Chesterton Lives
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Chesterton Lives

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Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

A World War is percolating and a major European dignitary is shot.

This sounds eerily familiar.

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

Propaganda 101 Wednesday

Do you know about the "Academy Aperture Initiative"?

Hollywood DEI on steroids, including...

"Unconscious bias training will be mandatory for all Academy governors, branch executive committee members and Academy staff on an annual basis."

Step 1 was...

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

Here is the context.

Total Apostasy from the Top.

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

"The disadvantage of men not knowing the past is that they do not know the present. History is a hill or high point of vantage, from which alone men see the town in which they live or the age in which they are living."

--Gilbert K. Chesterton

Oera Linda | Fyodor Dostoevsky | Lao Tse | Mehran Keshe | Q
Man claims Atrazine (the gender bender chemical) is in the school lunches from Michelle Obama’s “Healthy, Hunger” free kids school lunches.

Could they be capable of such a thing? (I think we know the answer)

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

Not that we don't all know their plan by now...

1 ) Bring back child labor
2) Eliminate "retirement"

Always translate their messages...

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

You know how some players fade in the big game and others say, "Yeah, bring it on."

Feeling fearless today. You?

Oera Linda | Fyodor Dostoevsky | Lao Tse | Mehran Keshe | Q

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

Words cannot express...

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

So, a couple quick questions...

1) How is the war a world health concern?

2) What do you mean by "occupied Palestinian Territory"?

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

The Left pees on every wall they pass.

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

Ask yourself, why did they use aborted fetal cells in the vax?

Also, shouldn't that have been thr reddest of flags?

Why wasn't it?

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

"O God of earth and altar,

Bow down and hear our cry,
Our earthly rulers falter,

Our people drift and die;
The walls of gold entomb us,

The swords of scorn divide,
Take not thy thunder from us,

But take away our pride."

--G.K. Chesterton

STANLEY KUBRICK wow...conversation



Van Allen Belt prevents Moon trip..IMPOSSIBLE TO GO.

Film Director Stanley Kubrick who suspiciously died shortly after the film Eyes Wide Shut was released explains what he was told about the moon landing in this rare footage before his death.


Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

Yes indeed, Yale University actually has a Center for Inclusive Growth.

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

Define "weakness"

"I have faith in our ability to unite and seek common ground."

Common ground?

VIDEO INSIDE CIA: Project Manager Says Execs and Directors of CIA Withheld Information From Trump - YouTube

BREAKING – EXPOSING THE CIA: “So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…Director of the CIA would keep [informatio...

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

Define "Tin Ear"

"Columbia launches a Reinvestment in its Values and Mission"

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

Oh for the good old 1960s when the fraudsters were at least more interesting...

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

“The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all.”

― G.K. Chesterton

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

... the Five Stages of Deprogramming:

1. Discredit the figure of authority: the cult leader.

2. Present contradictions (ideology vs. reality): “How can he preach love when he exploits people?” is an example.

3. The breaking point: When a subject begins to listen to the deprogrammer; when reality begins to take precedence over ideology.

4. Self-expression: When the subject begins to open up and to voice some of his own gripes against the cult.

5. Identification and transference: when the subject begins to identify with the deprogrammers, starts to think of himself as an opponent of the cult rather than a member of it.

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

That very loud sound we will soon hear...

“Snapping” ... has also come to denote the time period of moment during a deprogramming when ... the cultist has “the indescribable experience of [the] mind opening up, as if a light switch had been thrown.”

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

"The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.”

– G.K Chesterton

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

How cults brainwash

Step 8: The dispensing of existence.

“...the totalist environment draws a sharp line between those whose right to existence can be recognized, and those who possess no such right. In practice, this has led to an 'ends justify the means”'attitude among destructive cult leaders."

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

How cults brainwash

Step 7: Doctrine over person.

"As a corollary to the establishment of a “sacred science,” totalistic systems maintain that personal experience does not overrule the 'facts' as explained by the doctrine. As a result, individual critical faculties, and even perception itself, are denied."

Examples are unnecessary with this one.

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

How cults brainwash

Step 6: Loading the Language

"Destructive cults typically evolve an elaborate and idiosyncratic terminology that is used to answer quickly and simplistically any doubts, and terminate any troublesome questioning."

Examples: "if you follow the science," "another conspiracy theorist," "experts have concluded..."

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity

How cults brainwash

Step 5: The “sacred science.”

"Totalist systems proclaim their dogma to be the absolute, complete, and eternal truth, which in turn elevates the dogma to a sacred level. Any information that contradicts this absolute truth is therefore false by definition, and its source is misguided at best and an enemy at worst."