Bubble Machine
3 years ago

Bubble Machine

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In the name of medical choice and freedom, please help the state of Arkansas. Boost this post so someone in Arkansas can see it! If you are from Arkansas, flood all the Representatives/Senators with emails and texts. We need 2/3’s to approve extending the session and ask them to debate Bob Ballinger bill. If the bill is not heard, Walmart, Tyson, Mercy, Washington Regional, and other employers will continue to push vaccine mandates. https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Legislators/List #VaccineMandate#Biden#Arkansas#Trump#wwg1wga#MAGA#covid#mask#vaccinepassport#Freedom#politics#MyBodyMyChoice

When I was young, I was a tomboy. I loved dirt & all things outdoors. Girl things were for sissies. Girls doing the dumb girl things & boys doing cool boy things made me think I wanted to be a boy.
As an adult, I've grown to embrace being a woman who loves activities that are more masculine. Secure in my femininity, I married the love of my life & bore 2 beautiful girls, who have always been encouraged to pursue their own interests. I'm proud of who I am in the Lord, as a wife, a mother, & as a lady.
Were I born 30 years later, the mere thought of wanting to be a boy may have been encouraged, if not pushed into a political "Be who you think you are" movement. Without any understanding of consequences, I may have chosen puberty blockers solely because my first bra was traumatizing. This choice would wouldn't have allowed me to lead the happy, healthy, fulfilling life that I now enjoy.
Let's allow kids to have normal, healthy childhoods. It's time to let kids be kids again.#MAGA

This just in: If you wear two bathing suits, you can pee in the pool this summer.#covid#corona#YouCantFixStupid#mask#fauci#Freedom

Black people are not the enemy.
White people are not the enemy.
Division is evil.
Evil is the Enemy.

PSA: Asking someone about their vaccine status is just as tacky as asking if they use birth control. Have some respect. #DontAskDontTell#covid#corona#VaccinePassports#vaccine#Communism#Biden#Trump#MAGA#UnitedWeStand#mask#democrat#Republican#Freedom#constitution

"The Constitution opens with the most powerful words: We The People. It's time we remember that We The People are the government." -Joe Biden, April 29, 2021
Sounds like someone doesn't understand The Constitution. We the People elected the government. We The People have control--NOT the government. The Constitution, the very document that he is referencing and yet does not understand, gives We The People the power.


Biden put Cu0m0, who killed >15,000 people in nursing homes, in charge of the White House C0V1D calls with governors. Is this what "80 million" Americans voted for? The man that hides in the basement while incompetency runs the 💩 show?#covid#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#Biden#cuomo#NewYork#corona#mask#democrat#WhiteHouse#politics https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/cuomo-as-head-of-governors-association-now-leads-covid-calls

Why does the media push division?
Why does the media incite violence?
Why does the media pit race v race?
Why does the media pit religion against religion?
Why does the media pit sex v sex?
Why does the media pit class v class?
Divided you are weak.
Divided you fight each other.
Divided you pose no threat to their system of control.
Controlled media plays a major role in shaping the narrative(s) to keep you powerless [helpless] and asleep [unaware of truth].

Pathogen to profit: Fauci was at the hub that controlled 100% of the cash flow that built the c0r0nav1ru5. https://rumble.com/vfsaij-turning-pathogen-to-profit.html#covid#fauci#vaccine#politics#government#CDC#MSM#mask#Communism#TheGreatAwakening#Freedom#wwg1wga

When is she going to step up and do what she said she was going to do? Guess she lied. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1q_XGF3XXM#MAGA#Trump#STOPTHESTEAL#Freedom#SaveTheChildren#Biden#TheGreatAwakening#wwg1wga

Web Extra: Sen. Kamala Harris at the Homestead Migrant Children Detention Facility - YouTube

Web Extra: Sen. Kamala Harris at the Homestead Migrant Children Detention Facility

Unfortunately, this is based on a true story and it's time to wake up to this reality. https://www.soundoffreedommovie.com/

Our servicemen and women have my utmost respect, and I thank them for their service and sacrifice. Let's face it, common folk can do more to preserve our freedom. We don't have to hold guns to fight for our freedom, rather we can join the fight with our wallets, as it appears that the corporations are redefining what they feel our freedom should look like. While certainly nothing compared to the ultimate sacrifice given by some, for some of us, boycotting some of these companies will be a hardship. If we all do this together, we can win this war. Here's a list I've come up with (Their recent public statements conflict with 3lecti0n 1nt1gr1ty, the C0nstituti0n or the Bill of R1ghts). Feel free to add more in the comments.
Delta Airlines
United Airlines
American Airlines
Ben & Jerry's
Major League Baseball
JPMorgan Chase


How do we determine what is important to Americans? Who makes that determination? Who sets the narrative? Are you being lied to? #msmistheenemyofthepeople#MAGA#TheGreatAwakening#cnn#politics#agenda#STOPTHESTEAL https://rumble.com/vfmxhf-cnn-sets-the-tone.html

We are dangerously close to allowing history to repeat itself.
* Masks = the gold star (Jewish badge)
* Vaccine passports = evidence and documentation to prove you were not a Jew during the holocaust
* People that condemn non-maskers = People that turned Jews in to slaughter at the hand of the Nazis

We hold the key, not the government. We do not have to allow this to continue. Stand up and fight--but not each other. Fight the lies you are being told. Fight the tyranny. Fight what is really costing lives. Government can not control the people without their permission. #TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#covid#Biden#GodWins


Who knew that we, as Americans, would feel as though it is a privilege to show our face in public?#Freedom#covid#TheGreatAwakening

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork (but no ID) allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid#TheGreatReset

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork (but no ID) allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid#TheGreatReset

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork (but no ID) allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid#TheGreatReset

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork, but no ID, allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork (but no ID) allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid#TheGreatReset

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork (but no ID) allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid#TheGreatReset

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork (but no ID) allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid#TheGreatReset https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-03-29/biden-administration-working-on-vaccine-passport-initiative

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork, but no ID, allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork (but no ID) allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐 #TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid#TheGreatReset

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork (but no ID) allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid#TheGreatReset https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-03-29/biden-administration-working-on-vaccine-passport-initiative

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork (but no ID) allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid#TheGreatReset

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork (but no ID) allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid#TheGreatReset

Why is Biden releasing illegals into the country with paperwork (but no ID) allowing them to fly, but is working on vaccine passports for citizens? 🧐#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#MAGA#Biden#covid#TheGreatReset