When I was young, I was a tomboy. I loved dirt & all things outdoors. Girl things were for sissies. Girls doing the dumb girl things & boys doing cool boy things made me think I wanted to be a boy.
As an adult, I've grown to embrace being a woman who loves activities that are more masculine. Secure in my femininity, I married the love of my life & bore 2 beautiful girls, who have always been encouraged to pursue their own interests. I'm proud of who I am in the Lord, as a wife, a mother, & as a lady.
Were I born 30 years later, the mere thought of wanting to be a boy may have been encouraged, if not pushed into a political "Be who you think you are" movement. Without any understanding of consequences, I may have chosen puberty blockers solely because my first bra was traumatizing. This choice would wouldn't have allowed me to lead the happy, healthy, fulfilling life that I now enjoy.
Let's allow kids to have normal, healthy childhoods. It's time to let kids be kids again.#MAGA