Brenda Paschall
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Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
Posted by Lin on Telegram
Telegram: Contact @linwoodspeakstruth
Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
Section 1. Policy. Our Nation has an abiding commitment to empower
our workers and communities; promote and protect our public health and
the environment; and conserve our national treasures and monuments,…

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
Most recent projects were completed in
Las Vegas
New Jersey
If you lookup “ Electric Panda”.... you will wonder why in the heck
this isn’t front page news now with Texas.
Conclusively, Biden, on his first day in office, opened up the
American electrical grid to China.
His very first day in office. 3 weeks later, 5 million are without
power and struggling to keep their families warm, and many livestock
are unable to survive the emergent conditions caused by my power and
limited water.”
The White House
Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and
Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis | The White House
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the
laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
Chinese businesses and multi-national companies manufacturing
transformers in China, which are later plugged into the electric grid
in the United States.
Chinese power equipment can be embedded with software and hardware
that can be remotely accessed, enhancing China’s ability to commit
cyberattacks. Because power transformers are huge and weigh between
100 and 400 tons, it is not easy to identify embedded software or
hardware. There is also a potential hardware risk since counterfeit
items can be easily put into large power transformers.”
You can read Trump’s EO here:
What prompted Trump’s EO was this prior report right here. The
Department of Energy found in this report, that there were :
6 - US power transformer manufacturers
30- Chinese power transformer manufacturers.
You can read the report here:

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
Just a small little paragraph tucked away in one of Biden’s EO’s the
first day he was in office under the umbrella of “restoring science to
tackle the climate crisis”.
You can find it here:
So I researched our energy transformers that supply our power grid.
Turns out, we have had zero transformers in this country that were
manufactured in China prior to 2009. From 2009 -2019, China has
manufactured 200 of our transformers, supplying 60% of our power grid.
Trump’s EO states this snippet, interestingly enough.
May 1, 2020 order, President Trump stated that
“the United States should no longer purchase transformers and other
electric grid equipment manufactured in China. He signaled that it is
important to end relationships that U.S. utilities have directly with
Chinese businesses

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
This was forwarded to me:
Something is not sitting right with me with Texas and it’s not just
the weather.
I mean it really bothers me these millions of Texas families are suffering.
I couldn’t sleep actually...
So I woke up this morning, made coffee and got to researching.
I started pulling Biden’s EO’s this morning and I found something
buried in the Keystone Piepline EO..... way towards the end of the
It turns out that the same day Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline,
he also lifted the security on our power grid for 90 days (Trump’s EO
the year prior secured our power grid by giving China no access.)
Here below is the snippet buried in Biden’s Keystone pipeline EO.
“c) Executive Order 13920 of May 1, 2020 (Securing the United States
Bulk-Power System), is hereby suspended for 90 days. The Secretary of
Energy and the Director of OMB shall jointly consider whether to
recommend that a replacement order be issued.”
Just a small lit

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
(5) I'm not a betting man, but those odds look sweet to me!
So you took the vaccine and didn't die. Wonderful news. I didn't take the vaccine and I didn't die either!
Lets pick this back up in several years, when I'm still human... and fuck knows what you are.
This is not scare mongering. This scientific fact. Not even scientists can ultimately know what this is doing. People really need to understand what they are lining themselves up for... or more to the point, understand what they "don't" know what their lining themselves up for.
Please wake up.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
I see people stating that "if it's the only way to get back to normal, then I'm having it." I'm just gobsmacked. These people are more than prepared to risk change of the very fabric of what "life" is, just so they can get their "life" back?
If you think I'm talking shit, then more fool you. Go and have the vaccine. Hopefully, you wont have to regret your decision, should the time come.
This information is readily available for you to read. If you are ignorant enough to roll up your sleeves with your eyes completely shut, then maybe you have no idea on what the meaning of "life" actually is, and you're chasing a complete fantasy.
You think its about saving lives. You think its as clear cut as "life or death." It's not. It's not dying from a vaccine that I'm scared of. It's living with it's potential long term effects. As opposed to the 99.97% survival rate that will see the back of the effects of Covid in about a week. I'm not a betting man, but those odds look sweet to

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
(3) genetic makeup, all because of a virus that has no more than a 0.03% fatality rate. A virus that is parallel with the flu (which has mysteriously vanished since the arrival of Covid.) Not to mention that the FDA have not approved this as a legitimate vaccine as yet, but have only approved for emergency use. This means that it's being tested on you! Most "vaccine" companies don't even refer to this as a vaccine, but as an "operating system." I'll assume that Mr Gates likes to call it this!
If you are ignorant enough to tell me that I am selfish enough to want my DNA to remain intact, at the risk of somebody's life, who already has underlying conditions and probably would have died from the flu or any other ailment, due to their own failing immune system, then you are completely insane.
I see people stating that "if it's the only way to get back to normal, then I'm having it." I'm just gobsmacked. These people are more than prepared to risk change of the very fabric of what "li

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
(2) Both are very similar, yet have their differences also. But, more importantly, lets talk about their functions.
DNA replicates and stores genetic information. It is a blueprint for all genetic information contained within an organism. RNA converts the genetic information contained within DNA to a format used to build proteins, and then moves it to ribosomal protein factories.
The mRNA vaccine is a synthetic "messenger" RNA strand, that converts genetic information within DNA.
Now, they've told you that they do this to produce proteins to in order to strengthen the immune system to fight the Covid virus, but if you really look at the bigger picture here, it might leave you quite numb to understand the potential reality of the situation.
If you have had the vaccine, rest assured that your DNA is now changing. Do you have any idea of the implications of that? Your genetic makeup is mutating.
You are being put under extreme pressure to take a substance that changes you

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
Someone sent this to me ...
This is powerful
“I've had my vaccine and I feel fine."
This is the uneducated and ignorant defence from anyone that has taken the vaccine and uses it as proof that the vaccine works, when confronting anyone who questions it. If that's your defence, then you haven't listened to a single word anyone has said, including science itself.
It's an mRNA vaccine. Innovative medicine. Completely untested. Unlike any other vaccine. In fact, it steps out of medicine and firmly into genetics. Let me explain.
What is RNA? RNA is Ribonucleic Acid. And if you actually went to school, you will have heard of DNA. This is deoxyribonucleic Acid. And if you know anything about DNA, it contains the genetic makeup of any organism.
Both are very similar, yet have their differences also. But, more importantly, lets talk about their functions.
DNA replicates and stores genetic information. It is a blueprint for all genetic information contained within an organism

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
Telegram: Contact @TrumpClassic
This was a very good prediction ???? @TrumpClassic
Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
Telegram: Contact @GhostEzra
I often get this question alot. It's a great question. Here's the question: If this is a movie why are so many people suffering? Answer: There were systems setup well before Trump. Dominion voter fraud systems, Haarp, deadly and corrupt pharmacutical industry, corrupt DC. Trump didn't ..
Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.
It's working. How do you convince the world? You show them. The short-term damage is nothing compared to the pillage and plundering We the People have endured since 1871. Trump is prevailing.
Telegram: Contact @JohnFKennedyJr
"Never before a that demented person ruled the world!" ?
Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Texas Patriot who loves Trump and has been blissfully married for 38 years to the love of my life.

Tuckin wrote this prayer for DJT, he would be honored if you would pray the prayer and repost, Thank you kindly.