Dr. Johanna Dei..
@EyeOfTheStorm369Covid Frontlines MD, Virology PhD. https://crimesagainsthumanitytour.com/ https://medicaloversight.substack.com/p/what-i...

@mostcommonsenseangelJESUS IS REAL! AND MY SAVIOUR! Trump supporter 100% - (You'll find out!) A loving BOOMER Grandmother & A Texas farme...

Silver Cat
@silvercatAt night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is...

Michele hoffman
@LuddyDundrumsWith you crazy anons since the movement began. The original Hippy Chic has returned. Love you all~

Mike Anon
@Mike314Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequ...

Barry B***
@55QPatriotGod. Married to @greeneyedkatt. Family. Patriot. 1A/2A. Bill of Rights. 1776. 1871. 1965 F-100.

Deborah Salisbu..
@RaenyaOn Q the first night ,, JFKjr is very much alive ,, but you all here know that ,,, Committed to a world WITHOUT THE CABA...

Nina Patriot
@NinaPatriotGod, Family, Country, pure blood https://gab.com/PatriotNina https://truthsocial.com/@patriotNina

Jeff Wuchich
@thewuch#MAGA Christian Counselor, Software Sales Executive, Ardent believer in the Constitution of We the People of the United ...

Blaine .13
@Blaine13Working to stay on the good path in a good way. #SaveTheChildren. I love God the Creator, Source of all, be positive my ...

Former [Corn Po..
@CorstructionChiwaukee....Farmer, Construction, Dump Trucking, in that order. Blue Collar at its finest. I went to College, what a ...

Mrs. Brown
@tcbpatriotWoman of God, believe in common sense, love the USA, and also PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!

Emma Robinson
@EmmaRobinsonI am a faithful daughter of God and a Proud MAGA Patriot. #WWG1WGA #Trump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://t.co/YOWV2c...

Dennis Young
@Scorpiat* Married Patriot * NRA Instructor * NRA Range Safety Officer * LE security instructor * Conservative * Christian * I ba...

@bluestarcommonsenseJESUS IS REAL! AND MY SAVIOUR! Trump supporter 100% - (You'll find out!) A loving BOOMER Grandmother & A Texas farme...

Richard William..
@RichwillAm proud to be a neurosurgeon doctorπ―Trump is the best man in the world,
Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 β..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more