the movie. Here's Gerald Ford in a one minute 18 second video predicting our first woman president:

Gerald Ford Predicted Vice President Kamala Harris, first Female President Of the United States - YouTube

Gerald Ford Predicted Vice President Kamala Harris will become President Of the United States.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Whatever will come to resolve this, folks, it will NOT HAPPEN on 11.11 !! I've learned to think mirror just like they told us....if they give a date, NOT on THAT date. Haven't we learned by now? If I were engaged, I'd plan a freakin' wedding on that date, LOLOL! This will go into 2022 AT LEAST and maybe beyond! We still have a President Kamala Harris chapter to get though! IN MY HUMBLE OPINION.

In response Black Sheep to his Publication

It's not being put out for the sleepers yet on Mainstream. Here it is at the True Reporter.

In response Nina Patriot to her Publication

I've only been Awake for two months. It makes so much sense to me, and it boggles my mind that people don't believe. It makes me step back and say, Wow, was that me from before? I feel God was merciful to me to have not such a rude awakening. I learned more & more at my own pace. I still tell people what I know. Not to say I told you so. But so they heard it at least somewhere, & it won't be such a shock when it all goes public.

In response Ernst Stavro Blofeld to his Publication

Maybe it's an example of a tunnel for the article. But this $hit is real & photos shouldn't be readily accessible unless a person truly wishes to view them, not by chance. You can't unsee it after all.

In response Staci Metts to her Publication

Charlie Ward said this a week ago, what all was happening during the darkness at the White House. Many of the children were born there underground & never saw the light of day so removing them at nighttime was merciful.


In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

I'm convinced that she's been executed. Just because they tweet doesn't mean they're still alive. I think "Hillary" is the algorithm-fueled manifestation (ghost, apparition, etc.) of an ancient woman (her High Priestess status in the Cabal.) Ok, maybe reading too much at her status but she's definately taking a dirt nap, imbo.

In response Camille Faith to her Publication

According to SGT Robert Horton the Republic was saved in 1999 but no one knew I guess.

In response Jean Hercegova to her Publication

One thing's for sure...that is not Joe Biden. How can that "criminal" lead America if he's not even present? They just cancelled Lou Dobbs. Maybe they'll stop the Newsom Recall in CA against the will of the people. We might even see K. Harris take her place as Prez and BiDAN retired. Why not see these things? The sleepers would have to be in a coma not to wake up after that, LOL! I'm shooting for April 1st or even April 24th or 25th to see Trump back in.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

DAM Event = Digital Asset Management event?

In response Chili Palmer to his Publication

I don't think it means a broadcast. Just that the military has captured control of our media. The when of it is coming. Apparently, it would have never happened before Jan 5 at 6pm ET. And now it can happen at anytime. I'm guessing NOT during Super Bowl Sunday. But Simon Parkes says a cool fly-by may occur with a message for the spectators on the underside of the aircraft.

In response LADY LIBERTY to her Publication

Media capture starts tonight, Jan 5. They did not say they would broadcast. They would not have done, beforehand, but can do so starting this evening. When is unknown yet.

In response LADY LIBERTY to her Publication
In response THE REAL SANTINO to his Publication

Found it!🤣

And we won't ever, hopefully. Not the real one, obvioulsly it's BiDAN now. President Trump loves giving off a good hint...he's "shot." Was the President referring to Biden's memory or Biden himself?